De vanligste vinklene journalister bruker når de forteller historier med data
Online Journalism Blog
by paulbradshawuk
6d ago
Datadrevet historiefortelling kan deles i syv hovedkategorier ifølge en analyse av 200 artikler. I den første av to poster vil jeg demonstrere de fire mest brukte vinklene i nyhetshistorier, hvordan de kan gi deg flere muligheter som reporter, og hvordan de kan hjelpe deg med å arbeide mer effektivt med data. De fleste datasett kan more
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What are we talking about when we say the “ethics” of AI and journalism?
Online Journalism Blog
by paulbradshawuk
2w ago
Many people — including me — are quite uncomfortable with generative AI. Most of this discomfort can be traced to the various ethical challenges that AI raises. But an understanding of the different schools of ethics can help us both to better address those challenges and what to do about them. Three different ethical approaches more
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The Art of Disagreement — lessons for journalists
Online Journalism Blog
by paulbradshawuk
3w ago
Journalists are no strangers to disagreement: the job regularly involves reporting on conflicts, putting one party’s point of view to another, or engaging with audience challenges around bias and veracity. So I was curious whether Buster Benson’s book, Why Are We Yelling? The Art of Disagreement, might have some lessons to offer for reporters. Spoiler more
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Niamh McIntyre: tips from a career in data journalism
Online Journalism Blog
by paulbradshawuk
1M ago
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism’s Big Tech Reporter Niamh McIntyre has been working with data for eight years — but it all stemmed from an “arbitrary choice” at university. She spoke to MA Data Journalism student Leyla Reynolds about how she got started in the field, why you don’t need to be a maths whizz more
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VIDEO: Developing ideas for factual storytelling
Online Journalism Blog
by paulbradshawuk
3M ago
Strong factual storytelling relies on good idea development. In this video, part of a series of video posts made for students on the MA in Data Journalism at Birmingham City University, I explain how to generate good ideas by avoiding common mistakes, applying professional techniques and considering your audience. The links mentioned in the video more
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Identifying bias in your writing — with generative AI
Online Journalism Blog
by paulbradshawuk
4M ago
In the latest in a series of posts on using generative AI, I look at how tools such as ChatGPT and can help help identify potential bias and check story drafts against relevant guidelines. We are all biased — it’s human nature. It’s the reason stories are edited; it’s the reason that guidelines require journalists to stick to more
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Using generative AI to help review your reporting: subbing, jargon, and brevity
Online Journalism Blog
by paulbradshawuk
4M ago
In the fifth of a series of posts from a workshop at the Centre for Investigative Journalism Summer School, I look at using generative AI tools such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini to help with reviewing your work to identify ways it can be improved, from technical tweaks and tightening your writing to identifying jargon. Having an editor makes more
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Using generative AI as a scraping assistant
Online Journalism Blog
by paulbradshawuk
4M ago
In the fourth of a series of posts from a workshop at the Centre for Investigative Journalism Summer School (the first part covered idea generation; the second research; the third spreadsheets), I look at using generative AI tools such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini to help with scraping. One of the most common reasons a journalist might need to more
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Using generative AI as a spreadsheet and data cleaning assistant
Online Journalism Blog
by paulbradshawuk
4M ago
Generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Gemini can be a big help when dealing with data in spreadsheets. In this third of a series of posts from a workshop at the Centre for Investigative Journalism Summer School (the first part covered idea generation; the second research), I outline tips and techniques for using those tools more
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Investigative journalism and ChatGPT: using generative AI for sourcing and story research
Online Journalism Blog
by paulbradshawuk
6M ago
In the second of a series of posts from a workshop at the Centre for Investigative Journalism Summer School (read the first part on idea generation here), I look at using generative AI tools such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini to improve sourcing and story research. Research is arguably the second-highest risk area (after content generation) for using generative more
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