SunPower Blog
As solar continues to become a mainstream source of energy, SunPower is blogging to inspire this evolution and facilitate a global discussion. SunPower designs manufactures and delivers the planet's most powerful solar technology broadly available today. It aims to change how our world is powered by offering the most efficient solar technology you can buy for your home or business.
SunPower Blog
1y ago
Over the last nine years, the SunPower Foundation has awarded over $1 million to organizations in an effort to expand access to solar ..read more
SunPower Blog
1y ago
When it comes to saving money on energy, most homeowners are all in. But did you know you can switch to solar power and add solar battery storage for less than ever before?  ..read more
SunPower Blog
1y ago
We recently reached our 100,000 install on a new home! Since the early 2000s, our team has been working with the nation’s top builders to include high-quality SunPower solar solutions in communities across the nation ..read more
SunPower Blog
1y ago
Most Americans want clean energy, but nearly 250 million don’t know that the Inflation Reduction Act can help make it more affordable. New data sheds light on consumers' attitudes and resources in the clean energy transition ..read more
SunPower Blog
1y ago
Most Americans want clean energy, but nearly 200 million don’t know the Inflation Reduction Act can help them get it now. New data sheds light energy switch attitudes and resources ..read more
SunPower Blog
1y ago
It’s easy to see the result of any solar project when you gaze on that sleek, new solar array. But what does the install process look like from start to finish? This blog explains ..read more
SunPower Blog
1y ago
The renewable energy boom is taking off on a global scale with the Inflation Reduction Act leading U.S. growth. A new SunPower blog visits clean energy at the home level and why it’s beneficial to adopt solutions like solar now ..read more
SunPower Blog
1y ago
Over the last 12 years, SunPower by True Power Solar has cultivated an 80% Asian American customer base of solar advocates from what once was an underserved population. We’re proud to shine a light on this Master Dealer’s accomplishments for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage month.  ..read more
SunPower Blog
1y ago
A new era of solar battery storage is here. See what’s new with our SunVault storage system and how it can help you benefit from even more energy savings.   ..read more
SunPower Blog
1y ago
You probably already know that solar can help you save on your utility bills but did you know there are other ways to financially benefit from the clean energy you generate? Introducing OhnConnect, SunPower’s newest VPP program, allowing homeowners with SunVault storage to earn rewards for reducing demand on the power grid ..read more