16 March 2017
Shopgym Blog
4y ago
Warm up: Upper body lift prep Shoulder prep REVIEW:  PUSH PRESS WORK:  PUSH PRESS  incr weight to heavy last two sets 5 x 5 WORK:  50-40-30-20-10 Wallballs 20/14 to 10/9 Sit ups DU Rx+  unbroken rounds Rx2  40-30-20-10 Rx3  Modify rep scheme further, modify movements as necessary ..read more
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15 Mar 2017
Shopgym Blog
4y ago
Warm Up: 10 rounds of 7 sec squat and hold at bottom, 5 sec rest at top 10 each: Cossack squat Single leg RDL each leg Hamstring banded kickbacks REVIEW:  BACK SQUAT LIFT:  Back Squat 4 x 4 as heavy as you can for all sets WORK: 3 rounds for time of: Row, 400 m 21 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs (russian) 12 Handstand Push Ups Rx2:  HSPU off box in as much of a pike that you can manage Rx3:  scaled push ups or regular push ups SILVERS:  Same ..read more
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14 Mar 2017
Shopgym Blog
4y ago
Upper body lift prep shoulder prep REVIEW:  BTN PRESS - *LAT ENGAGEMENT* STRENGTH:  4 x 8 BTN PRESS Try to increase weight each set WORK: SHAM 7 rounds for time of: 11 Deadlifts, 1x bodyweight Run, 100 m (10 lengths yellow to yellow) You may replace running with a row, increase to 150 m ..read more
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13 Mar 2017
Shopgym Blog
4y ago
Warm Up: Shoulder Prep with bands then 3 rnds 5 inchworm 1 length bear crawl 1 length crab walk PRE:  Accumulate 3 mins of hollow body hold (floor) in as short a time as possible STRENGTH: 3 sets of 3 weighted strict pull up, 3rd set should be max weight If you do not have your strict pull up: 3 x 3 negative pull ups 6-8 sec descent WORK: 60 m walking lunge (yellow to yellow, 6 x) 21 Pull ups 21 V ups 60 m walking lunge 15 pull ups 15 V ups 60 m walking lunge 9 pull ups 9 sit ups Rx2:  Jumping pull ups Rx3:  Ring rows and regular sit ups SILVERS: Accumulate 3 mins Hollow ..read more
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8 Mar 2017
Shopgym Blog
4y ago
Warm Up: Shoulder prep REVIEW:  SNATCH with dowels 20 mins LIFT:  SNATCH 5 x 5 add weight each set, catch the bar in the power receive position and ride it down into a full squat WORK: 10 MIN AMRAP 21 Unbroken DU 15 Push Ups 5 Wallballs (20/14 to 10' all) Rx2:  broken du, 14# to 9' Rx3:  scaled DU (attempts or no rope jumps with double thigh slap)/scaled push ups/lighter wallballs or less height/depth SILVERS: Squat prep REVIEW (with dowels):  Back squat LIFT:  BACK SQUAT 5 x 5 increase weight each set Shoulder warm up (prep for push ups):  bear crawl ..read more
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7 Mar 2017
Shopgym Blog
4y ago
Warm Up: (10 mins) 10 rnds 7 sec descent and hold, 5 sec rest Air squat Use this to mobilize and work your form Monster walks Hamstring kickbacks Hamstring slides (off foam roller) REVIEW:  FRONT SQUAT (5 MINS) LIFT:  Front squat 8-5-5-5-3 (20 mins) Use 8 as a warm up set then increase weight each remaining set, aim for finishing with your 5RM and 3RM weights REVIEW:  Squat clean (10 mins) WORK:  ELIZABETH (10-12 MINS CAP) 21-15-9 reps for time:  Squat Cleans (135#/95#)  Ring Dips Rx2:  Bar dips Rx3:  tricep dips off bench or box ..read more
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6 Mar 2017
Shopgym Blog
4y ago
Warm Up: Hinshaw WORK:  Death by 10m With a continuously running clock perform: Run 10 m in the first 1 min, Run 20 m in the second 1 min Run 30 m in the third 1 min ... Continuing this for as long as you are able.  You must touch the floor at each end (10m is yellow to yellow line) CASH OUT:  Tabata line hopovers OPTIONAL SKILL WORK:   Pull up strength work or muscle up transitions ..read more
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2 Mar 2017
Shopgym Blog
4y ago
Warm Up: Tabata Medball cleans REVIEW:  Clean & Jerk (20 MINS) WORK: Alternating 30 MIN EMOM: ODD: 1 Clean & Jerk (work up to heaviest weight possible by last two rounds) EVEN:  200 m row ..read more
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1 Mar 2017
Shopgym Blog
4y ago
Warm Up: Upper body lift prep Shoulder prep REVIEW:  PRESS LIFT:  PRESS 5 x 5 work up to heavy set of five WORK: 12 MIN AMRAP 15 American KBS 55/35 20 Sit Ups 35 Double unders (Rx: Unbroken) Rx2:  Unbroken DU Rx3:  Any other weight/singles x 5 or DU attempts SILVERS: Upper body lift prep REVIEW:  BENCH PRESS LIFT:  Bench Press 5 x 5 Work up to heavy sets of 5 SKILL WORK:  Double Unders 1) Master the slow single, work on body position, relaxed shoulders, arms at 45 degrees) 2) No rope, same jump speed as singles but double slap thighs 3) Add rope, sa ..read more
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28 Feb 2017
Shopgym Blog
4y ago
Warm Up: RDL's Monster walks Cossack squats Hamstring kickbacks Shoulder prep SKILL :  Toes to bar Focus on lat engagement For time: 50 cal Row 40 TTB 30 DU 40 reverse leg lifts (off boxes, legs hang) 50 cal row Rx2: TTB mods, singles x 5 ..read more
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