Adoptive Black Mom
Adoptive Black Mom, a professional single mother, shares her poignant journey of adoption. At 39, she embraced motherhood alone, defying societal norms. Now at 50, she reflects on the potholes and joys of parenting, offering insights and solace to others navigating similar paths.
Adoptive Black Mom
1y ago
I’m finally 97.8% over the extended drama with my holiday shingles. Somehow, and stupidly, I worked thru the worst of it. I took time off for medical appointments and worked from home.
And you know what? Now that I’m recovered, I’m completely burned out. I’m just tired.
Some key office changes made me want to plug away, grinning and bearing it, but that was a mistake.
Home life has been, well, hard. Hard for me, that is.
From the outside looking in, Hope’s home life is peachy. I’m sure that’s not her perspective, but that’s what it feels like,
There is no momentum. There’s no propulsion. No fo ..read more
Adoptive Black Mom
1y ago
I know, I know. This is more action on this blog than I’ve done in like a year, but what’s up with the Will Power sitch over on the clock app (TikTok)?
Missed it? Apparently me too.
I chose to scroll Instagram instead this week, and missed a bunch of transracial adoption drama. Then it popped up on my Instagram feed.
Real talk. Who is Will Power? It seems just a Clock personality? #shrug Dunno, don’t really care.
Anyhoo, here’s what I’ve gathered: some guy named Will Power adopted a beautiful Black baby girl. Filmed himself aggressively brushing her hair with a baby brush while hoping to get t ..read more
Adoptive Black Mom
1y ago
Has it really been that long?
I really meant to write, but my professional world got pretty crazy after my last post.
The Middle East war started, I was trying to hire a new staff person and there countless other mini dramas to contend with. All of that stressed me out more than I realized. More on that in a minute.
Hope continues to grow. While there are a number of things I wish she would make different choices about, I’m realizing those things will happen. The girl has got good values and cares about humanity. She’s a good person, which should always be the goal, right?
I did that.
And I kn ..read more
Adoptive Black Mom
1y ago
So, as usual it’s been busy, busy, busy.
So what’s going on with ABM?
I have taken every Friday I’m not traveling off thru the end of the year. It feels good, productive and restful. I will need to pull some long days to catch up/keep up, but it’s worth it. It is a gift. That’s led to more social plans and enjoying the end of summer. I even got to a beach! I dated. I went to concerts and rodeos. I got creative time for my Etsy store. #BarkleysPetCloset
I’m going to spend a month abroad next year, trying on a retirement fantasy with Yappy in tow. It’s a big undertaking, I want to just get a tas ..read more
Adoptive Black Mom
1y ago
Hope and I are in Glasgow for the week, as I am attending an international education conference. This is our first big trip since Mexico last year and only our second since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. It is the first trip that has had Hope out, hitting the city alone. I bought her a hop-on-hop-off bus pass and left for my conference this morning.
I don’t really get to spend that much time with Hope these days. Work has just been brutal for me this last year. HR issues, projects, a major grant, more HR issues…it’s a bit of a grind, and honestly, I’m not in a season of job enjoym ..read more
Adoptive Black Mom
1y ago
During the pandemic I took up a bunch of hobbies, among them was teaching Yappy to use buttons to communicate. It was a slow process because terriers can be stubborn little terrors and dog moms can have unreasonable expectations.
It was definitely a new lesson in patience. I had to change my behavior, and I had to reward him repeatedly. Dogs processing language time is slower; I had to learn to wait for as long as a minute for Yappy to respond to a query. Eventually I improved and communication was on.
It was almost a year before he took to then. Today he has 18 buttons, and we’ve burned ..read more
Adoptive Black Mom
1y ago
Things around this neck of the woods have been busy. I’m back to traveling and doing a lot of public speaking. Hope is working more, and she’s still searching for a better job. We are actually busy these days.
Surprisingly, not so busy that we aren’t both home in the evenings just being. Both of us are recovering from relationship drama, and frankly, I’m realizing that I have to really work hard to be the social person I was pre-pandemic. It’s like I’ve forgotten how to friend and go out and have fun.
I reached out to a friend I’ve known for nearly 30 years with whom I trade memes daily but ha ..read more
Adoptive Black Mom
1y ago
Still here. Still trucking.
Hope and I are experiencing a nice peaceful period. It’s nice.
It’s also kind of triggering in its own way. Hope and I have had a difficult few years dealing with major bouts of anxiety, depression, the pandemic, and “fits.” Many of the last 3ish years feel like a bunch of previous challenging years all smooshed together.
It’s been hard.
But we’re still here, and Hope is as close to thriving as I’ve seen in a good long while. She is still employed, but she’s also looking for a different job. We’ve identified a new therapist; everyone has adjusted meds in the last fe ..read more
Adoptive Black Mom
1y ago
I follow numerous accounts on TikTok about adoption. This gem slid across my screen thanks to a duet posted by wardofthestate1.0.
Check it out.
This creator is ftpx1312
He got an immediate follow from me ..read more
Adoptive Black Mom
2y ago
Howdy. I really did mean to write.
No really I did.
Anyhoo… Long-timers know that I have done my best to to have a sex positive home. I wanted to promote loving physical relationships, as opposed to things she was exposed to early in life. I wanted her to know that sex came with responsibilities, but also that yes it can and should feel good… And safe
I emphasized the essentialism of practicing safe sex, always. No exceptions.
And then, she met the person I refer to as The Demon. The sheer audacity of that individual. They wreaked so much havoc in our lives. I legit hate the fact that they ar ..read more