Darley Dale Wildlife
Wildlife news & photographs from Darley Dale, Matlock, Bakewell, Chatsworth & the Peak District.
Darley Dale Wildlife
3d ago
A surprise this morning to find a first winter Mediterranean Gull with the Black-headed Gulls at Bakewell Bridge. I check the gulls every time I go in the hope of finding one but it's something of a shock when you actually do!
I'm not aware of any previous records in Bakewell but with the number of Black-headed Gulls there it seems likely that they must occur occasionally.
Mediterranean Gull - first winter with Black-headed Gulls
Two Little Egrets by the Fire Station is also unusual although a single bird has been in the area for a month or so.
Little Egret
Twel ..read more
Darley Dale Wildlife
5d ago
I wasn't able to get out until early afternoon so decided to have a look at the gulls at Middleton Moor. I arrived at the hide at about 14:45 to the news that a cream crowned (female or juvenile) Marsh Harrier had been present since around 14:00 but had dropped in to the reeds in front of the hide shortly after and hadn't been seen since.
I checked the gulls whilst I waited and had brief views of a juvenile female Hen Harrier but there was no sign of the Marsh Harrier which i decided had either slipped out of the reed bed whilst I was looking elsewhere or had gone to roost early.
Then at ..read more
Darley Dale Wildlife
1w ago
Carsington Water continues its amazing run of rare and scarce birds today with a second County record of Lesser Scaup. A female this time found this morning at the Millfields end.
Lesser Scaup female in the shade (top) and sunshine (below)
Very similar to female Tufted Duck but the pale flanks of Lesser Scaup continue on to the mantle whereas the mantle is darker than the flanks in female Tufted. In flight the white wing bar is restricted to the secondaries but extends across the primaries in Tufted. The head looks rather more pointed in Lesser Scaup but varies a bit with post ..read more
Darley Dale Wildlife
1w ago
There were a couple of reports of a Ring-necked Parakeet visiting bird feeders on Northwood Lane during the week.
With feral populations in Sheffield and Derby its perhaps surprising we don't get more records but they are few and far between with single birds reported on Beeley Moor in 2001 and 2007 and Bakewell in 2001.
Once established numbers can build rapidly so it's probably just as well that we just get the odd bird passing through.
Ring-necked Parakeet (photo Glen Sellors)
On a similar vein a Barnacle Goose was seen with the Canada Goose flock at Chatsworth on Wedne ..read more
Darley Dale Wildlife
1M ago
The cold spell has resulted in a big influx of thrushes in to the valley with hundreds of Redwing and Blackbird feeding in areas with little snow. I counted 40 Redwing feeding in the Whitworth Park with 30 Blackbirds and at least 6 Song Thrush.
Although the ponds were frozen the open water where it entered the park was full of Mallard and the female Teal was still with them.
I only saw one Hawfinch during a brief visit to St Helen's Church but it was nice to see them in the sunshine over the last couple of days.
Hawfinch - male ..read more
Darley Dale Wildlife
1M ago
Four Hawfinch have been reported several times over the last few days at St Helen's Church but increased to six this morning. They feed in the Yew trees then sit in the tops of neighbouring trees presumably while the berries are being digested. There are also good numbers of Greenfinch also feeding in the Yew trees. I saw about 20 this morning but more have been reported.
Yesterday I braved the snow and ice and ventured to Middleton Moor. There was more snow there and the small road leading to the rough track was particularly difficult but it was worth the effort ..read more
Darley Dale Wildlife
1M ago
Decent views of Hawfinch in St Helen's Churchyard this morning, Simon had two fly in just before I got there and one bird sat for 5 minutes in the top of the trees, on the cricket pitch side of the church. It called occasionally particularly when a Jackdaw displaced it from the top of the tree.
I didn't take my camera due to the poor weather so I've used a photo taken a while back at St Helen's.
It looks like there may have been birds in the area for some time as Alan first reported one on 21st December last year and more recently 2 or 3 were reported last Tuesday.
The overni ..read more
Darley Dale Wildlife
1M ago
My first Kingfisher and Dipper of the year today and both in Bakewell, and in beautiful sunshine.
Common Kingfisher
White-throated Dipper ..read more
Darley Dale Wildlife
1M ago
Having been to Middleton Moor several times recently it was a pleasant surprise yesterday to see that some gulls had returned. They disappeared when it froze over last month but I counted 130 Common as well as 30 Black-headed plus a handful each of Lesser Black-backed and Herring.
As well as the gulls there were more wildfowl with 5 Pintail, which included three smart drakes, and an increase in Shoveler plus a lone Shelduck.
A Hen Harrier did a rapid pass over the fields at Black Harry Gate and I managed a quick photo before it departed as quickly as it arrived.
Sat in the hide with anot ..read more
Darley Dale Wildlife
1M ago
During the winter period (November - February) I can usually hear Water Rails calling in the reedy areas at Long Meadows and the entrance to Haddon Park Farm and occasional at Harthill Pond, Youlgrave, Cromford Canal and even the Whitworth Park. Very occasionally I've come across birds that feed out in the open which have previously featured on the blog.
Today I got brief views of a bird at Long Meadows which is the first I've seen for a while.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and good birding in the New Year!
Water Rail ..read more