New Life Blog – New Life Adoptions
New Life empowers women experiencing pregnancies to make the best life-affirming decisions for themselves and their babies.
New Life Blog – New Life Adoptions
2w ago
Navigating a second-trimester pregnancy can be emotionally complex, especially if you’re uncertain about what path to take. The second trimester, which spans from 13 to 26 weeks, is a critical period where you have much to consider. In Texas, abortion is illegal except when the life of the mother is at risk. However, it’s important to know that under Texas law, women who undergo an abortion procedure will not face criminal or civil penalties. The law prioritizes protecting the mother while ensuring access to life-saving care when needed. If you’re in the second trimester, your primary options more
New Life Blog – New Life Adoptions
1M ago
Going through the holidays while navigating an unexpected pregnancy can feel stressful. Balancing the demands of a busy season with the big changes your body and mind are going through might seem like a lot to handle. However, with thoughtful planning and a positive approach, you can still find moments of peace and joy. Here are some simple tips to help you prepare and celebrate the holidays: Sharing the News If you’re ready to share your news, consider how much you want to disclose. Not everyone needs to know every detail—setting boundaries can help you feel more comfortable and in control. K more
New Life Blog – New Life Adoptions
3M ago
Finding out that a friend is going through an unexpected pregnancy can stir a lot of emotions, and you might wonder how best to support her. The most important thing you can do is simply be there—listen without judgment and offer empathy. Sometimes, the reassurance that she isn’t alone can make a world of difference. Start the Conversation When your friend is facing an unexpected pregnancy, it’s important to create a safe and welcoming space where she can openly express her thoughts and feelings. Find a quiet, private place where she feels comfortable, and let her take the lead in the conversa more
New Life Blog – New Life Adoptions
5M ago
What Can I Do if My Partner Doesn’t Support My Pregnancy? An unplanned pregnancy is difficult enough, but finding out your partner doesn’t support you makes it even harder. Ultimately, the decision about your pregnancy is yours and yours alone. No one can force you to make a decision you don’t want to make. An unsupportive partner means you need to determine if you are ready to parent on your own or if you should take a closer look at making an adoption plan. The caring team at New Life Adoptions can give you information to help you decide. Determining Your Next Steps Sometimes, when a partner more
New Life Blog – New Life Adoptions
2y ago
Don’t Be Scared By Adoption Fees
“Why does adoption have to cost so much?” “We can’t adopt because we can’t afford it!” We have heard these statements so many times.
We have also heard, “It’s all about the money!” I can assure you for some agencies, it’s not ALL about the money. But, it does take money to help women in unplanned pregnancies.
We hope this article helps you understand two things: 1. The reason for adoption fees and 2. There is financial assistance to cover the costs of adoption.
Let’s start with why adoption fees are required for any agency you choose.
Every agency has the more
New Life Blog – New Life Adoptions
2y ago
Recently, as a staff, we created a Manifesto. What is a Manifesto? It is a “a public declaration of policy and aims.”
New Life Adoptions Manifesto
We believe life begins at conception, and that every child deserves a chance to live.
We believe we should live in community, carrying the burdens of those God brings to us.
We believe each day is a gift and that everyday miracles are scattered about if only we have eyes to see.
We believe adoption is the picture of the gospel of Christ.
We believe God can use the pain in our lives for His purposes.
We believe in human kindness, knowing more
New Life Blog – New Life Adoptions
2y ago
Advice to Adoptive Parents: Perspectives of Birth Moms, Part 3
In concluding our “Perspectives of Birth Moms” posts, I want to share some advice that birth moms have for adoptive families.
“Give them time. Be supportive of their mental state.” There have been times when I have had birth moms initially say they want a closed adoption. However, once these moms have had time to process everything, they realize that they are ready to see pictures. Then eventually, they’ll be ready to have visits. This doesn’t happen in every instance, but regardless of how long it takes for their child’s birth more
New Life Blog – New Life Adoptions
2y ago
The Rewards & Challenges of Adoption: Perspectives of Birth Moms, Part 2
In continuing with our “Perspectives of Birth Moms” posts, Part 1 mentioned that there is a time of grieving for birth parents after placement. What do we mean by grieving? The baby is still alive, yes, but birth parents are grieving the loss of what relationship they would have had with this child. At New Life, we give every birth parent a copy of the book Good Grief. We want them to know that the emotions they will be experiencing are normal. Grief has several stages, including guilt, anger, resistance, and final more
New Life Blog – New Life Adoptions
2y ago
Experience with Open Adoption: Perspectives of Birth Moms – Part 1
I recently conducted a survey for New Life’s birth moms, of the women who participated, all said that they have an open adoption with their child and/or their child’s adoptive family. They also all shared that they are happy with their level of openness, and wouldn’t want that to change.
As one birth mom recalled, “Early in the child’s life, building boundaries is important, but at some point, allowing the child to develop their own relationship with the birth parents has been really rewarding for all of us.” While another b more
New Life Blog – New Life Adoptions
2y ago
Debunking the Myths of Open Adoption
Let’s explore some often heard myths…. 1) Open adoption is co-parenting.
Myth. Especially with adoption agencies, there are well thought out policies and procedures that help define the openness within an adoption relationship. There are usually defined, intentional boundaries in place for all members of the triad (birth family, adoptive family and adoptee). In fact, most open adoptions begin as semi-open, and as the trust level between parties grow over time, the relationship changes and more openness is realized.
2) As an adoptive parent, open adoption more