“25 x 25 in ’25” Public Speaking Exercises
Speak Up For Success Blog
by Jezra
2d ago
Apparently I didn’t have enough to do this year, because I recently decided to launch a new project! ? “25 x 25 in ’25” is a series of 25 public speaking exercises you can do in just 25 seconds a day… to become a better public speaker in 2025! (Or any time you want.) To learn about each new exercise, subscribe to my Read More The post “25 x 25 in ’25” Public Speaking Exercises appeared first on Speak Up For Success ..read more
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Aim Your Words: A “25 x 25 in ’25” Public Speaking Exercise
Speak Up For Success Blog
by Jezra
4d ago
When I was young, in the early 1970s, I spent a few years working in some pretty disreputable bars. One was the kind of joint where people arrived at 6am to start drinking their disability checks, and the other was a biker bar in San Francisco’s “Tenderloin” (red light) district. The main thing I learned from Read More The post Aim Your Words: A “25 x 25 in ’25” Public Speaking Exercise appeared first on Speak Up For Success ..read more
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Breathing: A Public Speaking Practice Exercise
Speak Up For Success Blog
by Jezra
1w ago
I’ve struggled to breathe for most of my life. And yes, I know: Breathing is supposed to be a natural, unconscious function. Babies are born knowing how to do it. But most of our adult customs—from swallowing our feelings to sitting at our desks all day—work against the “natural” part and leave our brains and Read More The post Breathing: A Public Speaking Practice Exercise appeared first on Speak Up For Success ..read more
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Take Stock of Your Wins!
Speak Up For Success Blog
by Jezra
6M ago
Many years ago, I discovered a book called Your Best Year Yet: Ten Questions for Making Your Next Twelve Months the Most Successful Ever. In it, author Jinny Ditzler invites you take stock of yourself by answering questions like, Normally, these sorts of exercises are not my idea of a good time. (They’re too “New Read More The post Take Stock of Your Wins! appeared first on Speak Up For Success ..read more
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Do You Talk TOO MUCH or TOO LITTLE in Meetings?
Speak Up For Success Blog
by Jezra
7M ago
Here’s how to make your participation “Just Right”! If you’ve heard the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, you know that when our girl invaded the bears’ home, her goal was to appropriate the “just right” bed. And chair. And bowl of porridge. She found (and took) all of these things. But if Goldilocks had been looking for a “just right” meeting, she would have had to look for a long time. Why? There’s Plenty of Blame to Go Around Meeting leaders often show up without a clear agenda or a clear idea of how to keep participants on track. But participants can also be to blame, wh ..read more
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Don’t Self-Promote…Do This Instead!
Speak Up For Success Blog
by Jezra
1y ago
I recently got a promo email from Cat Mulvihill, an internet consultant I admire. (Her advice on how to set up a home video studio is priceless.) It was a reminder to register for her Virtual Camera for Beginners Workshop, and she closed it by saying, NO LONGER A BEGINNER? If there is someone in your life who could benefit from this workshop, I would really appreciate it if you would consider sharing the workshop details or forwarding this email.  I want to help as many people as I can, and word of mouth is a powerful way to spread the message. Couldn’t Have Said It Better Mys ..read more
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How to Write Great Acceptance Speeches
Speak Up For Success Blog
by Jezra
1y ago
For the past few years, I’ve had the honor of writing speeches with some of America’s greatest (American) football players. And I’ve also had the honor of being featured in a New York Times article about that work. How can that be? (you might ask), when I know almost nothing about football or, in fact, any sport besides lying on the couch reading romance novels? It can be because we are writing acceptance speeches Are All Acceptance Speeches Created Equal? Not quite. A speech that you would give to accept an Academy Award or enshrinement in the Pro Football Hall of Fame is not the same as a sp ..read more
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Brevity (Being Brief) Isn’t Only for Speaking
Speak Up For Success Blog
by Jezra
1y ago
The first time I heard the phrase, “Be brief, be bold, be gone,” I laughed out loud. It was that delicious. And if you’re reading this, I image that you also would prefer to communicate clearly, concisely, and at an effective length. When you’re speaking, using my Instant Speech format takes care of that for you. But what about when you’re writing? How can you curb the number of words you use, with the goal of grabbing and holding your readers’ attention? Brevity Can Power Your Writing, Too That’s the problem that Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen and Roy Schwartz, co-Founders of the news site Axios, t ..read more
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Filler Words Can Be Good for Your Public Speaking
Speak Up For Success Blog
by Jezra
1y ago
And I, uhm, really mean that! Before becoming a public speaking coach and speechwriter, I was a jazz singer. And as a jazz singer, I spent a lot of time—arguably, too much time—developing a smooth-as-silk vocal style. Some singers growl (think Janis Joplin). Others beguile (Dolly Parton) or proclaim (Beyoncé). I wanted to float people away on a magic carpet of rich, smooth sound. So I practiced and worked and worked and practiced, and before I knew it, I had developed a vocal style that was excellent for sophisticated songs, and much less effective for songs about anger or pain. Maybe Smooth I ..read more
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Did ChatGPT Help Write This?
Speak Up For Success Blog
by Jezra
1y ago
The new technology is terrifying…and terrific! Taking ChatGPT Out for a Spin Today, I spent about an hour fooling around with ChatGPT for the first time. (Here’s the excellent YouTube tutorial I started with:) Then I wrote a newsletter about it. The newsletter briefly describes what ChatGPT is, gives a short list of things it does, and ends with the Million Dollar Question, “Did ChatGPT help me write this?”  The Envelope, Please… The answer is Yes. I used ChatGPT to help me write the newsletter in three ways: I asked it for a self-definition (“What is ChatGPT?”) that I edited/expanded ..read more
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