The Polish Swimmer at the Olympic Trials
Kent Crockett's Devotionals
6d ago
The following comes from my book, MORE Amazing Stories & Daily Devotionals   In the 1930s, a Polish immigrant’s son lived in a dreary apartment in Chicago. Because the boy only spoke broken English, he had no friends and no one to encourage him. One day as the youngster was walking home, a man standing outside the YMCA called out to him. He worked at the facility and invited him inside to see the Olympic-sized indoor swimming pool. He asked the young man if he could swim. The boy said he could not. “Would you like to come here after school and learn how to swim?” the man asked more
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The Man Who Signed the Guest Book
Kent Crockett's Devotionals
1w ago
The following comes from my book, MORE Amazing Stories & Daily Devotionals Tom Stonewall was speeding through a small town one night, looking for a public restroom. Finally, he came to a funeral home. Tom used the facilities, then paid his respect to the deceased. The funeral director, spotting Tom, insisted he write his name and address in the guest register. Tom thought it was a lot of trouble to go through just to use the bathroom, but he did it anyway. Three weeks later, Tom got a call from a lawyer in the small town. It turns out that Tom had visited the funeral home on the night th more
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Monkey Prayers
Kent Crockett's Devotionals
2w ago
The following comes from my book, Amazing Stories & Daily Devotionals   Chimpanzees have actually been taught how to use sign language, and what they have to say is revealing. A chimp named Nim gave this message: "Nim eat Nim eat. Give orange me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me you." When we examine the chimp's messages, two things stand out. First, Nim tends to say the same things over and over. Second, nearly every sentence Nim utters is a request for something he wants. Now suppose that chimps were taught to pray to God. What would their prayers sound more
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Your Final Performance
Kent Crockett's Devotionals
3w ago
The following comes from my book, MORE Amazing Stories & Daily Devotionals. In the early 1900s long before television, the most popular entertainment was vaudeville performances on stage. Entertainers in vaudeville had to face some tough audiences, so many of them ended their acts with show-stopping moves to ensure applause at the end. One performer named Eddie Leonard announced at every performance that this was his last show. He figured that few people would be heartless enough to boo a man who was performing his last show. And so, at every city for the next 20 years, the announcement more
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The Miner's Old Shack
Kent Crockett's Devotionals
1M ago
The following comes from my book, MORE Amazing Stories & Daily Devotionals. An old recluse lived deep in the mountains of Colorado. When he died, his relatives came from the city to collect his valuables. They drove up to a dilapidated old shack with an outhouse in back. Inside the shack, next to the fireplace was an old cooking pot and some mining equipment. A cracked table holding a kerosene lamp and a three-legged chair stood next to a tiny window. In a dark corner of the little room was a cot with a dirty bedroll on it. The relatives picked up a few relics and started to leave. As th more
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What's Stressing You Out?
Kent Crockett's Devotionals
1M ago
The following comes from my book, MORE Amazing Stories & Daily Devotionals.  Steve Irwin was “The Crocodile Hunter” on the television show by that name. On one episode, he was trying to catch a cobra with his bare hands. He put on sunglasses because cobras can spit venom at a person’s eyes with incredible accuracy. If the venom hits the eyes, it can cause permanent blindness. As expected, the cobra’s poison landed directly on his sunglasses. Most people would be freaking out, but Irwin exclaimed, “Wow, I love doing this!” Wouldn’t you like to catch a cobra? Probably not. What’s stre more
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The Pressure That Sank the Submarine
Kent Crockett's Devotionals
1M ago
The following comes from my book, MORE Amazing Stories & Daily Devotionals. On April 10, 1963, the nuclear submarine Thresher went too deep into the ocean and was crushed by the pressure of the surrounding water. A submarine needs thick steel bulkheads to withstand the pressure of the water as it dives, but few walls can withstand the pressure of the deepest oceans. Amazingly, in those same deep waters where that steel submarine had been crushed, little fish swim without a care in the world. How is that possible? Why aren’t they crushed since they only have a thin layer of skin? God creat more
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The Prisoners' Christmas Play
Kent Crockett's Devotionals
1M ago
The following comes from my book, Amazing Stories & Daily Devotionals. In a maximum-security prison, a group of convicted felons volunteered to act out the Christmas story for the other prisoners. Nothing could be brought in from the outside. All the costumes and props had to be made from what they could find inside the prison. A mop was used for Mary’s hair. Cotton balls were glued to a ski mask and socks, so the prisoners could look like sheep. A cardboard box was turned into a manger. Everything was falling into place and the prisoners were excited about the play, but they had a probl more
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Trusting God MORE Than Your Need to Know
Kent Crockett's Devotionals
2M ago
In the thrilling television series 24, Jack Bauer is a special agent with the Counter Terrorism Unit. He’s always involved in a highly secretive plan that requires him to call the U.S. President to ask permission to do something risky during a crisis situation. The President asks, “Jack, what are you planning to do?” Bauer answers, “Mr. President, you don’t need to know and I don’t have time to explain. Please, I just ask you to trust me. I promise I’ll do my very best to solve this problem.” The President always gave him permission because his trust in Bauer was greater than his need to kno more
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God Has Named Every Star in the Universe
Kent Crockett's Devotionals
2M ago
Last week we learned that God keeps track of 820 trillion hairs on all the heads in the world. If that wasn’t enough to blow your mind, He has given every star in every galaxy its own name!  Whether we’re looking through a microscope at hairs, or looking through a telescope at stars, we marvel at the incredible knowledge and power of God. Astronomers estimate there are 100 thousand million stars in the Milky Way alone. And that is just in one galaxy. The number of stars in the known universe is thought to be 300 sextillion. That’s 300,000 million million million stars! There are ten tim more
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