Why Are You Learning Arabic? لماذا تتعلم اللغة العربية؟
Transparent » Arabic Language Blog
by yasmine
2y ago
لماذا تتعلم اللغة العربية؟ Why are you learning Arabic? In this last Arabic blog post, we’ll say مع السلامة goodbye and send you all some happy wishes regarding your Arabic learning. We’ll also look at the goals أهداف or reasons أسباب many Arabic learners have for learning this unique language, such as work, travel, religion, an interest in Arab culture, etc., to help you explain to others in Arabic why you are learning this language, in addition to hopefully encouraging you to keep going! Image provided by Yasmine K. لماذا تتعلم اللغة العربية؟ There are of course countless different reason ..read more
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The Ancient City of Fes فاس
Transparent » Arabic Language Blog
by yasmine
2y ago
In this post, we’ll learn about the ancient city of Fes in Morocco مدينة فاس القديمة في المغرب. It’s history تاريخها dates back over a thousand years ألف سنة. Fes فاس is filled with souks أسواق, cafes مقاهي, Islamic architecture العمارة الإسلامية, and mosques المساجد. We’ll begin with watching a clip about what makes مدينة فاس special مميز then read a letter from Yousef يوسف to his friend about his visit to فاس. After watching the video, can you guess what the following phrases mean? وسط مدينة فاس منازل تقليدية المدينة القديمة جامع القرويين صناعة الفخار Here is an illustration of the Grande P ..read more
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الفضاء الخارجي Outer Space in Arabic Part Two
Transparent » Arabic Language Blog
by yasmine
2y ago
Welcome back to part two about الفضاء space in Arabic. In this post, we’ll listen to a clip from Sky News Arabia سكاي نيوزعربية about space exploration إستكشاف الفضاء. Below I have transcribed the first minute and a half to help you follow along while you listen. We’ll begin by searching for vocabulary related to الفضاء which we covered in part one. We’ll then answer some true or false questions for Arabic comprehension practice. استكشاف الفضاء أبرز مخططات استكشاف الفضاء في 2022 ..read more
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الفضاء الخارجي Outer Space in Arabic
Transparent » Arabic Language Blog
by yasmine
2y ago
Lately my son ابني has been obsessed with the planets الكواكب and anything to do with outer space الفضاء الخارجي. We have been exploring this topic in Arabic as well which gave me the idea to do the same with you in this post. In this part one post, we’ll first learn the basic vocabulary needed to understand the topic of الفضاء in Arabic. We’ll also watch a clip that compares the sizes of both planets الكواكب and dwarf planets الكواكب القزمة and read  information about each planet, then answer the truth or false صح أو خطأ questions. In part two, we’ll listen to a clip from Sky News Arabia ..read more
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طفولتي My Childhood
Transparent » Arabic Language Blog
by yasmine
2y ago
ما أجمل ذكريات طفولتك؟ What are the nicest memories from your childhood? In this post, we’ll talk about childhood الطفولة. We’ll first read an Arabic definition of the word طفولة, then practice our Arabic writing and vocabulary skills through a fun exercise where we answer some questions about our own childhood. Image provided by Yasmine K. Before we read the definition below, can you guess the root word for طفولة? Yup, child in Arabic is طفل and the plural form is أطفال. Important vocabulary to help us understand the definition: الولادة: birth  مرحلة: stage سن المراهقة: adolescence&nbs ..read more
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أيهما تفضل؟ Which Do You Prefer?
Transparent » Arabic Language Blog
by yasmine
2y ago
In this post, we’ll practice how to use “to prefer” يُفَضِّل in Arabic by answering some fun questions. Before we begin, if someone asks you أيهما تفضل؟ Which/what do you prefer? You can answer by beginning your sentence with …أُفَضِّل I prefer… For example, أيهما تفضل؟  مشاهدة فيلم في البيت مع عائلتك، أو في السينما مع أصدقائك؟  أفضل مشاهدة فيلم مع عائلتي في البيت Which do you prefer? Watching a movie at home with your family, or in the cinema with your friends? I prefer watching a movie with my family at home. Image provided by Yasmine K. Practice with the following questions: (No ..read more
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توقع المستقبل Predicting the Future
Transparent » Arabic Language Blog
by yasmine
2y ago
In this post, we’ll practice the future tense by making predictions توقعات about the future المستقبل. There are two ways to talk about the future in Arabic: By adding the prefix سَـ ‏‎ or the word سوف  before the present tense forms of the verb, for example: سيكتب or سوف يكتب “he will write”. توقع المستقبل Image provided by Yasmine K. Read the following paragraph about predicting the future توقع المستقبل, notice that each tense begins with either the prefix سَـ ‏‎ or the word سوف. First, determine these future tenses and their meanings, then choose from the words below to fill in the bl ..read more
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The Ancient City of Fes فاس
Transparent » Arabic Language Blog
by yasmine
2y ago
In this post, we’ll learn about the ancient city of Fes in Morocco مدينة فاس القديمة في المغرب. It’s history تاريخها dates back over a thousand years ألف سنة. Fes فاس is filled with souks أسواق, cafes مقاهي, Islamic architecture العمارة الإسلامية, and mosques المساجد. We’ll begin with watching a clip about what makes مدينة فاس special مميز then read a letter from Yousef يوسف to his friend about his visit to فاس. After watching the video, can you guess what the following phrases mean? وسط مدينة فاس منازل تقليدية المدينة القديمة جامع القرويين صناعة الفخار Here is an illustration of the Grande P ..read more
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الفضاء الخارجي Outer Space in Arabic Part Two
Transparent » Arabic Language Blog
by yasmine
2y ago
Welcome back to part two about الفضاء space in Arabic. In this post, we’ll listen to a clip from Sky News Arabia سكاي نيوزعربية about space exploration إستكشاف الفضاء. Below I have transcribed the first minute and a half to help you follow along while you listen. We’ll begin by searching for vocabulary related to الفضاء which we covered in part one. We’ll then answer some true or false questions for Arabic comprehension practice. استكشاف الفضاء أبرز مخططات استكشاف الفضاء في 2022 ..read more
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الفضاء الخارجي Outer Space in Arabic
Transparent » Arabic Language Blog
by yasmine
2y ago
Lately my son ابني has been obsessed with the planets الكواكب and anything to do with outer space الفضاء الخارجي. We have been exploring this topic in Arabic as well which gave me the idea to do the same with you in this post. In this part one post, we’ll first learn the basic vocabulary needed to understand the topic of الفضاء in Arabic. We’ll also watch a clip that compares the sizes of both planets الكواكب and dwarf planets الكواكب القزمة and read  information about each planet, then answer the truth or false صح أو خطأ questions. In part two, we’ll listen to a clip from Sky News Arabia ..read more
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