CodePen Blog
CodePen is a social development environment. In this blog, the CodePen team talks about the ins and outs of running a web software business. They focus primarily on front-end languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and preprocessing syntaxes that turn into those things.
CodePen Blog
3d ago
Jake thinks developers should embrace creative coding again, which, ya know, it’s hard to disagree with from my desk at what often feels like creative coding headquarters. Why tho? From Jake’s perspective it’s about exposure. While many designers and developers have been working within familiar constraints, browsers have undergone a quiet revolution. The web now ..read more
CodePen Blog
1w ago
I kinda like the idea of the “minimal” service worker. Service Workers can be pretty damn complicated and the power of them honestly makes me a little nervous. They are middlemen between the browser and the network and I can imagine really dinking that up, myself. Not to dissuade you from using them, as they ..read more
CodePen Blog
2w ago
I love a good exposé on how a front-end team operates. Like what technology they use, why, and how, particularly when there are pain points and journeys through them. Jim Simon of Reddit wrote one a bit ago about their teams build process. They were using something Rollup based and getting 2-minute build times and ..read more
CodePen Blog
3w ago
HTML is fun to think about. The old classic battle of “HTML is a programming language” has surfaced in the pages of none other than WIRED magazine. I love this argument, not even for it’s merit, but for the absolutely certainty that you will get people coming out of the woodwork to tell you that ..read more
CodePen Blog
1M ago
Like Miriam Suzanne says: You’re allowed to have preferences. Set your preferences. I like the idea of controlling my own experience when browsing and using the web. Bump up that default font size, you’re worth it. Here’s another version of control. If you publish a truncated RSS feed on your site, but the site itself ..read more
CodePen Blog
2M ago
I coded a thingy the other day and I made it a web component because it occurred to me that was probably the correct approach. Not to mention they are on the mind a bit with the news of React 19 dropping with full support. My component is content-heavy HTML with a smidge of dynamic ..read more
CodePen Blog
2M ago
Typography stuff! I can’t help it, it’s a part of me. I bookmark great looking new typefaces (according to me) when I see them released or are just seeing them for the first time. Here’s some! Roslindale I think they are kiping this slogan from Caslon and it’s awfully bold to do so. I’m cool ..read more
CodePen Blog
2M ago
We’ve been using Cascade Layers in our CSS here at CodePen quite a bit lately. A pretty clear non-complicated use case is that we tend to apply one class to stuff. That includes a “library” component. So imagine the prototypical Button, which would have a .button selector applying styling to it. But this library component ..read more
CodePen Blog
2M ago
Microinteractions play an role in creating engaging and intuitive user experiences. These subtle animations and feedback can guide users, provide valuable information, and make interactions more enjoyable and generally look cool! One often overlooked yet super powerful micro-interaction is the use of custom cursors. Custom cursors can add a unique touch to your site, making navigation ..read more
CodePen Blog
2M ago
SVG has so many tricks up its sleeve. It’s really a full-featured drawing API literally designed for the web, but few of us really truly understand it nor reach for it enough. Heck, I even wrote a book about it, and I don’t. At the time, just getting people to use SVG for icons felt ..read more