Wherever you are in life, you have a purpose. Life.Church is here to help you find the next step on your journey to becoming who God created you to be. Our mission is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.
1y ago
If you follow Jesus, I’m guessing you want to grow closer to God each day. But how? What does it actually look like to grow spiritually?
While spiritual growth is a lifelong process, there are steps you can take today to fuel up and get moving—to start or continue the journey with Jesus. One of those steps involves prayer. Below, you’ll find five example prayers inspired by God’s Word to help you become the person God made you to be.
What Is Spiritual Growth?
Spiritual growth can feel like a vague concept, so let’s try to make it more practical. Everyone is uniquely made by God with a purpose ..read more
1y ago
If you’re reading this, I’m guessing that you want to live a meaningful, God-honoring life. But if you’re like most of us, then you sometimes struggle to make choices that align with who you hope to become.
Fortunately, with God’s help, we can improve our decision-making skills. As we do, we won’t just make healthier choices, we’ll also find ourselves growing into deeper relationships with God and with others.
The choices we make matter. Not just the giant, life-defining decisions, but also the small decisions we make every day. As Pastor Craig Groeschel often says, “The quality of our decisio ..read more
1y ago
Who is Jesus? What is Jesus like? Great questions—and you’ll get varying answers depending on who you ask.
Some would say Jesus of Nazareth was simply a wandering Jewish rabbi, craftsman, and preacher who was brutally killed by the occupying Roman government around two thousand years ago.
Others might only know Jesus from Hollywood movies or Sunday school stories. You know, the blonde, long-haired, lamb-holding Jesus. He can come off as distant, unrelatable, and often, a person who doesn’t resemble the real Jesus at all.
But the Jesus of the Gospels is so much more than just a figure in histor ..read more
1y ago
With a new year come new hopes, plans, and expectations. It’s a time when we reflect on the past year, take stock of our accomplishments and setbacks, and set new goals for the future. Whether we had a great year or a challenging one, how we approach the new year can significantly impact the trajectory of our lives.
So, what are you hoping for this year? You may be committed to a New Year’s resolution, or you might just want this year to be better than last year. There may be something you’re worried about in the coming year, and you’re hoping for the best but expecting the worst.  ..read more
1y ago
It’s not always easy to feel hopeful about the future, even as a Christian. We know God cares about us and is making everything new, but it can be easy to lose hope when we see pain, despair, and brokenness daily.
When I look at the news or scroll through social media, it’s easy to find the latest reason to feel cynical. Horrible events like violence and war get center stage, immediately followed by injustice, cruelty, and indifference. And, deep down, I know it’ll be the same tomorrow.
But at the same time, I know Jesus. I know that He has a plan to make all things new. And I’ve s ..read more
1y ago
Have you been feeling like there’s never enough in your bank account lately? Maybe the costs for your basic needs keep going up, or you’ve had some unexpected expenses. You might have debt or other financial burdens that keep you up at night. If that’s you, you’re not alone.
If you’re struggling financially, know that God is with you and wants to provide you with peace. And in addition to than that, He wants to help you make wise financial decisions that set you up for long-term success. Below you’ll find five prayers inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus. But first, we’ll explore why Go ..read more
1y ago
Parenting without anger can be hard. From the terrible twos to teenage tantrums, there are countless moments of frustration each day that can easily derail each of us. It’s important to note that when anger takes over, our words can become harsh, and our discipline can become vengeful.
There are some nights that I tuck my kids into bed and simultaneously pat myself on the back because we’ve had such a good day. But if I’m honest, there are many long days that I wish I could do over.
For me, the number one thing that contributes to a disappointing day is when my anger gets the best of me ..read more
1y ago
Is there someone you know that you can’t stand? Maybe it’s someone who’s wronged you repeatedly with their words or actions. Or maybe it’s a person you see every day who always seems to know how to get on your nerves. These are challenges we all face at some point in our lives.
If we’re being honest, these are the people we tend to do our best to avoid and ignore. We don’t like them, and, if our dislike is strong enough, we may even consider them our enemy.
And then we read these uncomfortable words of Jesus:
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tel ..read more
1y ago
If you asked just about any Christian if they want to grow closer to God, they’d probably say, “Yes!”
Of course we all want to grow closer to God each day. But how? How do we develop a deeper faith? Turns out there’s a one-word answer: discipleship.
What Is a Disciple?
Discipleship is a process that can start as soon as we choose to follow Jesus. A disciple is kind of like a student or apprentice. They seek to learn from their leader and imitate their way of life.
Christians are disciples of Jesus, meaning we seek to learn from Jesus and imitate His way of life.
Jesus is fully God and fully hu ..read more
1y ago
Why did Jesus say we should love our neighbors as ourselves? Did He say it first? Why does He keep saying it? Who is my neighbor? Didn’t Jesus answer that question too? Oh, and why did Jesus include the “as yourself” part?
What Does It Mean to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself?
Wouldn’t it be easier to just believe in Jesus, take care of my family, go to church, work hard, and sometimes do that half-smile-wave thing to my neighbor? Aren’t there exceptions for people who drive me crazy?
These questions matter, and we’re about to do our best to work them out here. But there’s some ..read more