Barefoot Investor
Covers articles on financial education, and answers to users' financial questions. The Barefoot Investor is Australia's most trusted independent finance expert. It broadcasts and publishes financial education via newsletters, emails, websites, television, radio, audio recordings, seminars, and written reports.
Barefoot Investor
1M ago
My bank manager, Colin, was stressed. I know this because I could see beads of sweat collecting on his bald head. We were standing in the middle of the branch while customers and other bank staff tried really hard to act like they were not listening in on our conversation ..read more
Barefoot Investor
1M ago
I’m 11 years old and I’m trying to invest, but I’m having a problem. Every investing app I try has monthly fees up to $10 a month! Can you please help give me some advice on how to find the right investing app ..read more
Barefoot Investor
1M ago
Last year we got a Christmas gift that changed everything: The Barefoot Investor. And what a year it’s been. My 20-year-old son is now the proud owner of his first piece of land, having already paid off half the loan while keeping his emergency fund intact ..read more
Barefoot Investor
1M ago
The other day I was at my local playground pushing my kids on a swing while two blokes shot up heroin less than five metres from the gate entrance. This sort of behaviour is pretty common in my area (median house price is over $1 million). Actually, it’s pretty common everywhere these days. Did you know Australia has the highest use of meth per capita in the world ..read more
Barefoot Investor
1M ago
You always hear some real estate rooster crowing about how smart they were when they bought a joint in 2018 for $480,000, and then flipped it three years later for $1.3 million ..read more
Barefoot Investor
1M ago
Many years ago, I solved the Christmas gift-giving game: I buy people books. A book says, “I think you’re the sort of person who has an attention span longer than 30 seconds and enjoys learning about something. In other words, I think you’re smart.” Here are the books I’ll be putting in my Santa sack this year ..read more
Barefoot Investor
1M ago
We got both my boys the Barefoot Kids book for Christmas over a year ago. In the last four months, Charlie has made over $100 from recycling cans and bottles. Charlie and our eldest son, Patrick, who’s 11, have also begun buying and selling Pokemon cards on eBay ..read more
Barefoot Investor
1M ago
In 2022, my stepdad passed away and shocked us all when he left all his $6.5 million in assets to my half-brother (his biological son), leaving my sister and me with nothing. To make things fair, our mum (divorced from him 10 years ago) updated her will to split her assets 50/50 between my sister and me ..read more
Barefoot Investor
1M ago
My dad, who’s 60 and nearing retirement, got a call from an Aussie company pitching an SMSF to trade daily using AI (red flag – he didn’t contact them first). They claim to use only 2% of your super per day to avoid “losing everything”. He’s already invested $500 and says he’s made $25 but is being hounded by daily calls ..read more
Barefoot Investor
1M ago
I’m wondering what your thoughts are around the hourly rate for a stay-at-home parent? I am unable to go back to work while we have young kids at home, one of whom has a chronic illness ..read more