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Antioch Community Church
by kanika.soam@antiochwaco.com
3y ago
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The Power of Jesus on the Cross
Antioch Community Church
by Olivia Andrade
4y ago
Written by Sean Jones Why did there have to be a sacrifice? When our kids were young, I remember a day that I gave them a pep talk before going into the grocery store. Among other things, I made it clear that they weren’t to touch anything. I also shared what the consequence would be if they didn’t obey. As we were getting ready to check out, I watched one of my daughters eye the candy and look at me, again and again. I reminded her not to touch, but a few minutes later I saw her little hand touch a candy bar out of the corner of my eye. When she realized that I saw her, her eyes filled with t ..read more
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Multicultural Resource Guide
Antioch Community Church
by Olivia Andrade
4y ago
MULTICULTURAL RESOURCE GUIDE We believe the Bible is the ultimate source of truth and the first priority for guiding the lives and practice of people. While many of the listed resources have Christian authors and present race-related topics from a Christian perspective, none of them should be viewed as equal to or above scripture. These resources are intended to be studied in harmony with the Word of God with input from the Body of Christ to determine practical life application. VISION FOR THIS RESOURCE Antioch Community Church is called by God to be a multicultural congregation. This means we ..read more
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Goodbye 2020. Hello 2021!
Antioch Community Church
by Owen Wible
4y ago
Dear Antioch family, If you are reading this letter, it means YOU MADE IT through this year! God’s hand has certainly carried us all and will continue carrying us forward. David said in Psalm 90:12, “Teach me to number my days, that I might present to You a heart of wisdom.” So much of moving forward is looking back to reflect on God’s faithfulness, the lessons learned and the doors to close. On December 27th’s online service, I shared a message out of Paul’s encouragement in Philippians 3 to lay down what lies behind and press on toward the prize of the call of God in Christ Jesus. As we clos ..read more
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5 Things to Prepare to Vote
Antioch Community Church
by Olivia Andrade
4y ago
Today is Election Day, and we are praying God’s grace, peace and wisdom over you. Below are five things for you to consider and remember as you participate today. 1. Pray for God’s will to be done. The Lord’s Prayer… “Your kingdom come, Your will be done” Colossians 1:9-10 9, “For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and i ..read more
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Praying for our Nation
Antioch Community Church
by Owen Wible
4y ago
We need the King and His Kingdom to come rule and reign in our personal lives, families, city and nation. God invites us to partner with Him in prayer for our nation, its people and its leaders. Jesus said we should pray in this way, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” The promise of prayer is that God moves on behalf of those who know their need, who ask for help from heaven and who believe with thanksgiving that God hears and responds.  We’ve compiled a list of scriptures with crafted prayers around many of the issues facing our country. Download our ..read more
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Confirming New Elders
Antioch Community Church
by Destiny Gonzalez
4y ago
We are thrilled to announce three new elder candidates to help govern our church! They are Susan Peters, Vincent Carpenter and Carl Gulley. We will be taking the next two weeks for you to submit any questions or concerns to our current elder team. You can email info@antiochwaco.com or call our church office at 254-754-0386. We will be commissioning our new elders on Sunday, June 28th. The Antioch Movement has recently released position papers on our stance regarding Women in Ministry as well as Race and the Glory of God. Click on the links below to read those. Women in Ministry Position Paper ..read more
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Prayer & Fasting // The Gift of Repentance
Antioch Community Church
by Destiny Gonzalez
4y ago
Today is the final day of our corporate fast. We have centered these days on 2 Chronicles 7:14, “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” This passage was an exhortation to God’s people and is equally relevant for us today as we seek to respond by humbling ourselves, praying and repenting. Repentance means to change. It is the act of turning away from our will and instead embracing God’s. Repentance is an internal act that ..read more
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Prayer & Fasting // Called to Pray
Antioch Community Church
by Destiny Gonzalez
4y ago
Prayer is central to following Jesus. He modeled a life of prayer and repeatedly taught His disciples to pray. He taught specific prayers, He promised to answer us and He challenged His disciples to pray in faith. In one parable, found in Luke 18:1-18, we read a peculiar story about a judge who was indifferent to the plight of a poor woman who was seeking justice. He initially refused to hear her case, but she persisted and confronted him every day until he finally relented. Luke informs us that Jesus told this parable to teach His disciples that they “ought always to pray and never give up ..read more
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Prayer & Fasting // We Humble Ourselves
Antioch Community Church
by Destiny Gonzalez
4y ago
“If my people humble themselves…then I will hear from heaven…” We are using 2 Chronicles 7:14 as a guide for our corporate prayer and fast as we believe together for a breakthrough in our land. Today we begin this time by embracing the call to humility. Throughout Scripture, God calls His people to humble themselves. He promises to save, guide and sustain the humble, but He warns that the proud will be brought low. The Bible mentions humility nearly 100 times and the call to humility can be found from the beginning to the end, from the Old Testament to the New. The importance of humility is at ..read more
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