Kayla Hadlington - UK Fashion Blog
UK fashion and personal style blog about cute clothes, hair and beauty, pink things, platform shoes and obviously mermaids.
Kayla Hadlington - UK Fashion Blog
3y ago
Hi hello it’s been a while since I’ve posted here. I thought I’d come back with a completely off topic pizza recipe! (not exactly my usual content but I couldn’t not share this with the world) so if you’re interested to know how to navigate a normal oven to make deepish pan, soft but crunchy crust homemade pizza where the cheese and toppings don’t slide off when you bite into it, this is the recipe for you!
In rebellion of those food bloggers who write long, annoying and not to mention completely utterly unnecessary stories to accompany their recipe, I’m gonna just jump right in. (Now having ..read more
Kayla Hadlington - UK Fashion Blog
4y ago
Hello friends! Please enjoy this kind of unrelated photo of me with a painting I haven’t worked on in months!
Sorry its been a while. I sat down at my laptop an hour ago and instead of focusing on what I should have been doing, I thought it’d be a great idea to spontaneously make an Etsy gift guide which you will find at the end of this post!
I tried to choose a variety of items all at similar but also different prices (that doesn’t make sense but you know what I mean). As far as I’m aware, nothing is over £100 and most items are below £40. Theres lots of weird shaped candles (yay baby head ..read more
Kayla Hadlington - UK Fashion Blog
5y ago
The one thing people like to warn you about is that there is no coming back from dying your hair black.
Why did I do it, you ask? I wanted to try it! I’ve been varying levels of blonde and pink/ pastel for the past ten years and I was bored! Unfortunately, history repeated itself and within two months I was already bored. Don’t get me wrong, I really loved having black hair, I just hated that by having black hair, I forfeited the option to dye it whimsical bright colours on a whim. That, and people kept saying to me “I bet it’s so much easier to take care of now!” which for some reason ma ..read more
Kayla Hadlington - UK Fashion Blog
5y ago
Hiya! I have taken up a not-so-new hobby! I have returned to the realms of painting. I used to paint when I was at college (I did btec art, so I mean, pretty self explanatory) and I’d kind of just.. stopped doing it over the years. Recently I’ve noticed theres been a bit of a surge of artists on instagram and its made me want to get back into it too!
It also helped that earlier last year I had a ton of furniture delivered which was all packaged in huge bits of cardboard and I thought to myself, ‘nahhhh can’t throw that away, that’d be good to paint on!’ And so here we are.
Although I c ..read more
Kayla Hadlington - UK Fashion Blog
5y ago
[this post contains a gifted partnership with giffgaff]
Hellooo! Sorry its been so long since my previous post, clearly I’m not as focused as I once thought haha. However I am back again with another post about a games night with our friends! giffgaff kindly reached out to me a proposing the idea that we should hold a games night because these days its so difficult to actually get together and spend time with friends! This is something myself and Nick always struggle with, we never seem to be able to find time or keep in contact with people. We thought this collaboration would be a great r ..read more
Kayla Hadlington - UK Fashion Blog
5y ago
Hiya! Welcome back, or if you’re new here, welcome!
I stopped blogging for some reason. It wasn’t on purpose, it just kind of stopped happening.
Looking back, I must admit that I became obsessed with chasing likes and followers on Instagram. I was so consumed by it that I couldn’t free up any brain space to even think about blogging. Especially since blogging was evolving; the standard outfit post just wasn’t going to cut the mustard anymore, and I don’t think I was quite ready to put the time and energy into that, especially since I was so distracted by the Instagram algorithm no lon ..read more
Kayla Hadlington - UK Fashion Blog
5y ago
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Hello everyone! Hope you all had a nice Christmas, I had my first ever Christmas with my boyfriend so that was nice. We didn’t really do much but that was pretty much what we wanted.
It was also my blogs 9th birthday on Christmas Day, so happy birthday to my blog!
Yesterday I trawled through all the online sales to find my favourite items and here they are!
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Kayla Hadlington - UK Fashion Blog
5y ago
I thought it was about time for an update! Here are all my favourite items from the past month, theres lots of snuggly things as its bloody cold!
(the below are affiliate links)
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