Evolutions Florida Addiction Treatment Programs
Evolutions offers many different approaches to help the healing of addiction. From group therapy to daily activities.
Evolutions Florida Addiction Treatment Programs
3y ago
It would be very self-defeating if we were to allow new guilt and shame to build up and replace that which we have just eliminated through the work done in previous steps. While you are striving to have your higher power remove all your character defects in your daily life, perfection has yet to be achieved in the rooms of twelve step recovery, and we all fall short and make mistakes along the way. As a result, there will be times in your recovery where you have done wrong and hurt someone else. The tenth step is how we keep our side of the street clean so we can maintain our peace of mind in ..read more
Evolutions Florida Addiction Treatment Programs
3y ago
In these unprecedented times of a prolonged global pandemic, more and more recovering individuals are questioning the wisdom of choosing to reside in a sober living facility in early recovery. While these sober homes are a vital resource for anyone in early sobriety, depending on how they are managed they could be an environment in which COVID is able to spread rapidly and unchecked. Not all sober homes are created equal, and there are those whose management have taken common sense precautions in order to minimize the potential for a COVID outbreak among their residents. Here are a few things ..read more
Evolutions Florida Addiction Treatment Programs
3y ago
Upon closer examination of our fourth steps with our sponsor, behavior patterns usually emerge which are quite revealing as to our characters up to the present. In active alcoholism, our decisions and actions are driven by more primitive and selfish motivations which manifest in the form of character defects. Things like greed, dishonesty, anger, impatience, and laziness are all character defects common among those in active substance abuse. Just because you have put down the drink or drug does not mean you have eliminated these defects in your daily life! Step six gives us the opportunity to ..read more
Evolutions Florida Addiction Treatment Programs
3y ago
Now that you have completed your eighth step amends lists, the time has come for you to take action and begin making the necessary amends. This process can be very rewarding, but there are a few things you should remember as you approach those you have wronged and ask how you can make things right. Let’s look at some of the potential potholes you may run into as you complete your ninth step amends.
You have to understand and accept that not everyone is going to be happy to hear from you, despite the fact that you are now sober. Old wounds still sting from time to time, and your reaching out m ..read more
Evolutions Florida Addiction Treatment Programs
3y ago
Withdrawal from heroin, fentanyl, or other opioids is an incredibly unpleasant, even torturous experience. Physiological and psychological symptoms combine to create a waking nightmare for those in the throes of intense opioid withdrawal, which is why it is so difficult for those seeking a transition to sobriety to successfully get through to the other side of this process. For those looking to detox themselves from opioids, here are a few ways to help ease the pain and discomfort associated with this process.
Obviously, the best method of detox from opioids is with the assistance of a medica ..read more
Evolutions Florida Addiction Treatment Programs
3y ago
The pandemic has had a substantial impact on the mental health of millions of Americans, as we have been told to isolate and avoid crowded indoor areas which we used to frequent for social activities. As a result, more and more people are remaining at home, experiencing extended periods of alone time and a lack of in-person social interaction. This has led to an explosion of depression among Americans, and you could very well be one of those now struggling with a depressive episode as a result of the pandemic. Let’s look at some ways you can alleviate your symptoms of depression and get back ..read more
Evolutions Florida Addiction Treatment Programs
3y ago
It seems in this day and age much attention is paid to those dealing with opiate addictions, while those suffering with an alcohol dependency problem are left out of the equation. However, this is far from the truth, as just as much attention is paid to those suffering with alcoholism as to those dealing with some other substance abuse disorder. Let’s look at some of the medications available for those struggling with alcohol withdrawal.
First, the more traditional protocol to help with alcohol withdrawal is the medication librium or an equivalent. This is in the benzodiazepine class of medic ..read more
Evolutions Florida Addiction Treatment Programs
3y ago
Some people would rather avoid seeking professional medical help in order to quit drinking. Whether you do not want to miss work, family obligations, or something else important to you, you have decided you wish to go it alone and stop drinking yourself. While we do not advise this as a way to get sober, it is not outside the realm of possibility for you to succeed in your attempt at sobriety. Here are a few helpful tips you should follow if you are dead set on embarking on your journey to recovery without professional aid.
First, understand that detox from alcohol is an incredibly unpleasant ..read more
Evolutions Florida Addiction Treatment Programs
3y ago
The eighth step asks that we “Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.” Just as with the fourth and fifth step, many people arrive at step eight full of anxiety and trepidation, as they know the time for making amends is drawing near. Do not let these feelings rooted in fear inhibit your working a thorough eighth step! It is important to resolve any lingering feelings of guilt or shame resulting from harm you have caused others in your past. Here are some things to bear in mind as you work your eighth step to the best of your ability.
The eighth ..read more
Evolutions Florida Addiction Treatment Programs
3y ago
Up until now, the steps you have worked on have brought to your attention your disease of addiction and unmanageability, reintroduced you to some new spiritual concepts, and have prompted you to identify and become aware of your character defects. Now it is time to do something about these negative character traits! The seventh step simply reads as “Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.” What this step requires from us is more awareness and willingness, as we cannot hope to have our shortcomings removed without putting forth a great deal of effort alongside our higher power.
Hopefully ..read more