Marriage After God
Unveiled Wife shares christian advice, christian marriage resources and Godly encouragement for wives. I write on faith, marriage and motherhood. My goal is to create an atmosphere where women feel safe to share their marriage experiences, find encouragement and affirm each other.
Marriage After God
20h ago
Dear Lord, Thank you for blessing us with one another! Thank you for giving husbands the opportunity to be Godly leaders. We pray for all husbands out there to be Holy Spirit inspired to step up to the plate of Godly leadership. We pray that they would be advocates of grace and mercy. We pray ..read more
Marriage After God
2d ago
Dear God, Help us to pray without ceasing! Holy Spirit, guide us to pray for our marriages, children, finances, and emotions. In any and every circumstance. In Jesus’ name, amen ..read more
Marriage After God
3d ago
Dear Lord, Today we pray that we would understand that our presence is more powerful than our presents. Giving good gifts is a good thing, but making sure we are fully present with our family is more powerful than any gift we can ever give. You exemplified this in sending Your son Jesus to actually ..read more
Marriage After God
4d ago
Dear Lord, We pray for every husband and wife, that they would begin to walk in the Spirit on a daily basis. We pray that we would not allow our flesh to guide our decisions and actions. Lord, make us men and women who live by Your spirit. In Jesus’ name, amen! But I say ..read more
Marriage After God
4d ago
Marriage is a beautiful gift from God, and it requires intentionality, prayer, and protection. In my recent conversation with Jerry Jenkins, bestselling author of Hedges and the Left Behind series, we talked about how to guard our marriages, raise godly children, and walk in our calling ..read more
Marriage After God
5d ago
Dear God, We need more time. We feel like there is so much to do, yet not enough time to do it. Why is this such an issue for us? Are we not organizing our time well? Did we put too much on our plate? Please help us! We know we are physically limited by ..read more
Marriage After God
6d ago
Dear Lord, Thank you for my spouse. Thank you that they are so perfect for me. We love each other so much and want to serve one another. We desire to be more romantic with each other. To pursue one another as you pursue us. Give us Your creative spirit to love each other in ..read more
Marriage After God
1w ago
Dear Lord, Thank you for our lives and the work You have given us to do. Lord, give us the wisdom we need to accomplish the tasks before us today. Give my spouse the wisdom they need to succeed in their work. Lord, You say if anyone lacks wisdom, they should ask You and You ..read more
Marriage After God
1w ago
Dear Lord, Today we pray for husbands and wives. So often the communication in marriage is a catalyst for arguments. We pray for better and more effective communication between spouses. May Your Holy Spirit anoint each of us so that we respond to each other in love, grace, and kindness. May the tone of our ..read more
Marriage After God
1w ago
Dear Lord, We can’t imagine the kind of suffering that is happening around the world and in marriages. There is death, sickness, poverty, loneliness, and countless other scenarios causing suffering to so many. Lord, bring those who are going through these things peace and strength: peace to know that You are near, and strength to ..read more