Why We Need a Climate Change Glossary, by Shalinee Kumari
Climate Stories Project Blog
1y ago
Shalinee Kumari (She/Her) Editorial Assistant, The Third Pole ​ Shalinee Kumari is an editorial assistant at The Third Pole. Prior to this role, she worked as a trainee digital journalist with BBC Hindi. She is a postgraduate in Convergent Journalism from AJK MCRC, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. During her post-graduation, she also worked as an independent journalist covering the environment. She can be reached on X here and on Instagram here.   You can also follow The Third Pole on X, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. With rising temperatures and ..read more
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Climate Stories and the Crisis of Inattention
Climate Stories Project Blog
2y ago
By Jason Davis, director of Climate Stories Project May is the height of seasonal drama in Massachusetts, where I make my home. The Earth thrums with a sensory overload of surging life: otherworldly pink and white blossoms erupt from magnolia trees, electric orange and black Baltimore orioles flash overhead, and mosses glow vibrant green after spring rains. I am especially attuned to the riotous soundscapes. The first-of-the-season “ee-o-lay..” of a wood thrush, or the ethereal chirping of spring peepers at dusk are quintessential sounds of the New England spring.  Wood thrush image by V ..read more
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Climactic Tales: Finding my Climate Story and Encountering Many Others
Climate Stories Project Blog
4y ago
This post is by Shilpita Mathews, a Research Assistant at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment who frequently writes about climate justice on her personal blog.     Having witnessed the aftermath of the Asian tsunami in 2004, I’ve been struck from a young age by how devastating natural disasters can be. Unfortunately, such natural disasters are becoming far too common an experience for today’s youth as a result of climate change. Growing up in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Jordan, I was always aware that climate justice is intrinsical ..read more
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Climate Stories and Coronavirus
Climate Stories Project Blog
5y ago
By Jason Davis, Director of Climate Stories Project ​During the past several months, many people have written extensively about the connections between the devastating Covid-19 pandemic and the climate crisis. The remarkable similarities between the twin emergencies include the dynamics of denial and delay, the false tradeoff between public and planetary health and the economy, the unveiling of profound societal inequities, and the pressing need for social trust and governmental action in finding solutions. ​However, while the climate crisis is evolving over years, the pandemic is unfoldi ..read more
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On Cooper's Hawks and Seasonal Change
Climate Stories Project Blog
5y ago
By Jason Davis, Director of Climate Stories Project ​Recently, I rode my bicycle along the Norwottuck Rail Trail, a former railroad bed turned bike path, which links the towns of Northampton and Amherst, Massachusetts. Riding on the trail in early February felt weird: I had put my bike away for the season in December, despondent at the thought that I’d have to wait until spring to ride again, when the snow and ice would be gone. But here I was, zipping along ice-free pavement in what should be the coldest part of the year. Joggers passed by in shorts and t-shirts. Suddenly, a likely startled ..read more
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Climate Stories from Italy, Slovenia and Austria
Climate Stories Project Blog
5y ago
This post is by Berenice Tompkins and has been shared on her personal blog at climatefootsteps.wordpress.com. I am currently walking from Rome to the Katowice, Poland COP24 climate summit on a journey called the Climate Pilgrimage. The climate pilgrims are from seven different countries and many walks of life, and climate storytelling is an important part of our mission. We are walking both to give a human face to climate change and tell stories from our home countries, particularly climate front-lines like the Philippines, and to document and share the ways climate change is appearing in the ..read more
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Climb it 4 Climate: Collecting Climate Stories from the Highest Mountains on Earth
Climate Stories Project Blog
5y ago
This post was written by Bethany Garretson, Environmental Studies Professor at Paul Smith's College in the Adirondack Park, New York State. Bethany Garretson I believe in the power of storytelling. Think of all the places a story has taken you: The savannahs of Kenya, the sand dunes of Egypt, the bayous of the Mississippi delta, or the battlefields of Gettysburg. We are made of stories and these stories want to be told. I’m a professor of Environmental Studies at Paul Smith’s College, a small liberal arts school in the Adirondack Park. I’ve included an interview assignment in every class I’ve ..read more
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Music of Changes
Climate Stories Project Blog
5y ago
By Jason Davis, director, Climate Stories Project ​ This blog post originally appeared on the Artists and Climate Change site. John Sinnok, Iñupiat elder, Shishmaref, Alaska. Photo by Jason Davis I write and perform music that features the recorded voices of people speaking about their responses to climate change. When I tell people this I normally get a response like, “That’s really interesting!” I usually relate a little of my background, as they are probably thinking “What the heck are you talking about?” For most of my adult life, I have been alternating between working as a jazz bassi ..read more
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Sara Beth Keough and Africa Climate Stories
Climate Stories Project Blog
5y ago
In this post, geography professor Sara Beth Keough of Saginaw Valley State University describes her work with West African graduate students in Niamey, Niger. During her time there as a Fulbright Scholar, she coached the students in planning and recording their stories about how climate change is impacting their hometowns. Listen to the students' stories here! ​“Climate change” wasn’t my original teaching assignment. During the 2016-2017 academic year, I was a Fulbright Scholar in the West African country of Niger, sent to teach at the national university in the capital city of Niamey and con ..read more
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Karrie Quirin on Youth Climate Action
Climate Stories Project Blog
5y ago
Youth Leading in Climate Action  by Karrie Quirin “Your task as the young… is to reinvent the universe, the universe made out of stories — to change the stories, to tell them, to bury them, and to give birth to them. A difficult task, but not an impossible one.” – Rebecca Solnit With the recent news of the US withdrawing from the Paris Accord, many young people are feeling overwhelmed and distraught. However, I wanted to speak to young people today and let them know that hope is not lost. In fact, now is the most important time to take action —and many young people like myself are doing s ..read more
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