What is a Histogram?
Statistical Consulting Blog – Statistics Solutions
by Melissa Moran
4y ago
As a part of your data analysis in a quantitative study, you may be asked to present histograms of the variables in your data. A histogram is a visual representation of a variable’s distribution. More specifically, a histogram is a plot of the frequencies of a variable’s values. In other words, a histogram shows us how often different values of a variable occur in the data. Histograms are typically depicted by a series of bars arranged along an x-axis (representing the values of the variable) with the length of the bars shown along the y-axis (representing the frequency of the values) as seen ..read more
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Theoretical Spotlight: Attachment Theory
Statistical Consulting Blog – Statistics Solutions
by Melissa Moran
4y ago
Theoretical Spotlight blogs are basic introductions to theories researchers often use in social science research. As such, they include basic definitions of theories and discussion of their connections to research. They serve as starting points for considering theories that may be suited to your own research. This blog focuses on attachment theory. Attachment theory helps explain how people approach and develop relationships based on early, formative bonding experiences. Bowlby (1971) theorized that the early relationships of babies and children with their parents or other adult caregivers for ..read more
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Qualitative Methods Dissertation Consulting – Your Consultant as Copilot
Statistical Consulting Blog – Statistics Solutions
by Melissa Moran
4y ago
You are exasperated. You are tired. You are at your wit’s end. All because of your dissertation. So, you get online, search for dissertation consulting, and now, here you are. I get it, and I am here to help. But I am not here to write your dissertation for you. Your dissertation is yours alone, and you are in the pilot’s seat. I am, however, here to be your copilot on the journey. I will guide you, offer advice and expertise, and help you finish your methods chapter. When you sign on for dissertation consulting services, you will send your completed methods chapter to me so I can read through ..read more
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What to Expect in Dissertation Consulting
Statistical Consulting Blog – Statistics Solutions
by Melissa Moran
4y ago
Dissertation consulting involves guiding you in ways to move forward with your dissertation, providing expertise along the way, and helping you to address challenges. So, dissertation consulting includes much more than editing. But, for ethical reasons, it also does not involve writing material for you. So, what does dissertation consulting entail and what should you expect? To answer these questions, we should keep in mind two important ideas: owning your study and developmental editing. It is important to remember that your dissertation is just that, yours. Owning your dissertation means tha ..read more
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Tips for Academic Success in 2021
Statistical Consulting Blog – Statistics Solutions
by Melissa Moran
4y ago
Happy New Year! A new year is here, offering us limitless possibilities in terms of what we can accomplish in just 365 days. As classes start back up, we’re taking time this month to go over our best tips to help you plan for a successful semester. Evaluate Your Workload If you’re already fretting over your workload, even before the semester has begun, you may be pushing your capacity. Take this time to evaluate how much you’re taking on. It is possible that you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, and some careful rearranging must be done before the semester starts. By the time classes start ..read more
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Holiday Season Slump: 3 Tips for Finishing Your Semester Strong!
Statistical Consulting Blog – Statistics Solutions
by Isaidys Davis
4y ago
The semester is drawing to a close, festive season has commenced, but don’t check out just yet. This month we are focusing on the holiday season slump and what you can do to beat it and finish the semester strong! Stay Present & Organized Between holiday Zooms and breaks from school, staying present with school deadlines can seem almost impossible. But, if you stay organized and create a plan for the end of the semester, you will maintain momentum that will make your dissertation work and coursework easier to pick back up in spring. Generally, studies suggest that writing down your goals m ..read more
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Synthesizing Research in a Literature Review
Statistical Consulting Blog – Statistics Solutions
by Isaidys Davis
4y ago
One of the most common challenges I hear from students when writing the literature review is synthesizing research material. According to Merriam-Webster, synthesis refers to the composition or combination of parts or elements to form a whole. So, when you synthesize research on your topic, you should be bringing together elements of the research to make points about the research in relation to your study and, specifically, your research problem. The most fundamental level to make and support points is at the paragraph level. In this sense, synthesizing material for the literature review is li ..read more
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Qualitative Data Collection During a Global Pandemic
Statistical Consulting Blog – Statistics Solutions
by Isaidys Davis
4y ago
The use of technology for qualitative data collection was nothing new before the COVID-19 pandemic began. However, using technology like videoconferencing to conduct interviews and focus groups is now the norm, rather than the exception, and may be for some time. This blog provides some pointers for modifying your qualitative data collection in a pandemic. One consideration when conducting long-distance interviews online is privacy. Before the pandemic, researchers used Skype with some frequency to conduct long-distance interviews. Skype allows recording of calls for later downloading and tran ..read more
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What is the Difference Between Transcript Review and Member Checking?
Statistical Consulting Blog – Statistics Solutions
by Isaidys Davis
4y ago
Transcript reviews and member checks are two processes commonly used to establish trustworthiness in qualitative studies. I often see these two terms—and processes—used interchangeably, but they are not the same. In this post, I will clarify these two processes and discuss their importance for trustworthiness in qualitative research. As qualitative researchers collecting data through interviews and focus groups, we typically rely on audio recordings that we later listen to and transcribe to prepare for data analysis. Having participants review those transcripts for accuracy is important, which ..read more
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Section 9 – RESULTS
Statistical Consulting Blog – Statistics Solutions
by Isaidys Davis
4y ago
The Quantitative Results Chapter includes confirming the correct analyses, conducting the actual analyses, and the write-up and explanation of the findings. You must conduct descriptive statistics on demographic and research variables (i.e., mean, standard deviation, frequency and percent as appropriate); Conduct analyses and assess assumptions to examine the research questions; and Assess the assumptions of the analyses. The Qualitative Results Chapter includes thematization and reliability. You must read and re-read your interview transcripts; Thematize your participant responses; and Draft ..read more
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