Home Is Where the Harvest Is: Meet Three Georgia Farmers
Georgia Organics
by Danny Harper
1M ago
"Farming is truth. You can’t fake it, you can’t cut corners. It bites you when you do. Then you’re behind in the moment and behind in the future. In farming you’re living in the past and the present and future at all times. In which you’re trying to learn from your past mistakes, manage your current moment, and prepare for your future actions...You have to be prepared, and you have to show up ..read more
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Celebrating 5 Years of Impact: Georgia Organics’ Farmer Champion Program Strengthens Local Food Systems with Mushrooms, Awards, and Campus Partnerships 
Georgia Organics
by Ever Williams
2M ago
Celebrating 5 Years of Impact: Georgia Organics’ Farmer Champion Program Strengthens Local Food Systems with Mushrooms, Awards, and Campus Partnerships  Written by Jamillah McWhorter, Procurement Fellow & Ever Williams, Farmer Champion Manager  The Georgia Organics’ Farmer Champion program is excited to wrap up its fifth season this winter and share what the team and participating Farmer Champions have been up to in 2024!    The Farmer Champion program at Georgia Organics was launched in 2019 and works to connect local farmers with the food service community and in ..read more
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Georgia Organics
by Meg Darnell
2M ago
On July 1, 2024, Georgia Organics hosted an Organic Growers Farmer Field Day at Oxford College Farm of Emory in Oxford, GA. This Farmer Field Day explored soil health and organic pesticide preparation and application.  ..read more
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GEORGIA PARSLAY-ED THE DAY: Highlights from this year's October Farm to School Month Campaign
Georgia Organics
by Yaza Sarieh
3M ago
By: Yaza Sarieh & Alissa Pantuosco   Yaza Sarieh is the Community Collaborations Coordinator at Georgia Organics  Alissa Pantuosco is a Farm to School Contractor at Georgia Organics.  Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s October Farm to School Month (OFTSM) campaign with Georgia Organics! ParSLAY the Day was a statewide initiative designed to get kids eating, growing, and engaging in parsley-themed activities, and thanks to your efforts, we parSLAYed!  We are excited to share that over 530,000 teachers, students, and cafeteria staff across 117 Georgia c ..read more
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Georgia FCCLA Chapters ParSLAY October Farm to School Month
Georgia Organics
by Yaza Sarieh
4M ago
By: Alissa Pantuosco  Alissa Pantuosco is a Farm to School Contractor at Georgia Organics. Each year, Georgia Organics coordinates a statewide campaign for October Farm to School Month to get kids across Georgia eating, growing, and learning about a locally grown produce item. This year we are focusing on the versatile herb, parsley!   Georgia’s Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) has been a key partner in the October Farm to School Month campaign. FCCLA is a nationwide program that provides students with opportunities to expand their leadership potential and dev ..read more
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Farm to School Innovation Spotlight: Welcome to the Food Miles Project - Connecting local farmers, students, and community in Dodge County
Georgia Organics
by Yaza Sarieh
5M ago
By: Alissa Pantuosco  Alissa Pantuosco is a Farm to School Contractor at Georgia Organics.  The Farm to School Innovation Mini Grant provides Georgia public school districts with the resources and support systems they need to expand their garden and nutrition education programs. Applications for the 2024-2025 Farm to School Innovation Mini Grant are now open. To inspire ideas, we wanted to highlight a unique project that connects students with the Georgia agriculture industry. During last year's mini-grant cycle, Dodge County decided to get creative with their project, going above an ..read more
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Cultivating Community: The Symbiotic Relationship Between a Regenerative Urban Farmer and Farmer Champion Chef in Atlanta, Georgia
Georgia Organics
by Ever Williams
5M ago
Nicole Bluh (Grow Where You Are), Reid Trapani (La Semilla), and Eugene Cooke (Grow Where You Are) by Jamillah McWhorter Photos and words by Jamillah McWhorter, Procurement Fellow Explore the thriving local food movement in Atlanta, Georgia, where a symbiotic relationship between a passionate regenerative farmer and a dedicated locavore chef is influencing the local food landscape. Dive into the story of how their shared values of local sourcing, food justice, and regenerative farming practices have not only been integral to their businesses but also fostered a deeper connection to the commun ..read more
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Thank you for a KILLER Tomato Fest Season!
Georgia Organics
by Danny Harper
6M ago
Thank you to everyone who joined us for this year’s Killer Tomato events! Between our pop-up farmers market and the 13th annual Attack of the Killer Tomato Festival (AKTF), this year’s tomato season was one for the books.  ..read more
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Buy a Bunch: Don’t Leaf Parsley Out! Your Local Parsley Purchasing Guide.
Georgia Organics
by Yaza Sarieh
7M ago
By: Alissa Pantuosco  Alissa Pantuosco is a Farm to School Contractor at Georgia Organics.  This year, in celebration of Farm to School Month, Georgia Organics is excited to ParSLAY the Day! To get kids excited about growing, tasting, and learning about parsley, we have created TONS of FREE lessons, resources, recipes, school nutrition materials, activities. Sign up for this year's campaign here!  Have you ever tried parsley from a local farm? Or do you grab a bunch of parsley from the produce section at the grocery store? This is the year to try locally grown parsley and ..read more
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Cultivating the Food Community in West Georgia by Building Bridges between Local Farmers and Early Care & Education Centers
Georgia Organics
by Guest User
8M ago
Author: Laura Edmonds, with support from Kimberly Koogler  Laura Edmonds supports Georgia Organics’ Community Collaborations work in West Georgia. She lives in Carrollton and is a farm and market crew member at two organic farms in the West Georgia area. Kimberly Koogler is Manager of Community Collaborations for Georgia Organics.  “CAFI Farm Corner”, May 21, 2024 Wolf Pup Produce Market Day at University of West GA PreK, May 17, 2024 Since 2017, Georgia Organics has been engaging West Georgia families in learning about, growing, and purchasing local, healthy food. Recently, Georgi ..read more
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