Frrmsd: Ceramicist & Artist: Kate McDowell “A Billion...
The Clayprofessor
3y ago
frrmsd: Ceramicist & Artist: Kate McDowell “A Billion Heartbeats” Hand Built Porcelain Cone 6 & Glaze 5" x 5" x 1  9/2009 “A Billion Heartbeats 2″ Hand Built Porcelain Cone 6 & Glaze 4" x 4 ½" x 1 ½" 6/2013 “A Billion Heartbeats 3″ Hand Built Porcelain Cone 6 & Glaze  7 ½" x 6" x1  ½" 6/2013 more
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El-sabroso: Clay Leonard
The Clayprofessor
3y ago
el-sabroso: Clay Leonard more
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Melaniesherman:Repost from @kcartistscoalition using...
The Clayprofessor
3y ago
melaniesherman: Repost from @kcartistscoalition using @RepostRegramApp - @melanieshermanceramics @sherryleedycontemporaryart Steven Young Lee @stevenylee “4x4 Cup Panel”, Porcelain, Cobalt Inlay, Glaze, Plywood, Paint, Alluminum, Glass at The Once and Future: New Now #kcacartistlifestyle #kcartistlifestyle #artist #galleries #instaartist #artstudio #kc #kcmo #kccrossroads #ceramics #kcartist #kcai #nceca2016 more
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Treasures-and-beauty: A Rare Chicken Spout ‘Yingqing’ Ewer,...
The Clayprofessor
3y ago
treasures-and-beauty: A Rare Chicken Spout ‘Yingqing’ Ewer, Song Dynasty China (960-1279 AD more
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Jrothshank: Know Justice – No Justice I’m still struggling,...
The Clayprofessor
3y ago
jrothshank: Know Justice – No Justice I’m still struggling, after 3 days, with this image, and with the reality of our 45th President. I’m pondering how to record history while also not perpetuating the image of a leader who’s actions I don’t condone or respect. I believe that knowing our history is essential to changing our future. That continues to be what this work is about. “Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time.” – Lyndon Johnson, 1963, speach to the United Nations. (at Ferrin Contemporary more
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Darksilenceinsuburbia: Shozo Michikawa
The Clayprofessor
3y ago
darksilenceinsuburbia: Shozo Michikawa more
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Lustik: Pose Msk.
The Clayprofessor
3y ago
lustik: Pose Msk more
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Artruby: Eric Fischl at Skarstedt.
The Clayprofessor
3y ago
artruby: Eric Fischl at Skarstedt more
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El-sabroso: Anthony Schaller
The Clayprofessor
3y ago
el-sabroso: Anthony Schaller more
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Clayfulthinker: (via Jane Shellenbarger)
The Clayprofessor
3y ago
clayfulthinker: (via Jane Shellenbarger more
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