Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten
Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten is a blog about learning and teaching with young children.
Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten
1y ago
What's a pirate's favorite letter? RRRRR!
What has 8 arms, 8 legs, and 8 eyes? 8 pirates!
Yes, it's time for all things pirate, International Talk Like a Pirate Day is September 19th and anyone who doesn't want to join in the fun can walk the plank! So dust off your tricorn hat, slip on an eye patch, and ramp up that fake accent - let's have some fun!
Teach your children what some of those pirate phrases mean AND enjoy a brain break with my silly pirate song on YouTube.com and don't forget to watch Jack Hartman's Pirate Song too!
Have you read Pirates Love Underpants? If you have ..read more
Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten
1y ago
Getting ready for back to school season can be daunting, so my friends and I are here to help make it easier for one lucky teacher - and it just might be you!
Prize: $100 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card
Giveaway Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher)
Co-hosts: An Apple for the Teacher, The FroggyFactory, TheBeezyTeacher, 1stgradefireworks, April Pickett- Teach Travel Read, Chocolate 4 Teachers, Mrs. Wennings Clasroom, A Teacher and her Cat, It's a Teacher Thing, The Best Days with Julie Santello ..read more
Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten
1y ago
Good news - you don't have to choose! Hundreds of awesome resources are marked just $1 with the #JulyDeals on TeachersPayTeachers July 6th - 8th AND you can enter to win a $100 gift card too!
I'm including all these awesome resources in the dollar deal event:
Prize: $100 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card
Giveaway Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher)
Co-hosts: An Apple for the Teacher, The Froggy Factory, TheBeezyTeacher, April Pickett- Teach Travel Read, Mrs. Wennings Cl ..read more
Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten
3y ago
What does it take to make an outstanding recipe - whether the traditional kind for food, or a recipe for something much less tangible, like success?
I would argue that all recipes need ingredients, and better ingredients will usually yield better results. Of course, there has to be a method for putting those ingredients together, and surely almost every recipe needs to be carefully seasoned.
My ingredients for preschool - beside the obvious preschoolers and adult carer - would have to start with books and music! So it was this last week, when we focused on learning the let ..read more
Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten
3y ago
Are you a big sports fan? How about your students? Whether it's football, baseball, basketball, skating, soccer, tennis or something else, chances are someone in your classroom LOVES sports!
I'm tutoring a first grader who is BIG into sports, and realized the key to keeping him engaged in sight word practice is right there: baseball, football, soccer and basketball. I did what teachers have always done - went looking for just the right resource to help him master his sight words. I didn't FIND it, so I MADE it:
Each sight word card includes an image of a child invol ..read more
Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten
3y ago
This week I asked a group of teacher-authors to share their best FREE resources for November for preschool through first grade, and boy, did they come through! Browse through the list, and if you find something that looks promising, click on the picture to go right to the source! I hope you find some amazing resources to help YOU to make November awesome!
Thanksgiving Emergent Reader Vocabulary Books from Sea of Knowledge
Thanksgiving Pocket Chart Activities Building Sentences by Primary Inspiration by Linda Nelson
Turkey Cut and Paste Book by ABC's of Liter ..read more
Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten
4y ago
Number 1: PLAY!
If you do nothing else this week, please let it be play! Of course, almost everything I suggest is about playful learning because it is essential for children, and pretty darned important for grown-ups too.
Number 2: Pizza
See, learning about the letter P is fun AND delicious! You already know I love to cook with children, and what's better for this week than making and eating pizza?!
Depending upon how much time I want to spend on this, and on the age and skill level of my kiddos, I've had them help me make pizza dough (I cheat and use the bread ma ..read more
Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten
4y ago
What's so outstanding about letter Oo? The variety of options for learning activities! From oceans to outside time, baking oatmeal muffins to sorting ovals to lovely hand print art, there's so much to do!
Let's start with oceans and octopi... octopuses...the octopus. You probably have some favorite ocean themed books - and of course so do I!
If you're wanting to learn octopus facts, I love Gentle Giant Octopus by Karen Wallace, and so do my students. Just for fun? Octopus's Garden, by Ringo Starr. Bonus points, it includes a sing-a-long CD, so you and your ..read more
Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten
4y ago
It's stunning, it's super, it's spectacular, it's...
...the letter Ss! Timed just right for December and Santa, S is a smash hit every year!
It's all too obvious, but S for Santa really is a favorite. With plenty of Christmas and Santa crafts and activities available, it's easy to find some that appeal to you and your students. Many people schedule a visit with or to the jolly old elf, and we're no exception, but that's not your only option!
My big event to start our letter Ss week is to have the children dress up and pretend to be Santa. I didn't go buy an expe ..read more
Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten
4y ago
It's almost December, so we're going to skip ahead a few letters - because rocking December with Rudolph really is remarkable!
Have you sung the reindeer version of Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes: Hooves, Belly, Antlers, Nose ?
It's so much fun!
There's also our Rudolph hand print, inspired by HandprintCreations.com and funhandprintartblog.com. I found the robin idea at creatingreallyawesomefunthings.com , the rocket at CraftyCrafted, and I think I came up with the raccoon myself... but it's been a long time, and it's so hard to remember! There are also other reindeer ..read more