Tiny Green Elephants
Tiny Green Elephants -- Two young people raising a young family, growing our own food. Life after international adoption.
Tiny Green Elephants
1y ago
Hi there! How are ya’ll? We’re doing great. We’re missing Maria, she off changing the world with YWAM, about to fly to Armenia in a week or two.
At home we’re in a good rhythem with part time homeschool with a great co-op and part time in person school with small classes. This week the kids have been making hand crafts to sell at a local handcraft faire through their homeschool group. They are making this most incredible items all on their own!
A good family photo is hard to come by for some reason, but here one from over the summer at our friend’s wedding in Tijuana.
I had Poppy’s parent te ..read more
Tiny Green Elephants
3y ago
Hi there! How are ya’ll? We’re doing great. We’re missing Maria, she off changing the world with YWAM, about to fly to Armenia in a week or two.
At home we’re in a good rhythem with part time homeschool with a great co-op and part time in person school with small classes. This week the kids have been making hand crafts to sell at a local handcraft faire through their homeschool group. They are making this most incredible items all on their own!
A good family photo is hard to come by for some reason, but here one from over the summer at our friend’s wedding in Tijuana.
I had Poppy’s parent te ..read more
Tiny Green Elephants
4y ago
Hello lovely people! Earlier this year was so special, do you guys remember when together we advocated for a tiny, bedridden boy named Pavel?
This was him when we all first saw him, just another lonely, forgotten child…
{How it started}
People donated little by little, and…
{How it’s going…}
Thank you to everyone who donated! It matters and it changes lives forever.
This year, we have the huge honor to advocate for another worthy child, who, like Pavel, is waiting in an orphanage and needs a family to thrive.
Her name is Klover.
She is the same age as our son Finley, a wonderful age ful ..read more
Tiny Green Elephants
6y ago
It’s different when they come to you at ten. Perhaps that’s obvious in it’s rarity.
Andrew and I wavered in extremes of over parenting and acting aloof in ‘not caring’ about minor infractions, for instance once I read on facebook that creating a checklist is good for children, so I did that, but then a counselor told me that subconsciously she may feel untrusted by being given one, “BUT!” I responded.
“BUT! Do I remind about tooth brushing EVERYDAY to a teenager!?”
“Well, at this point, it’s really her problem…” she told me…
I had already spoken up loudly once in this session, anymore and it ..read more