It's LEGAL! Forever & Ever Amen!
Adoptee Restoration
2y ago
  Gus and I already knew 100% that we are father and daughter. We matched on 23 and Me with his nephew, and then we had a paternity test done through a home kit. Plus, he remembers the relationship with my mother, and all of that. Not to mention, I look just like him! But… I want to have it done completely LEGAL, and something that would literally stand up in a court of law. (Not that we will ever need that, but I just wanted to have it.)    After all the many years of searching for him, and the blood, sweat and tears, I’ve gone through…it’s way too much work and means way too more
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Our God-Story
Adoptee Restoration
2y ago
    Everyone mentions how heartwarming mine and Gus’s story is. I have had requests for interviews. The first one was with the Orlando Voyager Magazine. They reached out for an interview just a few weeks into us meeting. You can read the interview at this link. (Click Here!) I’ve also done a podcast interview recently as well, with Living in the Light, with Dr. Kristi Lemley. She is a podcaster with the Charisma Podcast Network. You can listen to the episode at this link. (Click Here!)   Our story is going around the world! And we're just getting started. Gus and I have more
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Let's Get the Paternity Party Started!!!
Adoptee Restoration
2y ago
  My original 23 and Me test that showed Andre as my cousin on the “X” chromosome was more than enough to identify my father, BUT we went ahead and had a paternity test done. The results of that are in! And of course we are a match. I would do whatever I had to do to prove to the world that we are legit, father and daughter! We already knew but this is for anyone else in the  world who needs to understand more
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I found my father!!!
Adoptee Restoration
2y ago
  I found my father! Yes! It’s true! After searching for him for most of my life, and especially the last ten years, I found my father through a DNA match! It's OFFICIAL, there is NO DOUBT! Imagine my surprise that my father, Gus, is ALIVE, and 92 years old, and still living in the place that he and my mother met! We talked for the first time on Facetime a few days later, and we met in person on May 20. We spent five days together and this is just the first of many trips to see him. In between, we Facetime and talk on the phone. He has fully accepted me, and I’m the happiest gal in the more
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Dear God: Thank YOU for Getting Me Here!
Adoptee Restoration
3y ago
  Recently I decided to read the Gospel of John in the Bible with fresh eyes. Basically this entails trying to forget I know any of the information contained therein and try to take it in like  I’m reading it for the first time. I’m doing this in an effort to know Jesus more and differently than before. In my quest to do this I came upon a verse in chapter one (Amplified version) that I had never seen before. It’s this one – verse 13, that I made a graphic of. I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before. When I came across it this time, it deeply spoke to me.  For a long time I more
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DNA Results Are In...
Adoptee Restoration
4y ago
  Angela and I are not a match. Insert primal scream here. I spiritually and emotionally prepared myself for it this time more than any other before this. I didn't stockpile Razzleberry pies. I’m not bloated today from binging. I am so disappointed but not slayed. I'm not taking off work. I'll get a lot more done now that I'm not checking DNA results 30 times a day. I'm not laying in bed crying. I'm not feeling as if I want to check out of life and leave this world.  I'm stronger now. This time I'm just taking a big breath and moving forward with everything in life including search more
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Update on the DNA Test: I'm Done Being Knocked Down
Adoptee Restoration
4y ago
  I got this text today from Angela. (The person who DNA tested for me that I hope is my cousin.) As you can see, DNA results can come in at literally any second now. I am a mix of excited and apprehensive. In my experience as an adoptee, this moment in time where you are waiting on a DNA result is so unique. In one sense, I love this moment because hope is alive. Never do I have as much hope as when I'm waiting for those results. When results come back as not a match as has happened to me numerous times, I do get the feeling for a while that hope is dashed on the rocks into a million p more
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Mental Torture and Not Knowing Who Your Bio Parent Is
Adoptee Restoration
4y ago
  Yesterday was three weeks since the DNA test was sent in to Ancestry. My friend Regina and I have both been checking for results about 30 times a day. I know the time given is 4-6 weeks, however some people have been known to get results earlier. I just keep the Ancestry app open on my phone, next to me. This is my week at school, and I’m in the classroom all day long hearing lectures and engaging in class discussion. Yesterday our professor did a magic trick with a quarter, as an illustration. His execution of this trick was stellar, and every student in our class was struggling with more
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She is Not the Victor!
Adoptee Restoration
4y ago
  Today makes 10 days since the DNA test was sent in. It feels as slow as molasses. This isn’t my first rodeo with waiting on a DNA test and one thing I have learned is that the only way to stay half way sane is by immersing myself in activity. It’s difficult to not think about the results 24/7. Lucky for me, I lead a pretty busy life all the time. There's always plenty of work beckoning me for my  job as well as things at home and school. We've been on a staycation this week but there has still been constant cooking, cleaning, and we've been doing some special projects.  Sinc more
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I'm Afraid to Fall in Love
Adoptee Restoration
4y ago
   My possible new Greek family member who for now here on the blog I will call Angela, has completed her DNA test and mailed it in.  Angela has fallen in love with me as a possible family member. I feel a pull in the exact same direction but I am fearful. I am scared of my heart being broken and just as much, I don’t want to disappoint her. And then in the midst of all these feelings I stop to think, “Someone is this excited about ME???”   The Greek Orthodox church is the center of this family’s life. It runs very deep and just how deep I cannot disclose here yet because more
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