Current buy - Pretty Little Thing plus wrap off the shoulder jumper
x Love Leah x
by Love Leah
4y ago
Hello loveys,  I'm back with another outfit post. I think I may have got my blogging mojo back! The are two new things in this post - a wrap off the shoulder jumper from Pretty Little Thing, and some faux leather joggers from ASOS Curve. I'm wearing a size 28 in the jumper and size 30 in the joggers as I wanted them to be baggy.  The jumper is a fine knit and is very close fitting, it just about fits over my shirt potatoes. If you're between sizes and have the scope to size up, do. You can flash as little or as much boob as you want to by pulling it more off the shoulder. more
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Current buy - ASOS Curve green sweat dress
x Love Leah x
by Love Leah
4y ago
Hello lovelies,  I bought this sweat dress in the ASOS Curve sale at Christmas time. I got it in a size 30 for that super oversized feel. All sizes are still in stock at the time of writing and it's only £9.  It washes and tumble dries well and comes just above my knees at the front (it's longer at the back). I'm 5ft 5 inches tall.  Green smock back sweat dress £9 Thanks for reading.  Leah xoxo more
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Current buy - ASOS Curve dark berry sweat dress
x Love Leah x
by Love Leah
4y ago
Hello loveys,  I've decided to label my outfit posts with either 'Current buy' so you know you can still buy things, or 'Shopping my wardrobe' so you know it's old.  I've had this ASOS Curve sweat dress for a couple of months but it's still available. I wear it about once a week as it's like a hug you can wear. So cosy!  I sized up to size 30 for a really oversized feel but I needn't have. It's a really oversized item already. It washes so well too. As you can see it's knee length on me and I'm 5ft 5 inches tall.  I'm wearing: ASOS Curve sweat dress in dark berr more
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Shopping my wardrobe - snake print tunic
x Love Leah x
by Love Leah
4y ago
Hello lovelies,  How is January treating you so far? I've got Labyrinthitis, an inner ear infection that causes vertigo and nausea. I'm taking it a day at a time.  Here I'm wearing something from my existing wardrobe again. This is a tunic from Yours Clothing from a couple of years ago.  I don't know why I'm sharing, as very few people read my posts any more. Maybe it's to say I'm still alive, I'm still here, and I'm still plodding on even though my life has gone to shit over the past few years. If I can do it, you can too if you're also struggling.  I received more
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Winter layering
x Love Leah x
by Love Leah
4y ago
Hello lovelies!  It's been colder than a witch's tit here in the UK so I've been layering under or over my clothes to keep warm. This day I wore a red long sleeved top under a shirt sleeved dress to stay toasty. You can't see it because I'm wearing my jacket, but wearing something under or over a summery dress is a great way to maximise your wardrobe.  Here's me wearing the dress in 2017. Everything in this outfit is old but my hat, but it's out of stock at the moment (River Island).  How are you keeping warm?  Thanks for reading.  Leah xoxo more
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Happy 2021 - I'm still cute
x Love Leah x
by Love Leah
4y ago
Hello lovelies!  I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year? Mine was really quiet but good. I don't have a lot of money for outfits these days (which is one of the reasons I hardly blog any more) but I've decided to work with what's already in my wardrobe rather than always looking to buy new things.  Here's a recent outfit I put together which I really love.  You can see my funky socks and Skechers in the shot below. I go out walking every day to keep my mental health on the right side of healthy.  I'm wearing: Hat River Island via Asos (out of stock) more
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Boohoo Plus Leather Look Wrap Dress
x Love Leah x
by Love Leah
4y ago
Hiya lovelies,  I'm back with a blog post, my first in such a long time. I've lost my way with words but really want to find my way back to them again. Here's a dress I bought recently which really makes me feel amazing.  Boohoo Plus Leather Look Wrap Dress size 28  As you can see it's tight, short and indecent but I love it! You can grab it here - Boohoo Plus Leather Look Wrap Dress.  I'm wearing a size 28 and it's true to size.  Thanks for reading.  Leah xoxo more
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In Need Of A Good Night's Sleep?
x Love Leah x
by Love Leah
4y ago
Hey loves, this is a collaborative post (not written by me).  Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay If you're not sleeping well right now, you're not alone. Many people are suffering from anxiety or stress due to coronavirus and are worrying about their jobs, money, family members, catching the virus and the uncertainty of what will happen over the next couple of months. However, right now, to fight and avoid this virus, it's important to be as healthy as you can be and sleep is so important for your health. If you're struggling to get a decent night's sleep right now, here are some tips more
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Hairy Issues And The Solutions You Need
x Love Leah x
by Love Leah
4y ago
Hi loveys, This is a collaborative post (not written by me). Some people love their hair and others hate it. It really depends on whether you are blessed with hair that is easy to manage. There are numerous hairy issues that you might have to contend with on a daily basis. Here are some that could be plaguing you and the key solutions. Pexels CCO License Thinning Hair You might find that your problem is with hair that is thinning. You’ll notice this issue if you find that the parting in your hair is getting larger. First, it’s important to be aware of the factors that can cause thinning more
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10 Quick Fashion Fixes That Won't Break the Bank
x Love Leah x
by Love Leah
4y ago
Hey lovelies, This is a collaborative post (not written by me). It can be tough to find new clothes without breaking the bank, especially if you've gotten into a habit of buying whenever you feel like you have nothing to wear (spoiler: you always do). This habit can be a severe drain on your finances, and it also makes your wardrobe too cluttered. While you might be buying more clothes, you rarely get rid of the ones you already have. There are solutions to this, though, and they are often quicker and cheaper than you think. Have a Clearout The f more
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