Herb Silverman Blog
Herb Silverman is a mild-mannered mathematics professor and liberal, Jewish, Yankee atheist who ran for Governor of South Carolina to change the Constitution, which prohibited atheists from holding public office. A most original and humorous voice.
Herb Silverman Blog
1w ago
Monotheistic Religions Herb Silvermanhttps://secularhumanism.org/2025/01/monotheistic-religions/Free Inquiry, February/March 2025. V45/No.2First there were Jews, with their holy book. Then there were Christians, with their holy book. And then there were Muslims, with their holy book. Today they form the three major monotheistic religions, with lots in common and lots not. The Jewish holy book was called the Hebrew Bible, or Torah. Christians gave that book a new name (Old Testament) b ..read more
Herb Silverman Blog
2w ago
https://www.postandcourier.com/opinion/letters_to_editor/opinion-letters-law-enforcement-road-salt-new-america/article_019ef866-d44f-11ef-94e3-6f6bc3cb336c.html With all the talk about changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America, perhaps we should consider changing the name of New Mexico to New America.  ..read more
Herb Silverman Blog
3w ago
EXTERNAL EMAIL: Verify sender; use caution with attachments/links.Part 4Some questions I have been asked about religion over the years, and my answers. https://www.ftsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/January-February-2025-Ezine-for-Publication.pdf PrayerWhat do you say if someone tells you they will pray for you?My first thought would be to say, “OK, I’ll think for both of us.” But this hurtful reply would offend a well-meaning person. I think the best r ..read more
Herb Silverman Blog
4M ago
Part 3Some questions I have been asked about religion over the years, and my answers https://www.ftsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/November-December-2024-Ezine.pdf MoralityHow can you be moral without God?We are all without any gods. I go along with Abraham Lincoln: When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion. How is your morality different from religious morality?Morality is doing what is right, regardless of what we are told. Religious morality is ..read more
Herb Silverman Blog
6M ago
https://www.ftsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2024-08-Past-Two-Question-Answers-with-Herb-Silverman.pdf Some questions I have been asked about religion over the years, and my answers JesusIf God doesn’t exist, why do most scholars believe Jesus was an actual person and was crucified?Lots of people were once crucified, but none were turned into gods or resurrected. Where did the people go who died before Jesus came?The same place we all go—nowhere. They are just de ..read more
Herb Silverman Blog
7M ago
LTE My LTE in the July 30 Charleston Post and Courier.Herb https://www.postandcourier.com/opinion/letters_to_editor/opinion-letters-tim-scott-guns-political-hate-10-commandments/article_c9b2bb38-3b09-11ef-86c1-47f3e71a52b8.html Wrong messagePosting the Ten Commandments in government buildings allies the government in an official way with two creeds, Judaism and Christianity, and sends an unmistakable message to Americans who follow another or no religion that they are second ..read more
Herb Silverman Blog
7M ago
Speaking as an atheist, I’ve participated in many debates, usually with Christian leaders. Below are some of the points I made. I hope it will be instructive to those of you who engage in religious discussions. Feel free to use or modify any of my comments. Basically, an atheist is simply someone without a belief in any gods. I can’t prove there are no gods. I just find no credible evidence for them, which is also why I don’t believe in astrology or alien abduction by UFOs. Suppose I tell you that the universe wa ..read more
Herb Silverman Blog
8M ago
Scott Douglas Jacobsen: It’s been a hot minute since last talking virtually. However, since I was travelling all over the States, I did get the opportunity to, in fact, meet in person, Sharon [Herb’s wife] and you. That was lovely, so thank you: for showing me Charleston, having a meal, taking a walk, and just being hospitable. Do you get a lot of visitors?
Dr. Herb Silverman: It was a pleasure to see you, Scott. Now you understand why Charleston is the top tourist attraction in the US. There are man ..read more
Herb Silverman Blog
9M ago
My values are tied in with my purposes. What is the purpose of human existence? The primary purpose of every living thing is to replicate so the species will survive. The more we learn about our natural world, the less significant humans seem to be in it. Charles Darwin showed that we are all animals in a long evolutionary line. But purpose for humans is about more than mere replication and survival. It’s about what we believe we should do in the brief time we’re alive. And most people have more than one purpose. I believe we all need to find individual purposes in our lives.&nb ..read more
Herb Silverman Blog
9M ago
This just appeared In The Humanist magazine
As a long-term academic before I retired, I often served on the College of Charleston’s Tenure and Promotion Committee. For faculty who apply for tenure (lifetime appointment), usually in the sixth year of teaching at an institution, the committee looks at the candidate’s vita, teaching evaluations, and letters of recommendations. They make decisions based on research, teaching, and service to the academic community. The committee discusses the candidate and formulates questions. They then hold an extensive interview with the candidate, followed by ..read more