Funner Runner
I love to run and most importantly I love to have FUN while I run....I am the FUNNER RUNNER!
Funner Runner
5y ago
As of yesterday, my run streak (and Momma K's) is now at 6 years!!!!!! Yes, 6 years (2193 consecutive days) of 1+ mile per day...EVERY SINGLE DAY! What a wild and crazy 6 years it has been to say the least. To celebrate the 6 year anniversary of our run streak, I wanted to share the story of how the streak started and some fun memories along the way.
In May 2014, Momma K and I took on the Runner's World Run Streak challenge. During the challenge you complete at least 1 mile per day from Memorial Day until July 4th. The Run Streak is an awesome way to commi ..read more
Funner Runner
5y ago
It is time to kick off the 2020 runDisney Princess Half Marathon weekend! First stop of the weekend (other than the hotel for a few hours of shut-eye) - the expo! Y'all know that I love race expos - between checking out vendors, shopping for merchandise and meeting up with friends it is just time that I always enjoy about race weekends. runDisney races have some pretty awesome expos, but you definitely have to have a plan in order to make the most of your time there.
While the expo was scheduled to open at 10:00am, we arrived around 8:30am to snap a few ..read more
Funner Runner
5y ago
Long time, no blog. Right? While you might have seen my social media pages still popping up in you feeds (and thank you all for following along), I took a little step back from the world of blogging for the past two months just to let my heart, mind, and soul refresh. Obviously, the past two months have been a whirlwind of feelings, experiences, and most definitely LACK of experiences.
I have now been working from home since mid-March. All races have been canceled since March 7th. Vacations and gatherings have been canceled. My vocabulary has gro ..read more
Funner Runner
5y ago
After a disappoint few years at the Hot Chocolate 15K/5K Atlanta expo, I opted to pay a few bucks and have my race packet mailed to me. Since there is no race morning pickup, my choices were like $12 to have my stuff delivered to my doorstep or drive 45 minutes downtown, pay $10+ to park, walk to the expo and around the expo for 10 minutes then drive 45 minutes home. It was well worth my money and time to do packet mailing instead. My friends that went to the "expo" said that I really didn't miss much except a few chocolate samples.
We pre-purchased parking at one of the recommen ..read more
Funner Runner
5y ago
Disclaimer: A HUGE thanks to the team at StrideBox for allowing me to review their subscription box service. While I did receive a box to review, no other compensation was received. As always, I keep it real and all thoughts are strictly my own. Fitness and health products can be very tricky at times to find out what works best for you. Rather than going and dropping serious cash on products that you quickly find out that you can't stomach or don't work well for you, StrideBox lets you try various products each month before you decide to purchase large quantity packages of new products ..read more
Funner Runner
5y ago
One of my absolute favorite races each year is the AJC Peachtree Road Race 10K hosted by Atlanta Track Club. Every July 4th, approximately 60,000 runners pound the pavement down the streets of Atlanta for the nation's largest 10K. This race holds a special place in my heart as I have made many memories at this race over the past 9 years. The Peachtree Road Race is much more than a 10K, it is giant celebration of our great nation. Most of the 6.2 mile long course is lined with spectators cheering on runners, passing out food and drinks, and just having a great time. Running the Pea ..read more
Funner Runner
5y ago
Today is the day! We are Disney bound come 12:00 this afternoon. I am beyond words excited about heading to Walt Disney World for my 8th Princess Half Marathon weekend. This is the weekend that we have all spent countless hours getting ready for - training, creating costumes, planning our trips, etc. My costume reveals will be happening on here over the next 3 days (5K will be shared Thursday, 10K on Friday, and 1/2 marathon on Saturday). Be sure to check out our costumes and make sure to come say hi to us if you see us over the weekend - we would love to meet you! Having FO ..read more
Funner Runner
5y ago
I don't know if it is because I am a total pre-planner or the excitement of heading to Walt Disney World (or both), but it is time for me to start packing for Princess Half Marathon Weekend. I have a few busy few days leading up to leaving for Florida, so I am starting to layout and organize some of my stuff for Disney. I am a list person for sure, especially when packing. In case you are still packing yourself, here is a list of some of my most important things to pack for race-cation ..read more
Funner Runner
5y ago
It was just yesterday that we were panicking trying to get registered for Princess Half Marathon weekend 2020 - where did time go!?!? Next week thousands of princesses (and a few smart and lucky princes) will be pounding the pavement on a 13.1 mile journey through Walt Disney World. This will be my 8th Princess Half Marathon (and 7th Fairy Tale Challenge, formally known as Glass Slipper Challenge), and I am as excited as ever for the weekend. Momma K and I have spent many cold and windy mornings training for this weekend. It is to a point where it seems like Princess weekend and WDW are ..read more
Funner Runner
5y ago
After you earn your tiara by running the Princess 5K, 10K, Half Marathon or any combination of the three, it is time to celebrate your accomplishments. Whether you ran your first 5K or your 50th half marathon, every princess (or prince) deserves to be celebrated. Obviously you are at Disney and everyone's thought is to simply hit up the parks. Here are a few things that our family enjoyed celebrating the past 3 years after running at Princess Half Marathon weekend.
1. Room Decorations What better way to let the world know that running princesses (or princes) are present than hav ..read more