Bardsey's Wildlife
The latest news from Bardsey Bird and Field Observatory. Bardsey Bird Observatory is one of two fully accredited observatories in Wales and is one of a growing network of bird observatories in the British Isles.
Bardsey's Wildlife
3M ago
The wind calmed overnight to a brisk west-south-west, the sea was slightly quieter than hoped but a good passage of Mediterranean Gulls saw 383 logged south a new Island record! Also south were two Red-throated Divers, seven Manx Shearwaters, 94 Gannets, five Common Scoters, a Golden Plover, 84 Black-headed Gulls, three Common Gulls, seven Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 614 Kittiwakes, seven Guillemots and 2001 Razorbills. A total of 12 Swallows battled south with the Yellow-browed Warbler still in Plas Withy.
Other birds logged today were a Merlin, a Water Rail, a Ringed Plover, three Whimb ..read more
Bardsey's Wildlife
3M ago
An extremely windy day started very wet before clearing with winds hitting 81.6 mph during the evening, this combined with a high spring tide was some spectacular waves off the West Coast. Birds were thin of the ground due to the wind but out to sea the first Little Gull of the year battled south alongside two Manx Shearwaters, 46 Common Scoters, seven Mediterranean Gulls, a Common Gull, ten Black-headed Gulls, 278 Kittiwakes and 537 Razorbills pass.
Other birds seen today was a Merlin, a Woodcock, five Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Skylark, a Wheatear, a Redwing, 25 Starlings and t ..read more
Bardsey's Wildlife
3M ago
A calmer south-westerly with clear skies saw another push of migrants. Out to sea another 159 Mediterranean Gulls went south alongside 56 Common Gulls, 241 Black-headed Gulls, 348 Kittiwakes, a Sandwich Tern, 60 Common Scoters, nine Guillemots and 1346 Razorbills. Overhead a Water Pipit went high south-west over Cristin, this being the 13th record and first since 2021, along with 121 Skylarks and a Grey Wagtail. Finches totalled 64 Chaffinches, five Bramblings, three Greenfinches, 55 Goldfinches, 27 Siskins, a Lesser Redpoll and 36 Linnets.
Other migrants today were three Manx Shearwater ..read more
Bardsey's Wildlife
3M ago
Strong southerly winds saw some passage off the West Coast with a Tufted Duck, 27 Common Scoters, 178 Mediterranean Gulls and three Arctic Skuas south. The Yellow-browed Warbler remained in Plas Withy with a Woodcock at Nant and the Withies.
Migrant totals were six Manx Shearwaters, 65 Gannets, a Little Egret, two Grey Herons, two Merlins, a Golden Plover, two Snipe, a Whimbrel, four Common Gulls, six Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 683 Kittiwakes, 863 Razorbills, two Guillemots, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, eight Skylarks, eight Swallows, four House Martins, four Song Thrushes, four Redwings ..read more
Bardsey's Wildlife
4M ago
Strong southerly winds saw a late push of hirundines with 67 Swallows and four House Martins through. Out to sea, four Arctic Skuas, 53 Mediterranean Gulls and 21 Common Gulls passed. A mobile Snow Bunting was on Solfach before heading south, a Black Redstart remained at Nant with the Firecrest and the Yellow-browed Warbler remained in the Withies.
Other birds seen was a Manx Shearwater, 155 Gannets, a Little Egret, a Teal, 16 Common Scoters, three Merlins, two Water Rails, six Purple Sandpipers, six Whimbrels, 12 Redshanks, 53 Turnstones, two Black-headed Gulls, 735 Kittiwakes, 31 Lesse ..read more
Bardsey's Wildlife
4M ago
The day started off moderately calm, but the wind built from the West as the day went on bringing some light rain showers. Two female Merlins were at the North End, a Woodcock came into roost at Cristin at first light, a Yellow-browed Warbler was seen at Tŷ Pellaf, and two Jackdaws were a Nant along with two Starlings. The long-staying Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen again a Nant, and the Ring Ouzel was seen again in the Wetlands, and the ringed Reed Warbler was seen again in Cristin Withy.
Merlin © Kate Fox
Wader totals were 28 Curlews, a Whimbrel, ten Redshanks, and 28 Turnstones ..read more
Bardsey's Wildlife
4M ago
A brisk south-easterly brought with it overcast skies with rain showers. The highlight of the day was a Little Bunting found in Plas Withy; the bird was mobile favouring the bramble hedges and long grass to the south of the Withy before joining a flock of three Chaffinches and heading high south-east.
A noticeable arrival of Redwings totalled 72 with a single Mistle Thrush. Nant held a Firecrest, Siberian Chiffchaff and Yellow-browed Warbler with another Yellow-browed Warbler in the Withies. Out to sea, an Arctic Skua, 15 Mediterranean Gulls, 11 Black-headed Gulls, 17 Common Gulls, 923 K ..read more
Bardsey's Wildlife
4M ago
Calmer southerlies switched to a north-easterly as the day went on. The sea was rather productive with 3779 Razorbills (highest day count since 2018), three Manx Shearwaters, 72 Common Scoters, two Arctic Skuas, 16 Mediterraneans Gulls, 44 Common Gulls, 105 Black-headed Gulls, 394 Kittiwakes, a Guillemot and 203 Gannets south with a Great Northern Diver, a Pale-bellied Brent Goose and a Dark-bellied Brent Goose north. Elsewhere, a Yellow-browed Warbler was trapped and colour ringed at Nant, the Ring Ouzel in the Wetlands, a Grasshopper Warbler in the North End Gorse and a Whooper Swan over.&nb ..read more
Bardsey's Wildlife
4M ago
South-easterly winds, saw overcast and rain during the early hours which cleared quickly. A large push of Chaffinch into the wind saw 1550 logged, the vast majority between 0730-0830. These were joined by 13 Bramblings, 58 Goldfinches, 90 Siskins and 11 Linnets. A male Hen Harrier went high east over Pen Cristin with the first Greenfinch of the year was at Ty Nessaf, a Black Redstart at Nant, three Yellow-browed Warblers including two colour ringed, five Little Egrets north and a Red Kite, two Reed Buntings, 26 Starlings, two Rooks and 18 Skylarks over.
Other migrant totals were two Grey ..read more
Bardsey's Wildlife
4M ago
It was a chilly day with moderate northerly winds and light rain showers. A Merlin was seen on the South End, a Common Gull was in Henllwyn, and two Water Rails were recorded. Two Grey Herons and 18 Mallards were also seen, and 41 Choughs were counted on the island, with flock numbers fluctuating daily. Wader numbers totalled at 41 Oystercatchers, a Whimbrel, two Curlews, ten Redshanks, and 38 Turnstones, as well as a Snipe on the South End.
Migrant passerine highlights came in the form of a Ring Ouzel on the Mountain near Cristin, and a Fiercest was seen at Nant. Other species included ..read more