Finding My Kid
Finding My Kid is a blog by a parent of a kid with autism. In this blog, you will see how Martin is overcoming autism with his determination and will and with the support of his parents.
Finding My Kid
6y ago
Beginning this spring, we let Martin ride his bicycle, alone, to the park a mile from our house. Martin recently turned 11. We started allowing this when he was 10. The journey to the park involves four streets: up our hill, right turn, another right turn and half mile down, left turn onto the park’s road. The park has tennis courts, fields, multiple playgrounds, a skateboard/bicycle course, and a large community pool (which Martin cannot enter without an adult and entry fee). He takes a bottle of seltzer water, in a holder on his bicycle.
Martin must wear his GizmoWatch when he goes, he must ..read more
Finding My Kid
6y ago
This happens:
Martin enters our house, sees me in the kitchen, and without my saying a word or any other provocation, immediately trips into a puddle of anxiety. He asks what’s for dinner, then complains about what’s for dinner, says what he wants instead. If vegetables are involved, he asks if other kids eat vegetables and why he’s not like other kids. He jumps. He lists activities in which, he thinks, I won’t let him participate: Can I go to the taekwondo picnic without a grown-up? Can I ride my bicycle to the Stop & Shop? He makes demands and contradicts them: Can I have more than 30 mi ..read more
Finding My Kid
6y ago
I’m sorry. I left you hanging. I wrote a post titled “Everything Is Wrong” and then stopped posting. I’ve received so many emails over these last many months, expressing concern and wondering what happened.
January 2019, Martin “taking care of” the daughter of a friend.
I’m here to say that everything is no longer wrong. We have struggled through one of the most difficult years of Martin’s recovery from autism, and we are not back to baseline yet. The kid we had in June 2018—the one who made a handful of friends on his own and was “totally part of his class”—that kid is showing up a lot of the ..read more