Ontario’s Harmful Backslide: A Threat to Lives and Canada’s Legacy in Harm Reduction
The Global Commission on Drug Policy News
by John
2M ago
The Global Commission on Drug Policy is deeply concerned about the legislation tabled in Ontario, “Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act”, which threatens to dismantle nearly half of the province’s supervised consumption sites (SCS) by March 2025. This decision marks a dangerous regression, potentially reversing years of progress in evidence-based public health policies that have saved lives and supported communities. Supervised consumption sites mitigate public drug use, reduce discarded paraphernalia, and enhance community safety. Closing them could lead to increased visible drug use and s ..read more
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Ahead of World AIDS Day Global Commission on Drug Policy new report says the HIV and Hepatitis epidemics cannot be ended without drug policy reform and the real participation of people who use drugs everywhere
The Global Commission on Drug Policy News
by ghada.sleiman
1y ago
Globally nearly 1 in 5 people who inject drugs are living with  HIV and over a third  live with Hepatitis C  Wednesday, November 22, 2023 (Geneva, Switzerland)—Ahead of this year´s World AIDS Day, a new report published by the Global Commission on Drug Policy has sent a timely reminder that talk of ending the HIV (and hepatitis) epidemics is premature unless there are significant reforms to drug policies that continue to discriminate against and criminalise the community of people who use drugs (PWUD) which  results in them being unable to access prevention, diagnostics, tr ..read more
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Calling on Singapore to stop executions
The Global Commission on Drug Policy News
by ghada.sleiman
1y ago
The Global Commission on Drug Policy expresses its deep dismay over Singapore’s decision to continue to execute persons convicted on charges of drug trafficking. This week, in Singapore, two executions for drug-related offences are scheduled to take place. The two victims are: Mohd Aziz bin Hussain, a 56-year-old Singaporean Malay man, convicted in 2018 of trafficking approximately fifty (50) grams of diamorphine (heroin); and Saridewi Djamani, a 45-year-old Singaporean woman convicted for possession of approximately thirty (30) grams of diamorphine (heroin) for the purposes of trafficking. It ..read more
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Re : Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats
The Global Commission on Drug Policy News
by ghada.sleiman
1y ago
We the Global Commission on Drug Policy are gathered today, 6 July, in Edinburgh, Scotland for our annual plenary meeting. We are aware of the initiative being taken by the United States to launch a Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats. We acknowledge that an unconscionable number of people are dying from the consumption of synthetic drugs available through illegal channels. We would hope, however, that what is proposed by the new Coalition is not based on the traditional prohibitionist approaches to drug control which have caused tremendous harm to people for decades and have pr ..read more
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World Drug Day – Statement by the Global Commission on Drug Policy
The Global Commission on Drug Policy News
by ghada.sleiman
1y ago
June 26 is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the consequences of repressive drug policies and practices on people across the globe. There is growing recognition around the world that drug prohibition has failed to achieve its goals of promoting the “health and the wellbeing of humanity”. History has repeatedly demonstrated that punitive drug policies systematically lead to human rights violations and abuses: discriminatory police checks targeting already marginalized communities, disproportionate sentencing, arbitrary detention, extrajudicial killings, torture, and even the death pena ..read more
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Drug prohibition has failed – time to support, not punish
The Global Commission on Drug Policy News
2y ago
By Richard Branson Read the op-ed on Virgin.com In the past, International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (June 26) has often been an opportunity for proponents of the failed war on drugs to celebrate arrests and showcase vast amounts of drugs seized from cartels and their traffickers – as if any of these actions had any meaningful impact on supply and demand in a global illicit trade estimated to turn over more than $300 billion annually. They don’t. More than 50 years after US President Nixon turned his attention to narcotics and declared drug use “public enemy number one”, t ..read more
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Radio Interview on Cannabis Legalization vs Decriminalization in Australia by Geoff Gallop
The Global Commission on Drug Policy News
2y ago
By Geoff Gallop https://www.globalcommissionondrugs.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Regional-Drive-Cannabis.mp3 ..read more
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WTO Covid-19 vaccine waiver leaves many disappointed
The Global Commission on Drug Policy News
2y ago
By Akiko Uehara Read the article on SwissInfo The World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference ended with an unexpectedly hefty package of six trade agreements. Not everyone is rejoicing, however. Hailed as a success, the WTO agreement to waive partial patents for Covid-19 vaccines is attracting criticism both from NGOs and from industry experts. They argue it goes either too far or not far enough. “The decision is a disservice to the scientists who left no stone unturned and undermines manufacturing partnerships on every continent. The single biggest factor affecting vaccine scarcity ..read more
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Líderes mundiales piden regular todas las drogas y reformar convenciones de la ONU
The Global Commission on Drug Policy News
2y ago
Por Gabriela Sotomayor Leer el análisis completo en el sitio de Proceso GINEBRA (apro).-La Comisión Global de Políticas de Drogas de la que son miembros 14 expresidentes, entre ellos el mexicano Ernesto Zedillo, primeros ministros y cuatro premios Nobel, instó a regular todas las drogas, a que se reformen las convenciones de las Naciones Unidas de control de drogas y que los aspectos sanitarios clave de la política de drogas dejen de ser responsabilidad de la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC) y sean asignados a la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). La Comi ..read more
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«Je suis la preuve que c’est contreproductif»
The Global Commission on Drug Policy News
2y ago
Par Juan Manuel Santos Lire l’entretien sur le site de Blue News L’ex-président colombien Juan Manuel Santos souhaite des négociations entre le prochain chef de l’Etat Gustavo Petro et l’Armée de libération nationale (ELN). Il veut aussi que celui-ci s’engage davantage qu’Ivan Duque pour appliquer l’accord de paix avec les FARC. «J’espère qu’il le fera», a affirmé mardi à Genève le Prix Nobel de la paix à quelques journalistes, en parlant de négociations avec l’ELN. Lundi, la dernière guérilla reconnue en Colombie avait relayé son «entière disposition» à dialoguer avec le prochain président, l ..read more
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