Moravio As CRM Development Company
The Java Programmer
by Neeraj Mishra
1y ago
Only a well-designed and sophisticated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Application can help your company expand. Moravio handles the complete CRM development process, from design to launch and aftercare. As a CRM development company, it depends on a solid technology stack, substantial industry knowledge, and integration with other systems. CRM has emerged as a pillar for corporate success in an era when customer interactions are crucial and data-driven choices reign. CRM development has taken center stage as businesses attempt to establish meaningful relationships and simplify processes more
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Java Program to Calculate Area and Perimeter of Rectangle
The Java Programmer
by Neeraj Mishra
1y ago
The area and perimeter of a rectangle can be calculated using the formula Area = length * width and Perimeter = 2 * (length + width). Here is the program to implement this in Java. First, we take length and breadth from the user as input and then give area and perimeter as output. Area of Rectangle import java.util.Scanner; public class RectangleAreaCalculator { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter rectangle length: "); double length = scanner.nextDouble(); System.out.print("Enter rect more
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How to Become Expert in Java – Beginners Guide
The Java Programmer
by Neeraj Mishra
1y ago
Nowadays, many teenagers dream of becoming programmers. These are specialists who can create and develop websites, games, apps, software, gadgets, and so on. One should master various programming languages to become competent with various tasks and directions. One of them is Java. This is one of the most famous programming languages. Although it is considered to be a basic one, it may induce definite issues when you try to master it. Luckily, there are many solutions. One of them is to require professional Java assignment help at, which more
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Pangram Program in Java
The Java Programmer
by Neeraj Mishra
1y ago
A string is known as pangram if it has all the alphabets from a to z at least once. A popular example of pangram sentence is “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”. Here are some other examples of pangram sentences. “How vexingly quick daft zebras jump” “Bright vixens jump; dozy fowl quack” “Quick zephyrs blow, vexing daft Jim” “Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow” “Five quacking zephyrs jolt my wax bed” Now let’s have a look at how to check if a string is pangram in java. public class Pangram { public static boolean isPangram(String sentence) { // array to store the occ more
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Abstraction in Java with Example
The Java Programmer
by Pulkit Govrani
1y ago
Abstraction is one of the main pillars of OOPS in Java. In simple words, abstraction can be used to hide unwanted data from the users and only important data is visible to the users. For Example, The outer structure of a bike is visible to people instead of seeing all components within the bike. Abstraction can be achieved with the help of an interface or with abstract classes in Java. Let us see a code example of abstraction in Java. abstract class Vehicle { abstract void vehicletype(); } class Car extends Vehicle { void vehicletype() { System.out.println( "This is a more
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Abstraction in Java
The Java Programmer
by Pulkit Govrani
1y ago
Abstraction involves hiding the complex features of a system and showing only the essential features, making it easier to understand by the user. Java abstraction has various advantages and disadvantages that will be covered in this article. Advantages of Abstraction in Java Increasing Understandability of the Code Abstraction is a technique that makes it easier to understand complex systems by converting the complete code into relatively smaller parts that can be managed & understood easily. Since we are hiding the specific details of how something works in the class, the code becomes sim more
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Java Sort Array of Strings
The Java Programmer
by Pulkit Govrani
2y ago
Sorting means arranging the elements in a particular way i.e, it can either be in an increasing or decreasing order. In the case of strings if I want to sort all the elements in increasing order it means the lexicographically smallest element will come first. There are many popular sorting algorithms that can be used to sort elements. For example bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, and more. In this blog, we will see predefined methods and user-defined methods as well to sort an array consisting of strings. Using Inbuilt Method Predefined methods are basically those methods that are a more
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4 Ways to Check if String is Integer in Java
The Java Programmer
by Pulkit Govrani
2y ago
There are situations when we need to check if a string is an integer. I will be telling you some of the ways to perform this operation in this article. Let us go through all the methods one after another along with their explanation. 1. Using parseInt method The parseInt method comes inside the Integer class which checks whether a string can be converted to a number. If it is possible then the method returns the converted integer value otherwise it throws a NumberFormatException error. import java.util.Scanner; public class checkstrtoint { public static boolean numcheck(String ms more
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Java Multiline String – 4 Ways to Use
The Java Programmer
by Neeraj Mishra
2y ago
Here in this article, I will show you 4 different ways to use multiline strings in Java. This can be done in the following ways: Text Block Concatenation Operator StringBuilder Class Stream API and Collectors.joining() Let’s discuss them one by one in detail with example code. Method 1: Text Block It is a new feature added in Java 15 version. In this example, we create a text block using triple quotes (“””). Text block is the best way to use multiline strings as the text indentation and formatting are preserved. public class MultiLineString { public static void main(String[] args more
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Java Capitalize First Letter of Each Word
The Java Programmer
by Pulkit Govrani
2y ago
In this blog, we will see how to capitalize the first character of each word present in a given string. There can be two different ways to achieve our desired result. Let us see both of them one after another. 1. Using Split Function with for Loop Code: import java.util.Scanner; public class capitalize { public static String char_capital (String input_str) { String words_string[] = input_str.split ("\\s"); String result_string = ""; for (int ind=0; ind < words_string.length ; ind++) { String single_word = words_string[ind more
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