What Are the Top Questions to Ask a Rehab Center?
The Raleigh House Blog
by trhdev
3d ago
  Once you’ve made the decision to get your life back on track, there is still one very important decision left to be made—which rehab to choose. Unfortunately, there’s a great deal of money to be made off of the opioid crisis, as well as the growing problems of meth and cocaine addiction. What that... The post What Are the Top Questions to Ask a Rehab Center? appeared first on The Raleigh House ..read more
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Overcoming Addiction — One Man’s Story
The Raleigh House Blog
by trhdev
3d ago
When you’re in the sinkhole of addiction, it can be impossible to imagine ever feeling happy or good again. But it is possible, especially when you receive help. Keep reading to hear one man’s story of learning to manage his addiction—and launch a new life. Overwhelming Anxiety I was in tears when I called a... The post Overcoming Addiction — One Man’s Story appeared first on The Raleigh House ..read more
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Coping with Psychological Trauma
The Raleigh House Blog
by trhdev
1w ago
Psychological trauma is what happens when the amount of stress one faces overwhelms their ability to cope. It can be caused by many things, including natural disasters, war, abuse, abandonment, death, illness and even bullying. It’s also true that an event that would cause psychological trauma in one person—let’s use the example of a bad... The post Coping with Psychological Trauma appeared first on The Raleigh House ..read more
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Preventing Adderall Addiction Relapse: Empathy Tips for Parents
The Raleigh House Blog
by trhdev
2w ago
“You never really understand another person until you consider things from his point of view—until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.” This quote, from “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, is a good guide to understanding—and helping—those in recovery for stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin. Your college-aged child had... The post Preventing Adderall Addiction Relapse: Empathy Tips for Parents appeared first on The Raleigh House ..read more
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3 Stages of Relapse: Emotional
The Raleigh House Blog
by trhdev
2w ago
How to Prevent Relapse: Managing Your Emotions Relapse may not be you think it is. It’s a gradual process that can actually begin weeks or even months before you consume drugs or alcohol. But, if you can learn how to identify the emotional and mental precursors to a substance abuse relapse, you may be able... The post 3 Stages of Relapse: Emotional appeared first on The Raleigh House ..read more
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Can Prescription Drug Use Lead to Miscarriage?
The Raleigh House Blog
by trhdev
3w ago
We all know by now that drugs and alcohol can affect your pregnancy, but prescription painkillers can be just as harmful. Taking prescription painkillers while pregnant can cause a wide range of problems, according to the March of Dimes, including the following: Addiction and Miscarriage Drugs to Avoid Heroin is an opioid, but so are... The post Can Prescription Drug Use Lead to Miscarriage? appeared first on The Raleigh House ..read more
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Coping with Holiday Depression Without Painkillers
The Raleigh House Blog
by trhdev
1M ago
Expectations are high this time of year. You’ve got to buy and wrap presents, string lights, put up the tree, bake cookies, travel or host guests, cook the turkey, send out cards, clean the house and, oh yeah, pay for it all. The only thing that’s worse is when you’re alone—and have nothing to do.... The post Coping with Holiday Depression Without Painkillers appeared first on The Raleigh House ..read more
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Painkiller Addiction Statistics: How to Keep Going
The Raleigh House Blog
by trhdev
1M ago
You didn’t expect rehab to be easy. In fact, you came ready for a fight. It was that mental toughness and determination that got you through the first 30 days. That’s when it hit you. Everything felt flat. Dull. Pointless. You weren’t taking anything anymore, obviously, but you also hadn’t experienced that fantastic feeling of... The post Painkiller Addiction Statistics: How to Keep Going appeared first on The Raleigh House ..read more
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Painkiller Addiction: Overcoming Fear and Asking for Help
The Raleigh House Blog
by trhdev
1M ago
If you started taking painkillers to treat chronic pain, you may be asking yourself how you can live without them. The truth is that painkillers are probably doing you more harm than good by this point. While opiates are known to work well for short-term pain, they don’t work well for things like back pain... The post Painkiller Addiction: Overcoming Fear and Asking for Help appeared first on The Raleigh House ..read more
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Heroin Addiction: Overcoming Fear and Asking for Help
The Raleigh House Blog
by trhdev
1M ago
Heroin has left your life in shambles and—yet—you’re so scared to let it go. It actually makes perfect sense. Heroin has taken away your self-worth, your money, your relationships and your growth as a human. The drug is all you have left. Someone battling heroin once described it as his “wife.” He would never let... The post Heroin Addiction: Overcoming Fear and Asking for Help appeared first on The Raleigh House ..read more
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