HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! FREE Piano Technique Training...
Josh Wright Piano - Blog
5y ago
Thank you all for another amazing year of friendship and support. There were some big milestones in 2018 - we hit nearly 70,000 YouTube subscribers, I had 4 symphony performances with 4 different pieces (something I've never done before), and I moved all of my online video courses to a new and improved platform. As a small way of saying "thank you" for your encouragement and friendship, I put together a free piano technique training, featuring my #1 tip to fix any technical issue. Now, that's a bold claim, but I promise you...it works! I learned it from my brilliant teacher I studied with at t ..read more
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Spring Sale!!!
Josh Wright Piano - Blog
5y ago
Celebrating 50,000 YouTube Subscribers Use coupon code spring50 for 50% off all digital items on Josh's site! 3 days only - Valid through Sunday, April 29, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. MDT ..read more
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Outside Turbulence, Inner Calm
Josh Wright Piano - Blog
5y ago
One of my favorite podcasts I frequently listen to for inspiration isThe Tim Ferriss Show. The whole premise of his show is "deconstructing world-class performers". He conducts long-form interviews, usually ranging from 1-2 hours. Even if I have absolutely no interest in the subject he is discussing, I always take away nuggets of wisdom as he probes the minds of the world's greatest athletes, businessmen, magicians, actors, musicians, and more. On a recent episode, a particularly tragic one I might add, Tim interviewed Terry Laughlin, a world-class swim coach, who recently passed away. From t ..read more
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8 Products For Healing Eczema After Quitting Steroid Creams! #TSW
Josh Wright Piano - Blog
5y ago
Dear friends – after my post about my #skin healing up from intense #eczema after withdrawing from the strongest #steroid creams available (clobetasol propionate ointment), I received numerous inquiries from people about the products/supplements/practices I used during this process that helped me the most. After probably 200+ hours of research (I lost track, but I would research for hours, daily, for months on end) during the most intense period of physical and emotional suffering I’ve ever experienced, I’ve narrowed down the list to products I think ACTUALLY helped during this process ..read more
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Stuff I Love
Josh Wright Piano - Blog
5y ago
Dear friends - I just wanted to let you know I added a new page to my site, entitled "Stuff I Love" featuring piano gear and other awesome stuff that I find useful or inspirational. I hope it will be useful to each of you :) Thank you all so much for your love and support! Check out the new page here: ​http://www.joshwrightpiano.com/stuff-i-love.html ..read more
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Off-Days, Tiger Woods, and Totentanz
Josh Wright Piano - Blog
5y ago
It's okay to have off-days. No matter how terrible or wonderful you think you are, you're human. Our society loves putting labels on things, and we certainly have favoritism at the forefront of our culture. When I was younger, I was a huge fan of Tiger Woods (pre-adulterous days....or pre-i/we-knew-about-the-adulterous-days-...-days). Even after the adultery, I'm still a fan of his in regard to his work ethic and skill set. He won more major championships at a young age than anyone in history, and is still only second to Jack Nicklaus. Even after all of those wins, who was I rooting for every ..read more
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Thoughts on Money and Priorities
Josh Wright Piano - Blog
5y ago
Money is a medium that can be used for good and evil. If you're reading this, you need most likely need money, because you need to pay someone for internet service. Money is one of the hottest topics in society. Some people think those who have a lot of it are evil. Some people think those who have a lot of it are successful. Some people think those who have little are lazy. While every one of those statements could be true, they're not universal by any means, and they are beside the point. Money is simply a medium. It is necessary for survival in today's society, but beyond covering your nece ..read more
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Taking The Next Step
Josh Wright Piano - Blog
5y ago
"When something in life is difficult, you put fear aside and you take one step forward." - Chris Hogan Often we miss so many opportunities in life because we are too fearful to start. There is wisdom in waiting for the right time if something requires it, as stated in a previous blog post. However, many things in life are not on a deadline, except the deadline of missed opportunity, and we must seize on each situation that presents a possible favorable outcome. The web of decisions and consequences in life is too daunting to try to comprehend wholly. Rather, live and love fearlessly, one deci ..read more
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Great Things From Small Things
Josh Wright Piano - Blog
5y ago
One of my favorite scriptures says the following, "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass." When you are building your credibility as an artist, or a professional in any field, you will at first take almost any opportunity that comes your way. Then, as your schedule expands, your time dwindles, and you achieve a higher "status" or "profile", you may start to turn down certain gigs. Perhaps they don't pay you anything, or the fee is very minimal. Maybe the crowd is too small. Maybe they're asking you to do something that doesn't align with your style or brand. I can respec ..read more
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Don't Be Afraid to Wait
Josh Wright Piano - Blog
5y ago
I was talking to a wise friend the other day, also a musician (and a marketing genius), and he gave me some insight that I won't soon forget. "When you have something of real value, of real worth, don't just throw it out there. Plan, strategize, and release the material at the best time possible. If necessary, make people wait for it." I've always been one to start, to get going immediately, but this advice has caused me to reflect a lot on the success of certain projects, and the lack of it with others. Waiting for the right time, with any situation in life, can mean the difference between ..read more
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