Employee Timekeeping: What Is It And Why It’s Important
by The Toggl Team
14h ago
A guide to employee timekeeping. Discover what it is, its benefits, methods, and how to create a timekeeping process at work. The post Employee Timekeeping: What Is It And Why It’s Important appeared first on Toggl Blog ..read more
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Toggl Hire vs. HiPeople
by Elizabeth Thorn
14h ago
Seeing as 72% of candidates share their bad experiences online, candidate experience matters more than ever in the recruitment industry. Poor communication, time-consuming (or pointless)... The post Toggl Hire vs. HiPeople appeared first on Toggl Blog ..read more
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What is a Productivity Audit and How to Conduct One
by The Toggl Team
3d ago
Every business wants to make operations more efficient. Doing so requires an understanding of the time your employees spend carrying out their daily tasks, the number of tasks they complete each day, their morale, and how they are allocated work. A productivity audit can analyze the different parts of your business to highlight areas that need improvement and help you truly understand how to optimize your processes.  In this article, we will examine the benefits of productivity audits, what they should include, and how to conduct one (with a step-by-step guide). Let’s get started. What is ..read more
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Toggl Hire vs. Recruitee
by Mile Živković
3d ago
Hiring has evolved significantly from the days of sifting through stacks of resumes and making endless phone calls to top candidates. Modern hiring tools now offer automation, data-driven insights, and innovative features designed to save your business time and money. Choosing the right recruiting software, however, can be as challenging as selecting the right candidate. If you’re deciding between Toggl Hire and Recruitee, this quick comparison guide will help you determine which hiring platform best suits your needs. On one side, we have Recruitee, a comprehensive hiring platform ideal for mi ..read more
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Introducing: On The Clock ?
by Kimberlee Meier
3d ago
Time tracking is what we’re famous for, but we actually do a lot more than that here at Toggl.  Like many of the best tools out there, our products at Toggl emerged from personal experience and internal needs: ? We needed better insight into how time was spent and the results it generated — so we built Toggl Track ? We needed better capacity planning and project management for a globally distributed team — so we built Toggl Plan ? We needed a better way to recruit and assess top talent. A way to focus on skills and ability over traditional CVs — so we built Toggl Hire We’ve grown and matu ..read more
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How to Track Time Spent on Tasks: An In-Depth Step-by-Step Guide
by The Toggl Team
5d ago
Are you always wondering where your day went? Feeling like you never get enough done?  You’re not the only one.  Many people have a hard time keeping track of how long tasks really take. This can lead to missed deadlines and a lot of stress.  But don’t worry: there’s a simple fix.  By tracking your time, you can figure out where you’re spending (or wasting) your hours. This helps you work smarter, not harder.  In this post, we’ll show you Easy ways to track your time Why it matters so much, And how some cool tools can make it a breeze. Get ready to take charge of you ..read more
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Toggl Hire vs. Workable
by Julia Masselos
5d ago
Too many candidates still shudder at the thought of job hunting, often because of (all too recent) memories of a poor candidate experience. Today’s hiring managers understand the importance of a positive candidate experience. And with the right recruitment software, you can get on top of your recruitment efforts while building an experience candidates love, saving your team time and money. Workable and Toggl Hire are two full-cycle hiring platforms designed to do just that. They help recruiters and hiring managers with candidate sourcing, interviewing, and reporting—each in their own way. As w ..read more
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What Is Wage Compression & How to Avoid It to Retain Top Talent
by Elizabeth Thorn
1w ago
Everyone should receive the pay they deserve. But what if the wages you can afford to offer don’t reflect employee skills? The reason may actually be wage compression. Wage or pay compression can affect any role in any business and often happens when inflation rates are on the up. Another common cause is when skill levels rise faster than wages, making pay rates look unappetizing compared to competitors. The result? Top, essential employees soon drift away, and hiring replacements gets harder. When wage compression is the problem, understanding and preventing it is the only solution. We’re her ..read more
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How This Operations Manager Uses Time Tracking To Increase Efficiency
by Hannah McClenaghan
1w ago
Hannah McClenaghan discusses how time tracking data improves Talk Shop Media’s operational efficiency and profitability while helping her make better strategic decisions for clients. Look up what an agency operations manager does, and you will probably find something like: we find ways to optimize systems and processes to make our team’s life easier and more efficient.  It sounds simple on paper. It’s not so simple in practice.  Our agency, Talk Shop Media, isn’t the first to wrestle with how to make operations more efficient while increasing profitability and keeping our team’s wo ..read more
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7 Proven Ways to Make Smart Hiring Decisions (From Our Hiring Experts)
by Julia Masselos
1w ago
47% of people think AI would be better at picking the right candidate for a job than humans. However, 71% oppose using AI in making a final hiring decision. AI is transforming the way we work, but it’s not a silver bullet when it comes to recruitment. While it can help us speed up processes and alleviate repetitive tasks, hiring managers should use more proven, reliable methods when making hiring decisions. Let’s explore why decision-making in recruitment is so challenging — and how to do it better. TL;DR — Key Takeaways Hiring decisions are difficult to make due to time pressure, many peopl ..read more
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