Nourishing My Scholar
I'm Erin, a homeschooling mom to two very intense kids. My blog is filled with information to help you explore a child-led education while making meaningful connections with your children. Discover favorite read-alouds, seasonal books, games, art projects, and hands-on activities, and learn to just breathe through the ups and downs of life.
Nourishing My Scholar
1y ago
Spring, summer, autumn, or winter- anytime is a great time to study the weather with your kids. Learn about how to predict the weather, different weather patterns, and natural disasters with this awesome hands-on unit study!
*Disclosure: I was asked for an honest review of The Waldock Way’s Weather and Natural Disaster Unit Study. I was compensated for my time. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I only choose to share resources that I would use with my own family and those that I believe other families will enjoy and benefit from.
It’s no secret that we love using The Waldock Wa ..read more
Nourishing My Scholar
1y ago
Do your kids love learning about the science of animals? Then they may enjoy the Who Would Win unit study for kids!
*Disclosure: I was asked for an honest review of The Waldock Way’s Who Would Win. I was compensated for my time. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I only choose to share resources that I would use with my own family and those that I believe other families will enjoy and benefit from.
My daughter adores anything to do with animals. Books, videos, and games are all on her radar. When I heard that The Waldock Way had a new set of mini-unit studies based on the Who Wo ..read more
Nourishing My Scholar
2y ago
Christmas around the world with cookies is a tasty and fun way for children to explore cultures and traditions from around the globe.
*Disclosure: I was asked for an honest review of The Waldock Way’s Santa’s Tasty Trip Around the World. I was compensated for my time. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I only choose to share resources that I would use with my own family and those that I believe other families will enjoy and benefit from.
My daughter LOVES Christmas time. Bring on the soft lights, Christmas tree, and holiday decorations. She loves it all. So much so that she want ..read more
Nourishing My Scholar
2y ago
My double mastectomy was scheduled for Wednesday morning. How did I end up here? I was hoping the MRI results would show the lump was contained and we could proceed with a lumpectomy. That wasn’t exactly the case.
I was diagnosed with cancer on July 13th.
The cancer appeared contained from what we could see, BUT there was far more of it than we would have guessed.
8.5 cm X 4.1 cm to be exact. The breast had to go. There was no saving it.
How did I go from a clear mammogram last year to such a large mass this year? We have no answers.
It’s scary.
So because I know myself, how quickly this canc ..read more
Nourishing My Scholar
2y ago
“You have cancer. I’m sorry.”
The words of my doctor seared into my brain. Afterward, and even for several days, everything the doctors said didn’t make sense. It was like my ears were stuffed with cotton. All I kept thinking about were my kids. How could I be diagnosed with cancer? I had no risk factors, and I’m only 42.
When Mom is Diagnosed with Cancer
I was told that the lump was probably nothing to worry about, and I immediately called my doctor when I discovered it. It was National Donut Day, and the children and I made chalk pastel donuts. Yet, it took two weeks to get in ..read more
Nourishing My Scholar
2y ago
As I sat in the passenger seat of our vehicle, I clutched my seatbelt tightly. I couldn’t breathe. I was gasping for air, yet the air didn’t seem to enter my lungs. The heaviness on my chest was suffocating. I just knew we were going to careen off the mountain road. I couldn’t breathe and the tears began to flow. This was an anxiety attack, and I couldn’t stop it.
In reality, we were perfectly safe. My husband was driving below the speed limit as we made our way to Cherokee National Forest. The two-lane road was narrow, but two vehicles could still easily pass each other. But anxiety doesn’t ..read more
Nourishing My Scholar
2y ago
A hands-on ocean study for kids is the perfect way to beat the heat by diving deep into the blue and all it contains. Explore books, games, videos, and hands-on activities to keep your ocean-loving kiddos happy and learning!
*Disclosure: I was asked for an honest review of The Waldock Way’s Ocean Unit Study. I was compensated for my time. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I only choose to share resources that I would use with my own family and those that I believe other families will enjoy and benefit from.
My kids have always loved the ocean. The sun, the sand, waves, and crea ..read more
Nourishing My Scholar
2y ago
High School is looming, so my son and I plan how he wants his 9th-grade year to look. Here are the resources he and I have chosen for his multi-sensory high school.
My son enjoys and retains more information learning via video, books, worksheets, and a few hands-on activities here and there while still following his interests. I admit that at first, the idea of homeschooling high school seemed scary. After all, there are transcripts, dual enrollment, college applications, and a slew of other things to consider. My son isn’t sure what he wants to do when he graduates. Of course, that isn’t a b ..read more
Nourishing My Scholar
3y ago
With these online technology classes, your kids can learn computer pixel art, coding, programming, robotics, modeling, design, and computer fundamentals in live classes!
*Disclosure: I was asked for an honest review of MYTEK LAB. I was compensated for my time. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I only choose to share resources that I would use with my own family and those that I believe other families will enjoy and benefit from.
We live in a technology-driven world. Now more than ever, our children need skills to help them traverse the possibilities of technology safely and edu ..read more
Nourishing My Scholar
3y ago
Discover the fantastic national parks of our country without ever leaving the comfort of your own home unless you want to. That’s right, I’ve discovered a curriculum that will take you and your kid’s trekking across the country to 60 of America’s national parks!
*Disclosure: I was asked for an honest review of Traveling the Parks. I was compensated for my time. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I only choose to share resources that I would use with my own family and those that I believe other families will enjoy and benefit from.
Discover National Parks for Kids
My daughter and ..read more