WordPoints - Christian Daily Devotional
Christian daily devotional books and Bible study tools from WordPoints. Daily devotional meditations by Gary Henry, encouraging growth in devotion to God. WordPoints is a religious publishing company owned by Gary Henry. It delivers content via web sites, e-books, and other digital media.
WordPoints - Christian Daily Devotional
8M ago
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Greetings in the Lord! It is hard to believe that today we begin the last half of 2024, but I pray that, if the Lord tarries, the time we spend in the His work during the remainder of this year will be filled with good deeds.
I want to give you an update on the state of my health and emotional well-being, but having done this, I won’t be saying anything more about these things in future reports (unless something new comes up, of course). The TMS treatments for depression that I received earlier this year were extremely helpful. Combined with numerous psychotherapy sessions, the TMS ..read more
WordPoints - Christian Daily Devotional
1y ago
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As I write, it is February 29 — the “extra” day we get every four years. I hope that 2024 has been good for you so far.
Week after next, I will be in Greenwood, Indiana (March 10–15), and then on Sunday, March 17, I will be with the 25th Street congregation in Columbus, Indiana. If you live near either of these locations, I would love to see you. Given the physical challenges that make it difficult for me to do this kind of work, I would appreciate it if you would pray for me to be able to do what these two churches have asked me to come and do. It has become harder with each year t ..read more
WordPoints - Christian Daily Devotional
1y ago
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As I write this, the day outside is cool and bright, with all the trees in their vivid fall colors. The brisk feeling of this time of year is special, and I continue to enjoy the change of the seasons each year.
Lord willing, I will be with the brothers and sisters in Valrico, Florida in a gospel meeting, November 12–15. Although I have never been to Valrico before, I have known several of their members when they lived in other places, so I am looking forward to our time together. I plan to do a series of lessons tied to the theme of the book I am currently writing, entitled Walking ..read more
WordPoints - Christian Daily Devotional
1y ago
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“. . . you still live as the people of this world live. When there is jealousy among you and you quarrel with one another, doesn’t this prove that you belong to this world, living by its standards?” (1 Corinthians 3:3 Good News Bible).
THE QUESTION “HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE SAVED?” IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION. Paul urged the Corinthians, “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves” (2 Corinthians 13:5). But we need to be careful what standard we use to make this test. Some suppose that salva ..read more
WordPoints - Christian Daily Devotional
1y ago
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I appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you again and let you know how much I appreciate your support of the work I am involved in. As the summer winds down, I pray for a productive fall, both for you and for me.
I continue to press ahead with the writing of Walking in Christ, the sixth volume in the WordPoints Daybook Series. Following Obeying the Gospel, which was about becoming a Christian, Walking in Christ will discuss what life in Christ is like after we begin following Him. As I have frequently said, Obeying the Gospel is about our initial response to the gospel, and ..read more
WordPoints - Christian Daily Devotional
1y ago
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Greetings in the Lord. I pray that each of you is doing as well physically as you are spiritually.
As you know, since the first of the year I have been contemplating the possibility of moving to Meridian, Mississippi and making that my home base. I have been going to Meridian for a week or so each month, enjoying the writing environment there and doing whatever I can to encourage the small band of disciples that make up the 7th Street congregation in that town. I had planned to make my decision about moving there toward the end of July, but I have been able to gather all the informa ..read more
WordPoints - Christian Daily Devotional
2y ago
“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now” (John 16:12).
LEARNING WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW IS A GRADUAL PROCESS. At the present time, none of us can say that we’ve received all of the truth the Lord has to impart. That is why serious study of the Scriptures should be a part of our daily activity. Each day, we need to be adding a little to our storehouse of knowledge.
But coming to a full understanding of God’s will involves more than study. Many things we come across in our study do not “sink in” because we’re not yet ready to hear them. Perhaps we’ve not experienced t ..read more
WordPoints - Christian Daily Devotional
2y ago
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Greetings to each of you in the name of Jesus Christ. I am writing this on the second day of this new year, 2023. I pray that you are well and that your work in the Lord is going well.
As the old year came to a close and the new year began, I received a number of communications from readers expressing appreciation for the daily readings that I send out in various ways. Reading a portion of a larger work every day of the year requires discipline, and I can’t tell you how much it means to me at the personal level to have so many readers who read the pages from these daybooks every day ..read more
WordPoints - Christian Daily Devotional
2y ago
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As summer turns to fall, I wish for you many blessings in the Lord’s work wherever you may live.
This month, I want to share with you some exciting news: after several years of thinking about it, asking some wise people for their counsel, and praying about it nearly every day, I am going to attempt to move the base of my operations to Meridian, Mississippi. I say “attempt” because I am going to allow for a trial period before I commit myself to it. During this trial, I want to find out (as best I can) if it is physically possible for me to handle the rigors of living there. If the p ..read more
WordPoints - Christian Daily Devotional
2y ago
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“And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number who believed turned to the Lord” (Acts 11:21).
THE “FAITH ONLY” DOCTRINE IS NOT TAUGHT IN THE SCRIPTURES. Merely believing that Jesus is the Christ is not enough to save us from our sins. In the words of James, “As the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead” (2:26).
But neither will we be saved by “baptism only.” The person who thinks his only problem is that he was attending services at the wrong church, and that he is no ..read more