Kelley Elders » Adoption
Hey, y'all! I'm Kelley. Kevin and I have been married since August 2007 and about 3 years after we were married, we started thinking about kids, which I guess is the normal progression of things. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes...ADOPTION! So If you'd like to know what's going on in our life, if you'd like to find out what an open adoption really looks..
Kelley Elders » Adoption
1y ago
On Mother’s Day, Kevin called me out from the pulpit about the fact that I have yet to write Kallen’s story on this blog. It has been an absolutely crazy year so far (thanks to being a tax accountant) but I promise, his story is coming! It takes me a long time to write these things, and I’ve been working on it the past few weeks. I can’t wait to share his story with you. It is one of the sweetest stories of our family.
For the record, it has been a (bad) habit of mine of consistently attempting to “catch up” every June/July and failing miserably. I really hope that isn’t the case because this ..read more
Kelley Elders » Adoption
3y ago
I have been in denial the past few weeks, but Kallen did, in fact, turn ONE back on October 10th. It is crazy how fast a year has past. I know I feel like each one has gone faster than the one before but this one was unbelievable. My little buddy is ONE.
We had his one year well visit a few days after his birthday. He’s been steady in the same percentiles throughout the year.
He is 12 lbs 14 oz, which puts him in the 59% for weight
He is 29.29″ long, which puts him in the 27% for height
He is the sweetest little guy. He loves to give hugs. He loves his Mama. He loves DOGS. He can crawl at cr ..read more
Kelley Elders » Adoption
3y ago
October has become a busy month! On Wednesday we celebrated Karsten’s seventh birthday.
We had some pictures done by a photographer friend, and I’m sharing these next two just because I love them so much. Kevin and Kate were at a Georgia game the day we did these pictures, so I was able to get away with a Clemson jersey for Karsten. In my defense, 1 + 6 = SEVEN!
For Kate’s tenth birthday, I put together a little video with pictures of her from a baby up to age 10. When Karsten saw it, she said “Where is mine!?” so I had to promise one for her birthday too. These things were time cons ..read more
Kelley Elders » Adoption
3y ago
As usual, I’m playing catch up. But we’re just 2 days away from this sweet boy’s FIRST birthday so I should probably post Months 10 and 11, huh?
Little man has 8 teeth – eight! They all came through at about the same time. He is crawling all over the place, but not wanting to take those first steps. We are getting some new sounds but not many words. DADA is his favorite word and we hear it allllll the time.
Since I’ll be posting again in a couple of days, I’ll leave you with the sweet pictures we took during his 10th and 11th months.
Kallen – you are loved!
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Kelley Elders » Adoption
3y ago
Sweet little man is getting SO close to being one year old, and here I am catching up on his 9 month post!
In short – he is doing great and we love him so. He is a chill, go-with-the-flow kind of baby and is exactly what our family needed. His sisters adore him and he is constantly showered with all kinds of attention.
Doesn’t this look like a happy little guy?
I mean really. Can he get any cuter? Month nine sure was fun!
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Kelley Elders » Adoption
3y ago
At this point, baby boy is ALMOST 9 months but I’m just about caught up on his monthly posts!
He turned 8 months way back on June 10th and it has been a month full of fun. He has ONE little tooth sticking through and it is hilarious to see. There are five more that we can now see, four on top and 1 on the bottom so soon he will have a mouth full of teeth.
In the last week or so, he has become a belly sleeper and it’s cute to see his little rear end sticking up in the air when I check on him on the video monitor. He is sleeping great – 12 hours at night! Naps are hit or miss but fo ..read more
Kelley Elders » Adoption
3y ago
Kate loves her long hair and honestly, so do we. BUT it has been getting a little hard to manage the longer and longer it has gotten. With the hot summer weather coming up, it was the perfect time for a big hair cut for her. We chopped off quite a bit of length, but it is still long enough to be considered “long” and definitely long enough for the much needed summer pony tail. We love it and she has a much easier time keeping it brushed out and tangle free!
This is the girl that made me a Mama – and I am so thankful God placed her in our family. She is sweet and caring. She is the best ..read more
Kelley Elders » Adoption
3y ago
What. A. Week.
It has been a week to remember. I hope that every year we come home saying “That was the best vacation ever.” but it really was true this year. It was our first as a family of FIVE and while no one will claim it was the most relaxing trip ever (hello? we have an 8 month old), it was so much FUN. We are so thankful for the opportunity to do this trip each summer. God has truly blessed our family.
Kallen was an absolute trouper and napped on the beach in his stroller so we got in quite a bit of beach time. He stayed up late and we played putt-putt one night. Not shocking ..read more
Kelley Elders » Adoption
3y ago
I’ve been on the longest blog-break that I’ve had since I started this blog. Unintentionally (again). Pretty sure this is the craziest work year I’ve had. Kevin calls me the queen of exaggeration but I’m pretty sure he would agree that I’m not exaggerating on this one!
So since I will never get caught up on Kallen’s monthly updates at this rate, here are months 5, 6 and 7.
This little boy is such a blessing. He is sweet and smiley and so much fun. And these past 3 months have been so incredibly FUN. First of all, baby boy started SLEEPING around 4.5 months old. Thankfully, he st ..read more
Kelley Elders » Adoption
4y ago
We haven’t had a baby in our house in 6 years. That’s a pretty big gap, and for the longest time Karsten has been our baby. We really had no idea how both girls would really react to a baby brother, even though they had prayed and prayed for him for nearly a year.
Any worrying we had done was a complete waste because these girls are both smitten with their baby brother. And the feeling is mutual.
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
– Ecclesiastes 4:12
I am so ..read more