Lakisha Johnson
A daily devotional to encourage you on the days or nights when you feel like giving up or giving in because neither one is an option! The enemy wants you to quit but get your faith up, look him in his funky face and let 'em know, "I didn't come to lose today!"
Lakisha Johnson
1M ago
I remember it vividly which is weird because I rarely do unless I immediately jot it down. Anyway. I was working a new job. The first day, no problem. The second day, for some reason, my husband dropped me off but once inside, I couldn’t find the way to my desk. I walked this long ..read more
Lakisha Johnson
1M ago
Temple Church is almost 1!!! You know what that means right? Yes ma’am, yes sir …. Issa Party! Save the date … 2.7.25 for a Boots and Blazers kind of affair! Location and tickets will be available on Monday! Now, if you are a business and would like to partner with us by becoming a ..read more
Lakisha Johnson
1M ago
Folk will talk about your come up, but wouldn’t even reply to your text when you were struggling. The same folk who said you were faking depression will be the same ones speaking evil of your deliverance. Child, they’ll even “who she thinks she/he is,” your name to death, but were mute when you were ..read more
Lakisha Johnson
1M ago
I was watching #FBI and OA felt obligated to his friend Clay for saving his life years before. It didn’t matter that Clay was putting his life and job in jeopardy, OA risked it all. In the end, this same friend held a gun to him. Maggie told him, “Your loyalty is your blind spot ..read more
Lakisha Johnson
2M ago
Do you realize there’s not an OR in between the vows, but an AND? Here’s why. The word OR signifies having an alternative whereas AND means either or both. Therefore, when you stand to take vows with the spouse of your choosing, and you say and, you’re signifying agreement to the before and after. Therefore ..read more
Lakisha Johnson
2M ago
I don’t know if you know, but there’s an alarm being sounded and it’s a Code Red Situation!! Friday, December 6, 20246 PM CST/7 PM EST If you’ve joined us in previous years or if this will be your first time, DO NOT MISS THIS! It’s a God-ordained set date with destiny, designed ..read more
Lakisha Johnson
2M ago
Yes, I also know it’s the holidays. How-b-ever … my Grams always said, “You don’t know what people will do unless you ask.” Now, I’m not pinning a scripture or brow-beating you. Instead, on this Tuesday, I’ll say this. If you feel led to give to Temple Church, here are some ways to do so ..read more
Lakisha Johnson
3M ago
That’s what we vow, but could you still be submissive to your husband after he betrayed your trust? Forsaking All Others … NOW AVAILABLE! Raven never had any reason to doubt her husband, Russell. He had always been a man of his word. But lately, things have changed. He insists he’s not cheating, but then ..read more
Lakisha Johnson
3M ago
BRAE2024 (Black Readers Appreciation Event) has officially kicked off and Lakisha, the Author has 3 books free until Saturday. Here’s the link to get them as well as hundreds of other books! Support us, mane!! Download the books, yes.Read the books, please.Share them with others, PRETTY PLEASE! Authors aren’t compensated for free books, and I’m ..read more
Lakisha Johnson
3M ago
On Sunday, I had the privilege to share with Greater Grace MB Church (Memphis) on their Annual Women’s Month. The title of the sermon, A Necessary Change. In Genesis 17, God changed Sarai’s name to Sarah because Sarai’s life was being changed. The old name didn’t fit her new place. Yes, it was only 1 ..read more