2020 Market Research Conference Speaker Gender Tracker #MRX #NewMR
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by LoveStats
5y ago
This list shows the gender ratio of speakers at marketing research and related conferences during 2020. These data are not 100% accurate. I am not always able to identify whether a speaker is male or female based on their name and/or photo, and online and printed programs don’t reflect last minute changes to the schedule ..read more
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Insights Association Paradigm Shift: Chris Whitaker, Explorer Research; Steve Olsen, Nestle; Maja Neale, BMO
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by LoveStats
5y ago
My notes. Any errors are my own. https://www.insightsassociation.org/conference/insights-paradigm-shift Better Behaviour Predictions Through Better Behaviour Testing by Chris Whitaker, Explorer Research Traditional research plus non-conscious research = richer insights People don’t automatically remember the details of every shopping trip or why they made their decisions. Recall is not a reliable measure of real shopping. When we ..read more
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Insights Association Paradigm Shift: James Lachno and Nicholas Boles, Edelman; Hilary Borndahl, Kantar, and Nick Necsulescu, World Vision Canada; Ian Ash, Dig Insights Inc.
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by LoveStats
5y ago
https://www.insightsassociation.org/conference/insights-paradigm-shift My notes. Any errors are my own. Make sure to read Ian’s at the bottom, nicely insightful. Why Digital Data is the Fuel you Need to Make Fire Content, By James Lachno and Nicholas Boles, Edelman 74% of people avoid advertising. Relatability is twice as important as popularity. Audiences are now in control [i ..read more
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Insights Association Paradigm Shift: Ashik Bhat, Labatt Breweries of Canada; Andrew Go, Home Depot
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by LoveStats
5y ago
https://www.insightsassociation.org/conference/insights-paradigm-shift My notes. Any errors are my own. Sales Force of the Future By Ashik Bhat, Labatt Breweries of Canada The goal is for 80% of the plan to be perfect and then move at 100% speed In the beer industry, any brand can replace another brand. You need your brand to be irreplaceable. You ..read more
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Four companies that leveraged their employees’ unique skills to build successful, purpose-led brands
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by LoveStats
5y ago
Read the original post on the Sklar Wilton & Associates website Depending on your perspective, someone who is blind, autistic, or has Down Syndrome has disadvantages and challenges in life. Participating in normal life experiences designed for non-disabled and neurotypical people can be annoying or difficult. In a previous post, we talked about how some ..read more
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How being quiet can be your company’s loudest marketing strategy
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by LoveStats
5y ago
Read the original post on the Sklar Wilton & Associates website If you went into a Sobeys store at the right time on the right day, you’d notice something very odd. You’d notice how quiet it is. No public announcements. No scanner sounds. No carts being noisily collected. The lights are dim. It’s eerily peaceful and ..read more
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Marketing Mary Jane: Innovating in a White Space Consumer Category
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by LoveStats
5y ago
Read the original post on the Sklar Wilton & Association website In 2001, medical marijuana became legal in Canada. People dealing with cancer, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, hepatitis, arthritis, anxiety, stress, depression, pain, and many more serious, long-term ailments had the choice of one more treatment option. Now more than 18 years later, medical ..read more
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My essential list of 120 inspiring, educational, and human-operated #MRX Twitter accounts
The LoveStats Blog
by LoveStats
5y ago
I’m pretty good about curating my Twitter account to be relevant to me and current. When accounts go dormant, the author switches their career, or there’s too much promotion, I unfollow (or mute) those accounts. Given that, the people I follow are at least somewhat active tweeters within the marketing research, polling, data, statistics, visualization ..read more
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