How to nail your first discovery call with a copywriting client
Copywrite Matters
by Belinda Weaver
1M ago
Let’s talk about that first call with a prospective copywriting client—the one that can make you feel like you’re auditioning for the lead role in Imposter Syndrome: The Musical. We’ve all been there. But instead of letting the nerves take over, what if you could turn that initial conversation into your best-converting call yet? You […] The post How to nail your first discovery call with a copywriting client appeared first on Copywrite Matters more
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Seuss it up for better copy: Why rhyming is a persuasive copywriting power tool (and how to use it)
Copywrite Matters
by Belinda Weaver
1M ago
I love me some rhyming copy. It’s not just playful; it’s a copywriting powerhouse of persuasion! One I absolutely cover in my Copywriting Inkubator. And no, I’m not suggesting your services page should sound like Dr. Seuss (though that would be fun!). Think more along the lines of Pringles’ “Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop.” Why rhyming works First, we […] The post Seuss it up for better copy: Why rhyming is a persuasive copywriting power tool (and how to use it) appeared first on Copywrite Matters more
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3 lies copywriters tell themselves about getting clients
Copywrite Matters
by Belinda Weaver
5M ago
I’ve been coaching copywriters for many years now. And a copywriter before that. We’re storytellers at heart and by trade, and boy, can we tell ourselves some whoppers when it comes to getting clients. LIE # 1: Only the best get the best Here’s a little secret from the hiring side of the desk: when I’m looking for a copywriter, “the best” isn’t my gold standard. Are you surprised?? The truth is, being the most expensive or topping Google’s rankings doesn’t automatically make you the top pick. Clients might be attracted to the value a newer copywriter might bring, such as budget-friendliness. O more
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5 rookie mistakes copywriters make when finding new clients
Copywrite Matters
by Belinda Weaver
5M ago
Having transitioned from a full-time copywriter to a copy coach (clocking 13 years “in the biz”), I’ve guided hundreds of copywriters away from common pitfalls that hinder their success in attracting and retaining clients.  And finding copywriting clients is always the #1 struggle named, when asked. Fancy a shortcut around the mistakes? Of course you do! Here’s what I’ve learned: Mistake #1: Hitting pause on marketing Ever heard of “feast or famine”?  One minute you’re swamped with clients and consuming coffee at an unhealthy rate to keep your workflow flowing. The next you’re binge more
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Are you Schrodinger’s copywriter?
Copywrite Matters
by Belinda Weaver
5M ago
Ever feel like Schrodinger’s copywriter? In a quantum flux between ‘next big thing’ and ‘epic fail’, all because you haven’t opened the box of taking action.  In that moment your dreams are safe and sound, cocooned in the comfort of inaction.  No risk, no loss, right?  But also, no gain.   I’ve been in that stasis about my YouTube-channel-plan. I had a lot (and I mean a lot) of good intentions about creating new views and yet…   I couldn’t hit record. Why?  Because I was afraid I would suck. Not just a little but like, full cringe (as my kids say, often more
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Future-Proof Your Email Strategy: Adapting to Gmail and Yahoo’s 2024 DMARC Updates
Copywrite Matters
by Belinda Weaver
7M ago
Sometimes, just when I think I’ve got this online business gig figured out, the digital landscape shifts beneath my feet again. New algorithms upend our SEO strategies, social media platforms change the game overnight, and as soon as we’ve mastered the art of visibility, a fresh batch of rules lands on our desks.  The latest curveball? Significant policy changes from email behemoths Gmail and Yahoo. Having weathered numerous changes in copywriting, SEO and social media over the years, I’ve learned to adapt and evolve. However, these new email policies signal more than just another adjustm more
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The ultimate guide to starting a copywriting business (with no experience)
Copywrite Matters
by Belinda Weaver
10M ago
So you want to be a copywriter? Start a copywriting business and walk a new path to freelancing freedom; in control of your time and energy and lifting the roof of your personal and income potential. Before I talk about your first steps in copywriting, I want to share my own beginning and what becoming a copywriter has made possible for me. How I got started as a copywriter I started my working life as a computer programmer. I graduated from uni with a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology (IT) and spent nearly 10 years bouncing around different tech roles in major banks and big corpora more
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Are you waiting to be told? Reminders you need
Copywrite Matters
by Belinda Weaver
10M ago
“But you never told me to!” That’s what I hear from my kids a lot right now. Particularly my six-year-old. Both kids have a list of areas and jobs they are responsible for, but they don’t really have to think or remember them as they have me as their reminder system. I’ve been so good at this job that they don’t take action until they get a reminder. (Or two or three reminders.) And it’s been driving me crazy. So it was with no small amount of irony that I missed a hot seat session for a program I’m in because “no one told me to act”. The process is that if you want a hot seat, you ha more
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8 reasons you can’t be a wildly successful copywriter (and why they’re lies)
Copywrite Matters
by Belinda Weaver
10M ago
I’m in full-on myth-busting mode today, and let’s say the spice level is high. As a copywriter, you might have once held or still be holding onto misconceptions that are stalling your progress. Myths like: “You need innate writing talent to succeed…” “The market’s too crowded to find work…” “AI has driven down what clients will pay…” But let me set the record straight—these are all falsehoods. Yes! LIES! Don’t get me wrong, becoming a copywriter does pose real challenges: Mastering your writing craft.  Navigating the complexities of business ownership. #adultingishard  Marketing y more
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8 reasons you can’t be a wildly successful copywriter (and why they’re lies)
Copywrite Matters
by Belinda Weaver
11M ago
I’m in full-on myth-busting mode today, and let’s say the spice level is high. As a copywriter, you might have once held or still be holding onto misconceptions that are stalling your progress. Myths like: “You need innate writing talent to succeed…” “The market’s too crowded to find work…” “AI has driven down what clients will pay…” But let me set the record straight—these are all falsehoods. Yes! LIES! Don’t get me wrong, becoming a copywriter does pose real challenges: Mastering your writing craft.  Navigating the complexities of business ownership. #adultingishard  Marketing y more
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