Portland Edible Gardens Blog
Portland Edible Gardens Blog provides seasonally relevant compost information, guidance, and advice for vegetable gardeners here in the Portland area. Our mission is to help people grow their own organic fruits and vegetables at their homes.
Portland Edible Gardens Blog
11M ago
By Pritha Golden Steele
Kale is a delicious versatile green beloved by many. It is a vegetable that can really thrive in our climate and can be grown nearly year-round. It can also get destroyed by pests if measures aren’t taken to prevent damage. Perhaps one season your kale grew wonderfully and the next it was riddled with pests. Many folks give up on kale altogether because of this, but once you know a few strategies to address common issues, you will be able to grow beautiful kale with much more consistency.
Kale thrives in full sun, but compared to many garden veggies it can t ..read more
Portland Edible Gardens Blog
1y ago
By Pritha Golden Steele
Sugar snap peas are a wonderful plant to grow for the beginning and seasoned gardener alike. They are easy to grow, very well suited to growing in the pacific northwest, and delicious. Peas are also an absolute joy for kids! Below we lay out instructions on how to grow this garden favorite. All peas share the same plant care, so whether you want to grow snow peas, shelling peas or sugar snap peas, all of the following information applies.
Seed or start?
Once your soil is well amended with fresh compost and fertilizer you may ask yourself “should I plant seeds or start ..read more
Portland Edible Gardens Blog
1y ago
By Pritha Golden Steele
Gardening is both an art and a science, and for many, a bit of a mystery. I can’t tell you how many people have told me “I just don’t have a green thumb.” But I can’t emphasize this enough – EVERYONE – has what it takes to grow food. The life sustaining relationship between people and plants goes back as long as humans have existed. Working with plants to provide sustenance, medicine and more is part of our basic humanity.
That doesn’t mean everyone needs to have a garden, but for those who venture on the journey of growing food, it can mean a lot of guesswork and a lot ..read more
Portland Edible Gardens Blog
1y ago
Have you ever planted fall or winter veggies only to grow small plants that never reach maturity? Or have you lost your plants to frost before you even get to harvest them? By no fault of their own, many people plant vegetable starts from the nursery without knowing that the plant is being sold during a time of year when it will never become fully mature before cool temperatures slow the plant’s growth to a sloth-like pace.
Eat abundantly year round!
First and foremost, knowing what to plant when is the foundation for success in a winter garden. Read our blog post Top Ten Winter Vegetab ..read more
Portland Edible Gardens Blog
2y ago
There’s nothing like the freshness and sparkle that a handful of home grown herbs can add to a meal. And while most people resign themselves to a fall and winter of stews and roasts, abandoning hope of all things fresh until spring, they don’t realize that your winter table can, in fact, be garnished with a little hint of Summer! And a few beloved annual herbs planted late in the season can make all the difference.
September is the perfect time for planting annual herbs that will mature and be harvestable through the Fall and into Winter
September is the last possible planting window for fall ..read more
Portland Edible Gardens Blog
2y ago
We are in the home stretch for Summer vegetables like Tomatoes! If you’ve played your cards right, by now your tomatoes are an architectural feature in your garden. They have put on voluminous growth since a late Spring planting, they have flowered, been pollinated, and heavy fruits are beginning to ripen on the vine. You have supported them, pruned them, prayed over them, and it all looks like it just might pay off! So your work is done, right? …Well, not exactly. The quality of your harvest will very much depend on how you care for your tomatoes during this final important stretch of summer ..read more
Portland Edible Gardens Blog
2y ago
While many of us associate cilantro with tomatoes, tomatilllos and hot chili peppers, this beloved herb does not like the heat like those other plants do. That means it is easier to grow cilantro in the spring and the fall than it is in the summer (when peppers and tomatoes are ripe). That being said, growing the beautiful cilantro you want from your garden is not out of reach!
Start VS Seed
As a general rule, cilantro does best when grown by seed. One exception is at the very beginning of the season in late February or early March when it is quite cold. At this time, planting cilantro starts ..read more
Portland Edible Gardens Blog
2y ago
One thing to know about peppers is that they truly love the heat! While we don’t have the hottest climate in the Pacific Northwest, we can still grow beautiful peppers here. It simply takes more care to get a productive pepper crop in this climate than a warmer southern climate.
One way we like to improve our success with peppers is by being selective about our pepper selections and choosing varieties that are early to mature. It is also very important to plant peppers at the right time to maximize their growing season. Here in Portland, Oregon we aim to plant peppers around June 1st when nig ..read more
Portland Edible Gardens Blog
2y ago
When we start our first lettuce plantings at the end of February and beginning of March, I often get the question “Isn’t it too early to be planting lettuce?” Lettuces are cold sensitive and in our climate, and late winter is marked with frosty nights. Fortunately, if you follow a few simple practices, you can successfully grow early season lettuce, and start eating fresh salads from your garden come early spring.
Three Tips For Success
Cover your lettuces with frost blanket:
Just like you and me, plants can benefit from a blanket in cold temperatures. You can source frost blanket from vari ..read more
Portland Edible Gardens Blog
2y ago
Growing vegetables from seeds, or “direct seeding,” in your garden is one of the best things about growing food at home! It can be a challenge to find varieties that are easy to grow, well adapted for your garden, and delicious. So save yourself the trouble and get your hands on some tried and true varieties that we love! We have grown hundreds of varieties over many years farming and gardening here in the pacific northwest. We have distilled that list down to our all-time top ten vegetable varieties for growing at home. So don’t waste another minute! Get your hands on some these favorite var ..read more