Picture it..| Chemistry
This blog is a project of staff and students of the School of Chemistry at the University of Bristol. Picture It... Chemistry is a blog combining photographs of familiar objects taken in a laboratory setting with information about some of the key molecules contributing to their properties and uses. We hope it will stimulate your interest in chemistry.
Picture it..| Chemistry
3y ago
Every time we push through the supermarket door, we can immediately perceive the smell of freshly baked bread, recognising our favourite snacks. This is when a plastic bag becomes handy! ) Plastic shopping bags are regularly used by consumers to carry ..read more
Picture it..| Chemistry
3y ago
From beautiful sunsets to dreary overcast days, aerosols, tiny particles that are suspended in the air, are the reason for them. Aerosols can be tiny droplets that are impossible to see even with a microscope or large enough to be ..read more
Picture it..| Chemistry
3y ago
There is no comparison to the joy of that first sip of coffee in the morning. A few sips of it make you motivated to tackle the day. As Alfred Renyi once said: “A mathematician is a device for turning coffee ..read more
Picture it..| Chemistry
3y ago
What is dairy and why do we consume it? Dairy is the food produced from the milk of mammals or produced by animals in the mammary glands. Here in the UK, the most common dairy animals are the cow, goat ..read more
Picture it..| Chemistry
3y ago
Picture It… Chemistry has an exciting announcement: we are having a guest post series! Our guest blog post authors, Tom and Maxim, are final year chemistry students at the University of Bristol and they are researching what engages people when ..read more
Picture it..| Chemistry
3y ago
When I was young, a couple of times each year my family would head out on a Sunday afternoon to visit my Auntie Nancy, who would reward us with a big tea. Tinned salmon, crisps, and trifle: typical 1970s fare ..read more
Picture it..| Chemistry
3y ago
Since re-learning how to crochet (I kind of knew as a teenager, but didn’t pick it up again until 2014), I’ve made a few crochet molecules, mostly as presents for the kids of scientists and for outreach workshops. Some people ..read more
Picture it..| Chemistry
3y ago
Celery (Apium graveolens) is a vegetable commonly used in salads and soups, which for some reason appears to cause more food-crazes than any other. As far back as 1877, an American writer wrote of Celery as a relish before soup ..read more
Picture it..| Chemistry
4y ago
A memory of warmer days: geraniol is a chemical that makes up most of citronella oil, and which is found in insect repellent sprays, candles, dog spray collars and sweet-smelling perfumes. It can be found in nature or made in ..read more
Picture it..| Chemistry
4y ago
Fennel is an edible flowering plant that is related to the carrot. In the UK it is normally encountered in two distinct forms: as fennel seeds, a spice which is used in eastern cookery, and as a swollen bulb which ..read more