A Case Study in Autoimmune Disease – Part 3 – Treatment
Red Tail Wellness Center
by Red Tail Wellness Centers
3y ago
(Before reading this post, be sure to check out A Case Study in Autoimmune Disease – Part 2 – Evaluation, where Dr. Ian gives an overview of Molly’s initial test results.) Neuro Rehab We began a course of brain-based therapy in the office called “neurologic rehabilitation.” Basically, we took the findings from her exam and began to customize brain-based exercises she could repeat at home after being taught in office which targeted the weaknesses that were creating symptoms and vicious cycles. In particular, we targeted her parietal lobe and vagus nerve/brain stem. She noted that within weeks ..read more
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A Case Study in Autoimmune Disease – Part 2 – Testing
Red Tail Wellness Center
by Red Tail Wellness Centers
3y ago
(Before reading this post, be sure to check out A Case Study in Autoimmune Disease – Part 1 – Evaluation, where Dr. Ian gives an overview of Molly’s case and what she presented with initially.) Molly’s blood work findings: Homocysteine 12.5 TSH 1.2 (normal!) Vitamin D 31 Ferritin 15 WBC 4.4 Eosinophils 5 EBV positive for reactivation Candida Abs IgA +   Interpretation: Having an elevated homocysteine level above a 7.0 increased the chance that Molly was suffering from an inability to methylate, which is one of the most important detoxification reactions the body undergoes. It also may in ..read more
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A Case Study in Autoimmune Disease – Part 1 – Evaluation
Red Tail Wellness Center
by Red Tail Wellness Centers
3y ago
  In June 2020, Molly, a pleasant 35-year-old woman, presented to me for an evaluation of a hypothyroid condition. Molly’s symptoms included fatigue, lack of focus, unstable mood, digestion issues, and skin and hair problems. On top of these symptoms, she had a nagging hip injury that prevented her from exercising, her main form of stress relief. She loved life and spending time with her family and husband but had pulled back from social activities and confided in me that her libido had also significantly suffered as a result of her health challenges. She wanted to get healthy enough ..read more
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Should you get the vaccine?
Red Tail Wellness Center
by Red Tail Wellness Centers
3y ago
Routine vaccinations have been a part of preventative medicine since the first smallpox vaccine was officially created in 1796 based on African discoveries brought to the west by a slave named Onesimus. Vaccinations used en masse can halt an infectious disease’s spread through herd immunity. This has been shown historically in regards to smallpox, tuberculosis, polio, and typhoid fever, just to name a few (8). Vaccines are generally made of 3 main components: antigens, adjuvants, and preservatives. The antigen is used to introduce your body to the infectious agent so that your cells know how t ..read more
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How Does Autoimmunity Start?
Red Tail Wellness Center
by Red Tail Wellness Centers
3y ago
There is a phrase in functional medicine by Mehmet Oz: “Your genetics load the gut; your lifestyle pulls the trigger.” Specifically, genetic risk for autoimmunity sets the stage, but our environment (lifestyle, diet, and mindset) can trigger a happy or tragic ending. There is much we can do to influence our genetics and health through our actions and behaviors. Many individuals not only improve their quality of life but sometimes even reduce their autoimmune lab markers and go into remission! So how does autoimmunity start in the first place? It takes a triad of factors: genetic predisposition ..read more
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Vitamin D’s Role In The Immune System
Red Tail Wellness Center
by Red Tail Wellness Centers
4y ago
We’ve always been told that we get vitamin D from sun exposure. Perhaps you’ve heard the common rule that everyone needs 15 minutes of sunlight per day in order to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D. But have you ever wondered why it’s such an important nutrient? Our bodies make vitamin D in the skin through a sunlight-activated biological pathway. UVB rays penetrate the outer layers of skin and help produce vitamin D3, which is then converted to its active form, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, in the liver. Overall vitamin D levels are usually measured by the amount of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the blo ..read more
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Red Tail Wellness Center
by Red Tail Wellness Centers
4y ago
When thinking about the immune system and all its workings, T-cells probably don’t come to mind. However, these cells are hugely important in the realm of building up your immune system to outside invaders! They don’t attack just any foreign cells within the body though; they travel throughout the body until they reach the foreign substances they are assigned to. There isn’t just one specific type of T-cell; within the human body, you will find three different ones. This includes helpers, regulatory, and cytotoxic T-cells. Each have their own foreign substance that they are assigned to, and th ..read more
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Covid-19 and Mental Health
Red Tail Wellness Center
by Red Tail Wellness Centers
4y ago
Even before the coronavirus spread throughout the nations, mental health and corresponding providers were necessary components of the health system for many people all around the globe. But according to the World Health Organization, approximately two-thirds of people around the world with a mental health issue don’t use the professional treatments available, and mental illness affects nearly one out of every four people. With that being said, there were a significant amount of people afflicted by some type of mental health illness even before all of the craziness of the pandemic arrived – and ..read more
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Diabetes & Diet
Red Tail Wellness Center
by Red Tail Wellness Centers
4y ago
At Red Tail Wellness Centers, we specialize in Metabolic syndrome and other metabolic disorders which may be expressed in the form of increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, weight gain around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride blood levels. Each of these symptoms increases your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. If you have a recent diabetes diagnosis or if you have been playing the weight loss game with no lasting results, keep reading. We have countless success stories from patients who have finally lost weight and kept it off, while reducing A1c levels ..read more
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Hashimoto’s and H. Pylori
Red Tail Wellness Center
by Red Tail Wellness Centers
4y ago
If you’re one of the 14 million+ people in America who are suffering from Hashimoto’s disease, you’re probably wondering what you can do to help improve symptoms and get some relief. Hashimoto’s is a disease where the body produces antibodies to the thyroid gland, and can wreak havoc on the hormones that are crucially needed by the body in order to function properly. Research has shown us that Hashimoto’s is more prominent in women, and is more likely to arise if you already have a pre-existing condition such as lupus, diabetes, Celiac or rheumatoid arthritis, just to name ..read more
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