How Does the Solar Tax Credit Work?
New England Clean Energy
by meredithnash
2y ago
If you are considering clean energy or recently had solar panels installed, you should understand how simple it is to receive your federal tax credit. Don’t let the word “tax” scare you away; it is much easier than you think.  Who’s eligible for the solar tax credit? The first thing you should know is whether…  Read the entire post » The post How Does the Solar Tax Credit Work? appeared first on The Energy Miser more
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How Many Solar Panels Do I Need?
New England Clean Energy
by meredithnash
2y ago
So: you’ve decided you’re going solar and beginning the first few steps of your project. If you’re like most customers, you’re probably wanting the best panel with the best output efficiency, you’re just not sure what or how many solar panels you’ll need.  That’s what we’re here for! And while it seems complex, we’ll do…  Read the entire post » The post How Many Solar Panels Do I Need? appeared first on The Energy Miser more
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5 Benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act for Solar
New England Clean Energy
by meredithnash
2y ago
If you have any interest in clean energy or solar panel incentives, you probably know by now that the Federal Government has passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The IRA is a $369 billion investment for climate justice and clean energy making it one of the most significant climate bills in history. And for us…  Read the entire post » The post 5 Benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act for Solar appeared first on The Energy Miser more
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How Your Home With Solar Panels Can Charge Your EV
New England Clean Energy
by meredithnash
2y ago
Change is hard.  Abandoning a way of life is difficult and we would be lying to claim that everyone at NE Clean Energy commutes to work with an EV. However, we believe in taking the first step to at least challenge your perception of the accessibility of an EV and how much converting would be…  Read the entire post » The post How Your Home With Solar Panels Can Charge Your EV appeared first on The Energy Miser more
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The Perfect Storm Driving Up the Price of Solar Panels
New England Clean Energy
by meredithnash
2y ago
You’ve probably heard of the storm called “The Perfect Storm.” It occurred in 1991 off the coast of North America. It caused millions of dollars in damage, disruption, and took 13 lives including 6 seamen on the fishing boat Andrea Gail out of Gloucester, MA. The storm was written about and turned into a movie.…  Read the entire post » The post The Perfect Storm Driving Up the Price of Solar Panels appeared first on The Energy Miser more
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Massachusetts’ Solar 10kW AC Limit – It Needs to End!
New England Clean Energy
by meredithnash
3y ago
If you live in Massachusetts in NationalGrid or Unitil territory and have considered going solar, or went solar anytime since roughly 2016, you likely were told about the 10 kW AC Limit. And if you live in Eversource territory, you will soon know all about it too. What is the 10 kW AC limit? Basically,…  Read the entire post » The post Massachusetts’ Solar 10kW AC Limit – It Needs to End! appeared first on The Energy Miser more
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Why 2022 is the Year to Go Solar
New England Clean Energy
by meredithnash
3y ago
We’ve gotten a lot of questions from people since Biden’s new “Build Back Better Bill” was first introduced, asking if it would be a good idea to wait for the bill to pass before going solar. For one, I’ll say we’re not entirely sure it will pass yet. We’re following along just like you are…  Read the entire post » The post Why 2022 is the Year to Go Solar appeared first on The Energy Miser more
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Switching to a Heat Pump?
New England Clean Energy
by meredithnash
3y ago
I’m often asked by my solar customers if their solar system will generate enough electricity for them to convert from a fossil-fuel-based heating system to an electricity-based heating system. As it turns out, this is not a difficult question to answer. It does however, require some knowledge about how much fossil fuel you use for…  Read the entire post » The post Switching to a Heat Pump? appeared first on The Energy Miser more
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What the New Infrastructure and Build Back Better Bills Mean For Solar
New England Clean Energy
by meredithnash
3y ago
On November 12, 2021, the U.S. Congress passed a key part of President Biden’s agenda (and solar policy): a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. It contains plans to invest $550 billion in American infrastructure over the course of five years. On the same day, Biden announced that the first version of the Build Back Better…  Read the entire post » The post What the New Infrastructure and Build Back Better Bills Mean For Solar appeared first on The Energy Miser more
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Costs of fossil-fueled utilities are on the rise. Here’s why.
New England Clean Energy
by meredithnash
3y ago
Data source: [1] As opposed to solar panel installations, Fossil-fueled electricity is at the highest price per million British thermal units (MBTU) since February 2014, says CNN Business. [2] And that price is not decreasing. National Grid [3] and Eversource Energy [4] recently filed for approval to raise their electricity rates. Though the changes are pending, this…  Read the entire post » The post Costs of fossil-fueled utilities are on the rise. Here’s why. appeared first on The Energy Miser more
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