AquaIllumination Releases New Hydra Edge 44HD and 68HD
Reef Builders
by Salem Clemens
2d ago
Today is the release date of the new Hydra Edge 44HD and 68HD. We luckily got some time to play with these lights prior to release since they arrived at our LFS yesterday (video out now). I’ll first break down all of the features then provide some initial thoughts. The Stuff Everyone Want’s To Know… Source more
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Cali Kid Corals Brings In Jaw Dropping Multicolor Fungia
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by Salem Clemens
2d ago
Cali Kid Corals, a boutique store with two locations in California, has been known for its high-end and collector-level pieces for some time. They recently added a new piece that caught my attention to their WYSIWYG section. This plate coral has not one, not two, but four different colors. It is bright, toxic green, reminiscent… Source more
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TECO Chillers Now Distributed By SICCE US – Widely Available In North America
Reef Builders
by Salem Clemens
1w ago
TECO, “The Future Of Refrigeration,” has made its way to the United States. Designed and manufactured in Italy, these chillers are powerhouses with an emphasis on sustainability and quality. The flagship SeaChill line is now available in North America via distribution by Sicce and consumer sale by They range from $1,099.99 to $1,679.99 and… Source more
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Reef Moonshiner’s Post DOC Reduction Method Using CAC
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by Salem Clemens
1w ago
Yesterday on the Reef Moonshiner’s support group owner Andre Mueller posted the following information. DOC Reduction and a specific CAC (Catalytic activated carbon), investigated closer on the Reef Moonshiners Test tanks and trialed numerous times in the Reef Moonshiners community, proven and repeatedly measured the best solution for gentle and simple DOC reduction for most… Source more
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ReefStock Denver 2025 – Event Details and Last Day For Discounted Rooms
Reef Builders
by Salem Clemens
1w ago
ReefStock Denver is poised to be a lot of fun! The show has officially sold out, and the floor plan is jam-packed with tons of amazing exhibitors. In addition to the exhibitors, we also have various educational workshops and speakers, as well as a brand-new aquascaping contest—details of which we’re keeping under wraps until the… Source more
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Polyp Lab’s New Genesis Rock Power Rack Provides Insane Surface Area
Reef Builders
by Salem Clemens
2w ago
Recently released Polyp Lab’s new Power Rack for their Genesis Rock is the easiest way to add massive amounts of surface area to any system. Each rack can hold four genesis rocks and on top of that the racks are stackable. This allows users to ensure there’s adequate biological filtration even in small systems as… Source more
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Orphek’s Amazona 960 iCon Can Now Be Custom Ordered In White
Reef Builders
by Salem Clemens
2w ago
Orphek’s Amazona 960 iCon is a powerhouse designed for widespread applications such as large displays or public aquariums. The fixture is IP67 certified and has been updated with all of the fixings of the other iCon fixtures, including the Orphek 10,000% dimming programmability and iCon app connectivity. Previously, it was only available in black, but… Source more
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Triton X SEAVU Collab Presents A Paramount Opportunity For Industry Innovation
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by Salem Clemens
2w ago
For more than a decade, Triton Applied Reef Bioscience has been at the forefront of the industry in terms of innovation. Among many other achievements, they were the first to introduce both ICP and TOC analysis to the industry. However, Triton hasn’t stopped there. They still conduct rigorous R&D and continue to build out a… Source more
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Coral Frag Tech Testing Nifty Solution For Mounting Soft Coral Frags
Reef Builders
by Salem Clemens
2w ago
Coral Frag Tech is an up-and-coming company that revealed its new modular frag plugs and racks at Reefstock Chattanooga last year. They have something new up their sleeve. Steve Nair, the owner of the company, posted a nifty design on his Facebook yesterday that I have yet to see anywhere else. It’s a frag plug… Source more
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Fauna Marin Releases Ready 2Reef All In One Supplement And Announces Coral Wow! + Sea10
Reef Builders
by Salem Clemens
2w ago
Fauna Marin has released Ready 2 Reef a new all in one dosing product that supplies calcium, alkalinity, magnesium and many trace elements. Per Fauna Marin’s newest video on their YouTube channel this formulation is centered around calcium format. They advocate for utilizing this product on small systems not focused on SPS. For high end… Source more
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