Another Porch... A Poetry Blog
Hi! I'm Jane Martin. I'm a mother, wife, gramma, homemaker, day-care provider. My inspiration for poetry is rooted in faith and family, in love and nature. I fell in love with poetry as soon as I could read but in the past few years, I have dedicated more time to writing since my kids are older. I am a traditionalist for the most part but have grown to appreciate many styles.
Another Porch... A Poetry Blog
6d ago
Greed, coupled with unscrupulous savvy
can accrue great worldly wealth,
but at what cost?!
Love, coupled with fear of God
will, through humble generosity
accrue great heavenly treasure
of unfathomable gain!!
Which 'wealth' do we pursue?
Who consumes our thought?
Who thrills our soul?
With the word TARIFF weighing on many minds
aren't you SO thankful for Who IS,
You Are Mine
No Friend Like Jesus
All That Thrills My Soul is Jesus
Lest care for temporary gain dictates what we pursue
Lest prayer is a pious refrain or Duty's d ..read more
Another Porch... A Poetry Blog
1w ago
January has been watered with many a private tear
and strengthened through many a private prayer!
Thank-you, everyone who has been part of this army
of casting our cares on God!
January granted some much needed down-time,
though not totally by choice but due to
a variety of cold and flu bugs...
January has given me a start in tackling
some long-procrastinated tasks;
January has thrilled my snow-loving 'inner child' with heaps of it!!
(good, old-fashioned winter in Ontario)
January always makes me extra-thankful
for warm homes and simple ..read more
Another Porch... A Poetry Blog
1w ago
Create in me a clean heart, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me.
Yesterday on Facebook, my youngest sister
shared a treasured memory, from three years ago...
all the more treasured now,
because never again will we three be together
on this side of Heaven!
(I'm so thankful someone offered to take a picture of the three of us)
Click HERE for the last pic of the three of us,
on Lucy's last birthday...
(We three were together on my birthday in June as well
but no one thought to take a picture)
From left to right, Marlene, Lucy, Janet
Loss fine-tunes our ..read more
Another Porch... A Poetry Blog
1w ago
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride,
but in humility consider others more important than yourselves.
4Each of you should look not only to your own interests,
but also to the interests of others...
'Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you,
do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.'
Galatians 6:2
Carry one another’s burdens,
and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Romans 12:10
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.
Outdo yourselves in honoring one another.
A new d ..read more
Another Porch... A Poetry Blog
2w ago
Today's post was inspired, in part, by a comment Jim (my husband, a truck driver)
made this morning, as he envisioned another week
of snowy roads, winter driving etc...
Not in disrespect to my 'I will pray for you'
he simply stated the matter of fact/must;
'all your prayers don't take away the fact that I
still have to face the weather and the highway...'
What a picture of life for all of us!!!
and what a comfort of love!
When we pray for each other, 'for God to guide and keep'
the prayer does not take away the 'road ahead'
but suddenly, gloriously
a m ..read more
Another Porch... A Poetry Blog
2w ago
Happy Last Weekend of January 2025...already?!!
Last Sunday evening a much belated birthday celebration was enjoyed
(due to many cold and flu postponements)
in honour of the little lad who turned Jim and I into grandparents!
Happy 8th birthday, Grandson
Many, O LORD my God,
are Your wonderful works which You have done;
And Your thoughts toward us
cannot be recounted to You in order;
If I would declare and speak of them,
they are more than can be numbered.
(find the whole glorious chapter at the end of this post)
The goldfinch doffed of yello ..read more
Another Porch... A Poetry Blog
2w ago
A week ago my cousin gifted me this midwinter splash of spring...
the initial inspiration for today's poem
For a taste of spring, when it's not!
and other simple pleasures...
Stick your nose into a tulip...
Sip some lemon-spritzed delight...
Page through gardens, picture-perfect
Waiting while the world blooms white...
Take a 'tropical' vacation
Via pages in a book...
Dream a summer celebration/destination
On the bank of frozen brook
Stick your nose into a tulip
Sip some lemon-spritzed delight
Page through gardens, picture-perfect
Waiting while the world ..read more
Another Porch... A Poetry Blog
2w ago
Genesis 15:1
...Fear not, Abram, (Janet, and all who believe.)
I am Thy Shield and Thy exceeding great reward.
Prayer is the greatest power-source in the universe.
Why do we so often settle for something/someone less
than the Best?!!
Through God's Word and humble prayer we, through Him,
become who He created us to be
We will never be all we or others wish us to be...
Until/unless we have been crucified with Christ and
'it is no longer I but Christ in me'
then we can be infinitely more
than thought humanly possible,
not to please people,
but, by and to the honour and glory ..read more
Another Porch... A Poetry Blog
2w ago
Through what lies behind
we are being prepared
for what lies ahead!
Regret has but one merit;
to learn from it
God cares for each of us beyond our wildest comprehension;
and invites us to cast our cares on Him!
Why do I/we often attempt to shoulder care
as if He didn't care?!!
What great fun and frustration, as we cheer on
our favourite teams, for better or worse!
When we put our faith in God
we become part of a 'team'
whose 'Coach' puts us through drills we often don't recognize
unless/until they produce His desire's sacred result;
a more humbly prayerful people.
Oh Lor ..read more
Another Porch... A Poetry Blog
2w ago
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I hope in Him!”
Quicken us, Lord, with Your Spirit, with wealth of Thy wisdom
Lest we would, for some earth-trinket forfeit Heaven's Kingdom
Lest through the love of an idol we lose Intercession
Lest the tongue we do not bridle hinders sin's confession
Lest by breaking one commandment we offend all others
Lest, by erran ..read more