Friends of Seguin Island Light Station
One of Maine's premier lighthouses is the tallest and the second oldest in Maine, it possess Maine's only working Tramway and one of two 1st order lens in NE. Our purpose is to preserve, restore and maintain this historic light station, situated on Seguin Island. Which includes it’s buildings, artifacts and natural environment. To encourage persons to visit the lighthouse and the island.
Friends of Seguin Island Light Station
5M ago
Today was our last morning on the island. We spent the last week enjoying the relative solitude brought about by the post labor day storm, completing last minute projects and cleaning the buildings for the interim keepers. We are spending the next few days at home in southern Maine before traveling out west for Maureen’s […]
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Friends of Seguin Island Light Station
5M ago
We were up relatively early this morning, so we took an hour to go check on the North Trail and take some time to ourselves before our midday visitors started to arrive. We had been very cautious about exploring some areas of the North Trail all summer because so many birds use the cliffs as […]
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Friends of Seguin Island Light Station
6M ago
Today, as I was giving a tour of the lighthouse, I asked the last of the group to close the door on their way in. It’s something I ask of every group (otherwise the swallows will join us) when it occurred to me… the swallows are gone. There is a fair amount of avian wildlife […]
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Friends of Seguin Island Light Station
6M ago
We have our official move out day set. We’ll be leaving Seguin on Wednesday, September 11th and heading back to the mainland. The visitors have slowed and we’re feeling the end of the season fast approaching. With only about two weeks left on the island, we’re making our list of last projects and things we’d […]
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Friends of Seguin Island Light Station
6M ago
Today we experienced a rare set of circumstances on Seguin; the weather was beautiful and we had no visitors. Perhaps its a lull before the big Labor Day weekend, or maybe school is back in session, but we cannot remember a nicer day when we were not graced with the company of at least a […]
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Friends of Seguin Island Light Station
6M ago
This was one of our busiest weekends of the year! Pretty much from noon on Friday through about 5pm this evening moorings were always full and sometimes boats rafted up to fit into the cove. Saturday and Sunday both saw over 50 visitors and we’re now over 1100 for the season. We’ve heard a lot […]
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Friends of Seguin Island Light Station
6M ago
Over the last week or so, Matt and I have been really thinking about how our time on Seguin is coming to an end. The weather has started to turn a bit cooler, and we can feel fall in the air. We have less than one month left here on the island, so we’ve started […]
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Friends of Seguin Island Light Station
6M ago
We finally have clear enough skies to see the super moon that brought unusually high tides this week. Because they coincided with the rough seas and storms created by Hurricane Ernesto, we had a little bit of a surprise when we brought the dogs down to the cove for our morning walk. The dinghy had […]
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Friends of Seguin Island Light Station
6M ago
It was a very busy weekend on Seguin. On Saturday we welcomed over 50 visitors to the island. It also happened to be Matt’s 50th birthday. We had some friends visit and we got a chance to go “cliff jumping” (i.e., hopping from rock to rock between the Cove Trail and Cobblestone Beach) with our […]
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Friends of Seguin Island Light Station
6M ago
Because we’re often asked what animals we’ve seen on Seguin, we figured we’d come up with our running list of species we’ve seen (with varying degrees of scientific exactness). Because the only mammals are bats and the occasional mink, we’re in a rare situation in Maine where there aren’t ticks! We saw this little mink […]
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