Updating Firebase Analytics for Flutter to avoid privacy manifest policy issues (after May 1, 2024)
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by vmvyas1989
5h ago
I recently received a notification on Firebase recommending an update to the Google Analytics for Firebase (GA4F) iOS SDK (version 10.24.0 or later) to avoid potential issues related to privacy manifest policies. I'm developing a Flutter app and am unsure about the required package updates to ensure compatibility with the latest GA4F iOS SDK version. Specific Questions: Required Flutter Package: For a Flutter app targeting users after May 1, 2024, which Firebase package version is necessary to ensure compatibility with the updated GA4F iOS SDK (version 10.24.0 or later)? Migration Steps: A ..read more
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AVAssetWriterInputTaggedPixelBufferGroupAdaptor.appendTaggedBuffers return false on iOS, but macOS OK
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by timyau
2d ago
I currently write an iOS app in Swift to do "Side-By-Side Video to MV-HEVC format" following the Apple Official document: Converting side-by-side 3D video to multiview HEVC. The sample code by Apple is written for macOS command line, and I want to move it into an iOS app. When using totally the same conversion code in iOS, the line usually returns false during conversion: if !bufferInputAdapter.appendTaggedBuffers(taggedBuffers, withPresentationTime: newPTS) { fatalError("Failed to append tagged buffers to multiview output") } I print out the newPTS for debugging, it returns false a ..read more
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Standalone iMessage app doesn't appear in neither simulator nor device after installation
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by appthumb
4d ago
I created a standalone iMessage app using Xcode template as the below: I didn't change a single line of code except just populating all necessary icons. After installing the extension using Xcode, nothing showed up in the iMessage. Did I miss anything? I've been stuck here for many hours ..read more
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No Exception when Internet not available in HTTP Request
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by SwiftiSwift
1w ago
When doing a HTTP request in Flutter I do not get any Exception like SocketException when WiFi is on but there is actually no internet, rather it waits long time until I get the defined TimeoutException. Also this issue appears when there is network connection in the beginning but suddenly the connection drops. How do I make it that it directly gives an exception whenever network issues occur? This my current code: try { await http .get(url, headers: headers) .timeout(const Duration(seconds: 20)); } on SocketException catch (e, st) { debugPrint('SocketException. Seems to be no ..read more
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AVAssetExportSession: trackIDs don't persist
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by Michael Lee
1w ago
I am adding a voiceover track to an existing video, which may include audio tracks. I'm using AVAssetExportSession to render the video to a .mov. I'd like to keep track of which audio track is the voiceover, so if the user later wants to edit the voiceover, I know which track to update. I thought I would use a unique trackID. So I call: let compositionAudioTrack = composition.addMutableTrack(withMediaType: .audio, preferredTrackID: myAudioTrackID)! where myAudioTrackID is a random Int32 I generated. I have confirmed that the trackID for the returned compositionAudioTrack is indeed = myAudioTra ..read more
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Declaration of 'FIRStorageHandle' must be imported from module 'FirebaseStorage.FIRStorageTypedefs' before it is required
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by osama
1w ago
Modules Issue (Xcode): Declaration of 'FIRStorageHandle' must be imported from module 'FirebaseStorage.FIRStorageTypedefs' before it is required /Users/builder/programs/flutter_3_0_5/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/firebase_storage-8.1.3/ios/Classes/FLTFirebaseStoragePlugin.m:410:14 I am trying to build flutter ios build using codemagic but it throws error. Please anyone help me ..read more
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How to enlarge or make sure the maximum AVAssetWriter Input frame size?
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by timyau
1w ago
I try to write frames into a video using AVAssetWriter. I wrote codes as below: // Initial AVAssetWriter // Write mp4 file let assetWriter = try AVAssetWriter(outputURL: targetUrl, fileType: .mp4) let width = size.width * 2 // set options for written video let videoSettings: [String : Any] = [ AVVideoCodecKey: AVVideoCodecType.h264, AVVideoWidthKey: width, AVVideoHeightKey: size.height ] guard assetWriter.canApply(outputSettings: videoSettings, forMediaType: AVMediaType.video) else { fatalError("Error applying output settings") } // Initial AVAssetWriterInput let assetWriterIn ..read more
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App Store Connect API error while reading App information of BundleID
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by kelin
1w ago
Trying to get App related to the bundle ID using App Store API: https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/bundleIds/{id}/app I'm receiving error 404: "errors" : [ { "id" : "ec7b1469-fe54-4ad5-9f2b-f665c31a6358", "status" : "404", "code" : "PATH_ERROR_REALTIONSHIP", "title" : "The URL path is not valid", "detail" : "The relationship 'app' does not exist on resource 'bundleIds'" } ] Tried to pass both Bundle ID id and Bundle ID itself as {id}. Error is the same. The app exists in the store ..read more
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Transition animation not working in iOS16 but was working in iOS15
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by Chris
1w ago
I have a SwiftUI Form with a custom chart view (not Swift Charts). A long press toggles to a different type of chart. These charts use the .transition(.slide) modifier. In iOS 15 these transitioned as expected on a long press, but in iOS 16 they do not. Persisted state property (an enum): @AppStorage("chartType") var chartType: ChartType = .chartA The Form part of the body property: Form { // Other sections Section { switch chartType { case .chartA: ChartViewA() .transition(.slide) case .chartB ..read more
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Limitations on ReplayKit file sharing?
iOS on Stack Overflow | Featured questions tagged ios
by marcgg
1w ago
Problem I'm using ReplayKit to save a screen recording, and once it is done it outputs to an URL. When I print the URL I do get a local value, something like: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E1A1A2CD-53A7-4FE0-894A-3F52377EAE72/tmp/D886623A-A42A-4D8D-ADD4-2D8705BC032F-recording.mov At that point I want to ask the user to save or share the data that is located at this URL. To do that I'm using a UIActivityViewController and it works perfectly for short recordings (a few seconds). My problem is that it just doesn't work for longer recording (ie larger files). It seems to ..read more
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