See Jamie blog
Wrangler of kids & dogs. Addicted to tea, books, & sunshine. Homeschooler, adoptive mom, fitness enthusiast.
See Jamie blog
1y ago
After 16 years as a homeschooling mom, I opened my own fitness studio. I've just celebrated my first year of business, so I'm doing a bit of reminiscing...
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See Jamie blog
2y ago
That’s what the cool kids say nowadays, isn’t it? I looked up the origin of the phrase — because I’m not actually all that cool AND because I have teenagers so I try to stay on top of things like this — and it basically means the scoop, or gossip, usually about someone else. Depending on what source you trust, the phrase has some pretty interesting possible origins, possibly from drag queen culture or maybe just old ladies sipping tea while gossiping about the folks at church.
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See Jamie blog
3y ago
Years ago I picked up a little how-to-quilt book at Walmart and made my first quilt. After that full-sized one, I made one baby quilt. And then I guess I got busy and didn’t make time for it and the next thing I knew, it was nearly thirty years later and I decided I’d like to re-learn to quilt. There was that time I made these quilted Christmas stockings the year we adopted the youngest two kids, but that’s not the same as making an actual quilt.
I decided my reintroduction to quilting would be making a watch-me-grow baby quilt for Lindsey’s baby. When the baby arrived a few weeks ahead of sch ..read more
See Jamie blog
4y ago
As an adoptive parent, I’ve spent years reading about and seeking to understand the effects of trauma, including but not limited to anxiety, depression, behavioral issues, and attachment/relationship issues. Trauma can manifest in the body as well. If you’re interested in learning more about this, one of the most informative books I’ve read on the subject is The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk.
Exercise in general has been shown to relieve stress and manage anxiety, but yoga in particular can be therapeutic for those who have experienced trauma. When taught with a trauma-informed f ..read more
See Jamie blog
4y ago
“It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.” ~Muhammad Ali
We did something new as a family: indoor rock climbing! This was a fun outing to celebrate our youngest son’s 12th birthday. It was a first for us all, and we all got a chance to climb to the top with with the belay ropes. I now have even greater respect for my friends who do outdoor rock climbing!
family life
We celebrated two February birthdays: our sweet Daisy Dog turned 14. She has slowed down and gotten a bit wobbly, and I’ve gotten her squishier beds and more treats, but she’s still ..read more
See Jamie blog
4y ago
When my youngest girl returned to homeschooling last year, we had to work on a mindset shifts about grades. Specifically, that there are no bad grades in our homeschool.
Even my son who has never attended school still stressed about bad grades. I suppose this was from hearing his sister worry about her grades, and maybe even from movies or TV shows.
They may not do well on a lesson — but in our homeschool, they’ll never fail the subject because we’ll keep working on those concepts until they understand them.
I spent months last year explaining repeatedly to my kids: if you aren’t doing well i ..read more
See Jamie blog
4y ago
“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”
~Mary Oliver, Sometimes
Hey, look! — It’s my third post already this year. Are y’all still reading?
I miss the days when folks regularly commented. Those were the good old days… then again, I’m from ancient blogland times; I started blogging the year Kathryn started kindergarten so that was nearly 16 years ago!
family life
We have a new neighbor: my mother-in-law! Ken’s mom has moved just a couple of miles down the road. The kids are loving having Nana so nearby and she’s enjoying them, too.
This winter is very wi ..read more
See Jamie blog
4y ago
I have no lack of ideas of things I’d love to do.
But there’s the issue of being a human who has finite time and energy, as well as commitments that may not fall in the category of things I’m excited about but are nonetheless necessary. Like laundry and cleaning the shower and feeding kids and dogs.
I’m writing this today as a reminder to myself and maybe to you, too.
It’s good to have goals.
(planner by Commit30)
Although I do periodically spend time setting intentions for the months ahead, I also give myself permission for goals to change as needed. I’ll share a specific example.
Last week ..read more
See Jamie blog
4y ago
The year wasn’t all bad for us, but it certainly had challenges. There’s been so much talk about everyone being excited for a new year, but nothing feels different to me this year just because we flipped the calendar. Even so, I’m glad to see the tail end of 2020.
We smoked ourselves out of the house on Thanksgiving (don’t ask), which felt like par for the course. Thankfully, we had a calmer, quiet Christmas.
Pretty sure this is the definition of hygge.
It’s been cold; I don’t like cold. I also don’t like shorter days, but we’ve passed the winter solstice now, which means days are getting long ..read more
See Jamie blog
4y ago
I decided a while back that I had shifted to writing here on my personal blog whenever time allows and the urge strikes. Unfortunately, most of the time the two don’t happen simultaneously, so here we are.
family life They turned 13 & 20!
We had two birthdays since my last post. One became a teen; one phased out of being a teen. So now I’ve got ages 11, 13, and 20 still under the roof.
The grandkids have all had birthdays, too! Two have birthdays in August, one in September, one in October, and one more next week so then we’ll have ages 6 (girl), 5 (boy), 4 (boy), 4 (girl), and 3 (boy). Wh ..read more