PotGuide is focused on providing recreational marijuana news and travel information in Colorado. Learn more about marijuana and weed tourism in Colorado.
1y ago
A “photoperiod,” from the Greek root photo meaning light, is a period of time exposed to light, generally a cycle of light and dark. The term is applied to plants because many plants begin producing flowers based on the length of the day. This is why some plants bloom in spring while others bloom in fall. In fact, all photoperiodic plants can be placed in one of two categories: long-day plants like peas and spinach which flower when the days are long, and short-day plants like rice and cotton which flower when the days are short. Cannabis is a short-day plant.
Not only do the hours of light ma ..read more
1y ago
Cannagar is the shortened name for a cannabis cigar. Similar to traditional cigars made entirely of tobacco, cannagars contain a large amount of cannabis, wrapped in cannabis leaves which are often then glued together with cannabis concentrate.
Cannagars should not be confused with blunts, which are commonly made by emptying a cigar or cigarillo case and refilling it with a combination of cannabis and tobacco. So cannagars and blunts both look and smoke like cigars, but blunts include tobacco whereas cannagars contain only marijuana, and are sometimes even rolled in cannabis leaves.
Smaller ca ..read more
1y ago
Red eyes are a common, but pesky, side effect of cannabis use. For many years consumers turned to the obvious solution of eye drops, particularly redness-reducing eye drops. But as more people use cannabis, and more people use these eye drops, more people are also reporting chronic or even worsening redness. The cause is not cannabis but the eye drops themselves, as overuse leads to a syndrome called “rebound hyperemia.”
Hyperemia (or hyperaemia) is the increase in blood flow to a certain organ or region of the body, and is not inherently problematic. Perhaps the most common example of hyperem ..read more
1y ago
When you hear about F1 and F2 strains, what comes to mind? Does it make you think of the top cannabis strain and best of the best at the dispensary? Can you picture a cannabis grower crossing genetics to create the best combo of terpenes? Did those lessons about Punnett Squares from high school finally ring a bell?
If so, you were pretty close!
In terms of growing cannabis, and other plants in general, some of the terminology can get confusing. The “F” stands for first-generation hybrid or first filial generation. It is not the same as the P1 parent generation. It’s basic biology concerning ge ..read more
1y ago
Marijuana edibles continue to spearhead the expansion of the U.S. cannabis industry in 2021 with sales representing a larger year-to-year growth within the market than the total market itself. But despite that explosive increase, or perhaps because of it, many consumers still have questions about the effects and potential risks associated with edibles, particularly regarding potency and on-set time. Both of these factors are affected by a measurement called bioavailability.
This article defines bioavailability, reviews the effect of bioavailability on cannabis edibles, and offers tips for incr ..read more
2y ago
Most states have legalized cannabis for medical use, recreational use, or both. However, there are still a handful of states that have not yet legalized cannabis, and the prospect of near-term legalization varies from state to state.
As of 2023, the United States has continued to make strides towards cannabis legalization, with several states legalizing cannabis for both medicinal and recreational purposes. However, there are still a handful of states that have yet to adopt cannabis reform.
The reasons why these states have not yet legalized cannabis vary. Some states have conservative politic ..read more
2y ago
Edibles account for a growing share of the cannabis market and have become a popular consumption method for new consumers. In fact, in 2021, the growth of the edibles market outpaced the growth of the cannabis market as a whole. But with the explosive growth of cannabis edibles have come a cornucopia of product types and infusion methods which may be confusing to some consumers.
This article reviews the various kinds of edible cannabis products and infusion methods, and offers tips for safely dosing your own edibles at home.
Product Types
Solid edibles are known for their long high dur ..read more
2y ago
The cannabis industry is forever evolving, which means the edibles game is evolving with it. And while it seems there can never be enough variety when it comes to consumption it’s important to recognize the brands that are actually moving the needle when it comes to the cross-section of cannabis and culture.
Let me introduce you to DULZE edibles, the first Mexican-owned “infused’ gummy brand. The flavors speak for themselves: Chili Watermelon, Margarita, Horchata, and Piña Colada, with the packaging, immediately catching your attention. The vibrant colors encapsulate the overall ethos of the b ..read more
2y ago
In the world of cannabis, one thing both brands and consumers can look forward to each year is the Emerald Cup. Since its inception in 2004, the annual Emerald Cup has been the go-to competition to celebrate the cannabis harvest, bringing together the cannabis community that’s deeply rooted in the mountains of the Emerald Triangle in Northern California.
And for the first time, the competition finds itself in Southern California, sunny Los Angeles to be exact. 2022 proved to be the 18th Annual Emerald Cup Awards ceremony, which took place live from the legendary Ricardo Montalbán Theatre locat ..read more
2y ago
For cannabis lovers all around the world, it seems like one question remains: why aren't there more cannabis lounges, cafes, or restaurants in the United States? The slow start to this much-needed segment of the cannabis market has baffled consumers, but, there’s actually a LOT that lies beneath the business of the cannabis consumption lounge industry. From the very start, regulators have been afraid of public cannabis consumption. Any excessive display of intoxicated citizens becomes an easy target for anti-cannabis groups, and would undermine the progressive efforts of legalization. In order ..read more