ScienceDaily » Biotechnology
Read the latest research and news from around the world on biotechnology, genetic engineering, drug development and more.
ScienceDaily » Biotechnology
11h ago
Scientists have developed a breakthrough method to track diet using stool metagenomic data. This non-invasive, data-driven approach offers an objective alternative to traditional food diaries and questionnaires, which are still the gold standard in dietary assessment but can suffer from misreporting and compliance issues ..read more
ScienceDaily » Biotechnology
11h ago
A research collaboration has found that besides regulating the fusion of mitochondria, Mitofusin 2 also ensures protein quality control. This discovery could open up new routes to treating Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease ..read more
ScienceDaily » Biotechnology
11h ago
A guardian molecule ensures that liver cells do not lose their identity. The discovery is of great interest for cancer medicine because a change of identity of cells has come into focus as a fundamental principle of carcinogenesis for several years. The researchers were able to show that the newly discovered sentinel is so powerful that it can slow down highly potent cancer drivers and cause malignant liver tumors to regress in mice ..read more
ScienceDaily » Biotechnology
11h ago
A new study unravels the relationship between mitofusins (mitochondrial proteins) and autophagy. Using gene editing with CRISPR-Cas9, the team has been able to study these proteins without altering them or producing them in excess, thereby allowing observation of their true function. The research paves the way for the development of therapeutic strategies to regulate autophagy, address metabolic diseases, and promote healthy aging ..read more
ScienceDaily » Biotechnology
11h ago
Biological motors, which aid microorganism movement in fluids, are composed of two components -- the rotor and stators. Despite much research, the exact molecular mechanism underlying stator function is yet unclear. In a new study, researchers analyzed the flagellar motor in Vibrio alginolyticus using cryo-electron microscopy and described how sodium ion flow through stators underlies stator function. Understanding biological motors better could lead to the development of efficient microscopic machines ..read more
ScienceDaily » Biotechnology
11h ago
Scientists have uncovered the equipment that enables bacteria to survive exposure to antibiotics: a shuttling mechanism that helps a complex of proteins pump out a wide spectrum of antibiotics along with other physiological substrates from the cell ..read more
ScienceDaily » Biotechnology
11h ago
Biomedical engineers have demonstrated a new synthetic approach that turbocharges bacteria into producing more of a specific protein, even proteins that would normally destroy them, such as antibiotics. The technique could be a boon to industries that use bacteria to produce a wide range of products such as pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals and biofuels ..read more
ScienceDaily » Biotechnology
5d ago
A recent study reveals that age plays a significant role in the outcomes of intermittent fasting. Researchers discovered that chronic intermittent fasting disrupted the development of insulin-producing beta cells in young mice. The findings raise concerns about potential risks for humans, especially teenagers ..read more
ScienceDaily » Biotechnology
5d ago
A new study has revealed the clearest-ever picture of the surface chemistry of worm species that provides groundbreaking insights into how animals interact with their environment and each other. These discoveries could pave the way for strategies to deepen our understanding of evolutionary adaptations, refine behavioural research, and ultimately overcome parasitic infections ..read more
ScienceDaily » Biotechnology
5d ago
Human genes that encode proteins often contain non-coding segments known as introns. Removing introns is crucial for the proper expression of genetic information. Understanding how our cells differentiate between coding and non-coding genetic material is crucial to human health. A specialized molecular complex known as the minor spliceosome removes some rare but critical introns, and several genetic disorders are associated with its dysfunction ..read more